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Anatomy The lateral wall of nose: Maxillary bone Ethmoid bone

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2 Anatomy The lateral wall of nose: Maxillary bone Ethmoid bone
Esphenoid bone Inferior turbinate Lacrimal bone Palatine bone

3 Turbinates

4 Lamella

5 Uncinate process

6 Uncinate process


8 Ostiomeatal complex : OMC
Anterior ethmoid middle meatus complex Bulla ethmoidalis Lamina papyracea Uncinate process Fovea ethmoidalis Basal lamella

9 Ostiomeatal complex : OMC
Suprabullar recess Frontal ostium Lateral sinus Frontal recess Retrobullar recess HSS HSI Maxillary ostium Infundibulum

10 Ostiomeatal complex : OMC
Bulla ethmoidalis Hiatus semilunaris inferior Infundibulum Frontal recess & Frontal ostium Maxillary ostium

11 Ostiomeatal complex : OMC
Bulla ethmoidalis Hiatus semilunaris superior Lateral sinus Retro-bullar recess Supra-bullar recess


13 Maxillary ostium

14 Frontal recess A B

15 Cell No. 1 is the agger nasi cell as it is seen anterior to the middle turbinate (A). It can be seen on the parasagittal scan, just behind the frontal process of the maxilla. Cell No. 2 is the K3 cell as it can be seen above the floor of the frontal sinus (the continuous bone just below No. 2) as it has pneumatized through the frontal ostium into the frontal sinus. Cell No. 3 is the ISSC as it is associated with the frontal sinus septum. Seen only on the parasagittal scan, cell Nos. 4 and 5 represent the supra-bulla cell and bulla ethmoidalis, respectively


17 Landmarks in FESS The four lamellae Uncinate process Bulla ethmoidalis
Basal lamella Sphenoid sinus

18 Skull base: anterior ethmoids & AEA
Crista galli Septum Cribriform plate Middle turbinate Lateral lamella Fovea ethmoidalis

19 Middle turbinate, basal lamella
Part Site Direction Attachment 1st part (anterior) Vertical Skull base 2nd part (middle) Oblique Lamina papyracea 3rd part (posterior) Transverse Perpendicular plate of palatine bone

20 Middle turbinate, basal lamella



23 Basal lamella and ethmoids
Anterior ethmoids Posterior ethmoids

24 Sphenoid sinus Optic nerve Carotid artery Sella tursica Maxillary nerve Vidian nerve




28 II- Boundaries ‘Limits’
Orbit Lamina papyracea Cranial cavity Fovea ethmoidalis Cribriform plate Sphenoid

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