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Mohamed Salah & Emad Hamam. A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: produces a rotary deflection of some type of pointer in response to electric current.

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Presentation on theme: "Mohamed Salah & Emad Hamam. A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: produces a rotary deflection of some type of pointer in response to electric current."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mohamed Salah & Emad Hamam

2 A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: produces a rotary deflection of some type of pointer in response to electric current flowing through its coil in a magnetic field.

3 Sensitive galvanometers were used to detect signals from long submarine cables, and were used to discover the electrical activity of the heart and brain

4 . What is a Voltmeter ? A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit. voltmeters were originally called galvanometers Technically, all voltmeters are ammeters, as they measure current rather than voltage.

5 1- Analog:

6 2-Digital Digital meters can be made with high accuracy, typically better than 1%.


8 An ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance: It is an open circuit. Although it is impossible to make a physical voltmeter with infinite resistance, a well designed voltmeter exhibits a very large internal input resistance.

9 A voltmeter is placed in parallel with a circuit element to measure the voltage drop across it and must be designed to draw very little current from the circuit so that it does not appreciably change the circuit it is measuring

10 Determine the internal resistance of the voltmeter in the circuit shown in figure :

11 The voltmeter reads the voltage across itself, which includes its internal resistance. The current is given by the equation:

12 From Ohm's Law, if we know the current (I) and the voltage we can compute.

13 V=R I V=(Rs+Rg)Ig V=Rs Ig + Rg Ig Rs=V full range /Ig - Rg


15 If you have electric current equal to 1 (mA) and you have a light bulb resistance of 200 ohms. How much is the needed voltage to turn the bulb on? calculate the voltage through Ohm's law: V = I * R V= 200 * 0.001 V = 0.2 volts So you need a battery voltage difference of 0.2 voltage.

16 Measure ground resistance using :- lamp voltmeter Ammeter Note: This method gives approximate results.


18 connect the circuit as before. take the voltmeter and ammeter values. Voltage along the ground resistance :- = voltage source - lamp voltage. Ground resistance = Voltage along the ground resistance / current

19 In an experiment to measure the resistance of the ground by ordinary lamp, voltmeter,Ammeter. The voltmeter reading which was connected in parallel with the lamp was equal to (217) volts and the reading of the Ammeter respectively connected with the department equal to (0.45) mA.Calculate the resistance of the ground. note that the electric voltage source equals (220 volts)..??

20 Voltage along the ground resistance = voltage source - lamp voltage = 220-217 = 3 V. Ground resistance = Voltage along the ground resistance / current. 3(v) /.45 (A) = 6.67 ohm.

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