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Safety Stand Down - Intervention. Safety Stand Down Introduction:  What is a safety intervention?  To involve oneself in an at-risk situation so as.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Stand Down - Intervention. Safety Stand Down Introduction:  What is a safety intervention?  To involve oneself in an at-risk situation so as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Stand Down - Intervention

2 Safety Stand Down Introduction:  What is a safety intervention?  To involve oneself in an at-risk situation so as to alter or hinder an action or the development if an incident or injury.  A safety intervention is action taken to prevent an injury or incident from occurring.  What is at-risk?  At-risk behavior is a behavior that exposes a worker to a potential injury. At-risk condition is a condition with the potential to cause injury, property damage or process failure.

3 Safety Stand Down Why intervene? Every Employee has the Right and duty to intervene  All Canadian OHS legislation requires employers to promotes the right and the duty of every employee to intervene in the interests of safety  An intervention process facilitates feedback  An intervention process is proactive  em·ploy·ee  a person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation.

4 Safety Stand Down Benefits of intervention  Injury prevention  Incident prevention  Identification of at-risk behavior or condition  Fewer equipment damage incidents  Fewer material loss incidents  Completion of work or task on time and budget

5 Safety Stand Down Who should intervene?  All employees have the obligation to speak up when they identify an at-risk behavior or condition  Employees in a leadership role need to be a role model; if an activity doesn’t look right start to ask questions  Employees in a leadership role give silent consent when they ignore an at-risk situation; they need to speak up  If employees don’t see leaders intervening they will not think it is important – if it is important to the leader it will be important to the employee

6 Safety Stand Down How do you intervene?  Having the courage to stop at-risk situations is what is important  Stress the friendly, helpful protective nature of the intervention  Interventions help each other – avoid personal criticism  Coach employees to use words to stop at-risk without offending – don’t lecture  Keep it short  Never ask for names  If discipline is attached to a safety intervention employees will not intervene – we don’t like to get our co-workers in trouble

7 Safety Stand Down Where?  Everywhere where work is being conducted  In vehicle cabs  In parking lots  In offices, building and camps  On drilling rigs, on service rigs, on well sites,  Seismic operations  Pipeline construction sites

8 Safety Stand Down When do you intervene?  When you see an at-risk behavior  Not wearing a seat belt  Talking on a cell phone while driving  When an employee is standing in the line of fire  When you see an at-risk condition  A vehicle parked without the park brake applied  Ice build up on a high pedestrian traffic path  An unsecured load of pipe on a trailer

9 Safety Stand Down Conclusion  Why wait until it’s too late…  Stop at-risk actions and conditions before injury or incidents occur  It is your duty and obligation to intervene on behalf of safety.

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