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The Seven Kings of Rome By: Nicole DeBarba.

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1 The Seven Kings of Rome By: Nicole DeBarba

2 Romulus .Romulus killed Remus .Founder of Rome .First King
B.C .Filled city with runaway slaves and criminals .Captured Sabine woman .Sabine tribe declared war on Rome .Sabine tribe and Rome reached an agreement . He formed the Roman legion .He created the senate .His death is a mystery

3 Numa Pompilius .Married the daughter of Titius Tatius
.Romulus and Titius Tatius died .He became King .Second King of Rome B.C. .Aided by Egeria .Didn’t believe in war .Created ceremonial law and religious rites .Built the temple of Janus .Made a calendar .Responsibly for the pontifices, flamens, and vestal virgins .Died of old age

4 Tullus Hostilius .Grandson of a military leader for the Romans
.He was elected by the senate .The third King of Rome B.C. .Mainly focused on wars .Defeated the Albans .Entered another war the Sabines .Never praised the gods .Gods put Rome in a plague .Jupiter killed him

5 Ancus Marcius .Son of Numa Pompilius’s daughter
.The fourth King of Rome B.C. .Continued religious ceremonies .Led a capable military .Conquered the Latins .Built a wooden bridge across the Tiber river .Founded the port of Ostia .Built a prison .Died of old age

6 Lucius Priscus Tarquinius
.Etruscan origin .Moved to Rome .Became friends with Ancus Marcius .Became gardian of the sons of Ancus Marcius .When Marcius died he became King .The fifth King of Rome B.C. .Built the Cloaca Maxima .Temple of Jupiter .Increased senators .Doubled soldiers .His two sons assassinated him

7 Servius Tullius .Was a slave .Became son of Tarquinius Priscus
.Tarquinius died .Tullius became King .The sixth King of Rome .578 – 534 B.C. .Divided Rome into tribes and classes .Built Servian Wall .Killed by Lucius Tarquinius Superbus

8 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Son of Ancus Marcius Gardian child of Lucius Priscus Tarquinius Killed Servius Tullius The last and seventh King of Rome B.C. Tarquin the Proud Founded colonies Placed many building projects upon the Romans His son did the rape of Lucretia Brutus killed him The Roman Republic was established in 509 B. C.

9 Bibliography

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