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Sea turtles of the UAE: Status and Conservation Options

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1 Sea turtles of the UAE: Status and Conservation Options
Thabit Zahran Al-Abdessalaam Marine Environment Research Center, Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi

2 Importance of Sea Turtles
They are flagship species (well-known species that appeal to the public for their preservation and the protection of their habitat) They are umbrella species (protecting the important umbrella species and preserving their habitat helps to protect a number of other species that depend on the same habitat)

3 Sea turtle species in the UAE
Green and Hawksbills are the predominant species Greens forage in UAE waters while Hawksbills have been found to forage and nest on UAE islands Other 3 species; Olive ridley, Loggerhead and Leatherback are occasional visitors, not known to forage or nest in UAE waters.

4 Sea Turtle Research Program of Environment Agency Abu Dhabi
Monitor nests and nesting habitats Assess inter-annual nesting variability Determine nesting processes and patterns Identify foraging areas and migration routes Develop and implement a conservation management plan Promote public awareness

5 Approach Reporting Aerial and Field Surveys DATA Collection
Entry and store Interpretation Map Review and implementation of existing regulations develop conservation options Public Awareness programs Implementation of Conservation Management Plan

6 Aerial Survey

7 Foraging population Estimated foraging population of sea turtles in Abu Dhabi waters √ Winter 2001: 5700 (SE + 652, density 0.85 / Km2) √ Winter 2004: 5550 (SE + 688, density 0.86 / Km2)

8 Field Surveys Monitoring sea turtle nesting habitats
Collection of seasonal habitat data Documentation of threats and impact of human activities Investigation of cause of death

9 Inter-annual Nesting

10 Nesting Season: March through June. One season in a year. Nesting usually occurs at night. Day nesting is very rare. Hawksbill clutches are smaller in the UAE compared to Hawksbills elsewhere. High number of nests in Northern islands compared to Western islands Hawksbill is the only nesting species

11 Nesting Process Nesting process (n=27) : 2 hr 08 minutes
Egg chamber depth: (n=42) 34.9 cm to 51.2 cm. Average: 44.6 cm Clutch size (n=66): 71 eggs Incubation (n=68):59.2 days Inter-nesting period (n=6):13 days

12 Hatchlings Hatching occurs during late night or early morning
Hatchlings measure on average – 3.9 cm CCL, 3.8 cm CCW and weigh 11.9 gm Hatching success is highest during June.


14 Satellite Tracking Provides information on: Post nesting migration
Foraging area Biological characteristics and general behavior Time spent for foraging and resting Migration pattern Distance covered per day

15 UAE Telemetry Program 1998, 2 Green at Ras Al Khaima
1999, 2 Hawksbills at Jarnain island 2001, 2 Hawksbills at Jarnain 2002, 1 Hawksbill at Jarnain 2006, 2 Green turtles at Bu Tinha Collaboration with Oman and Pakistan


17 Results Turtle ID 14756 (HB - 67cm x 60 cm)
Distance covered km / 19 days, 7.58 km/day Average dive time min. (Max ) Submerged time % (Max %) Turtle ID (HB - 75cm x 65 cm) Distance covered / 21 days, km /day Average dive time min (Max min) Submerged time: % (Max %)






23 Threats Nesting population
Physical obstruction – Marine Debris Movement of man and vehicle on nesting beaches Coastal development and loss of nesting beaches

24 Threats Foraging Population
Fishing Gears (Net) Vessel Strike Coastal development and loss of foraging habitats

25 Conservation and Management Plan
Protected Area or wildlife Sanctuary Promote Public Awareness Regular Monitoring Land use guidelines Protection of Species Protection of Habitat Enforce Current Regulations Ban on dredging and Land filling in specific Areas Oil Spill Contingency Plan for Marine Habitats

26 Thank You

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