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Project Based Learning Social Studies. "True learning is based on discovery....rather than the transmission of knowledge." John Dewey.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Based Learning Social Studies. "True learning is based on discovery....rather than the transmission of knowledge." John Dewey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Based Learning Social Studies

2 "True learning is based on discovery....rather than the transmission of knowledge." John Dewey

3 Project Based Learning vs Project Oriented Learning

4 What is Project Based Learning (PBL) Inquiry driven learning based on a complex question problem challenge

5 Why?

6 Student Engagement Leads to Learning


8 Teacher Acts as coach facilitator guide advisor mentor

9 Student acts as Historian Investigator Detective Problem Solver

10 Steps 1.Standards 2.Friends 3.Hook 4."Need-to-Know" List 5.Rubric 6.Group/Individual Contract 7.Research and Collaboration 8.Assessment and Adjustment 9.Presentations 10.Final Assessment

11 Resources Buck Institute Edutopia PBL-Online Deep Dive Pt 1 Deep Dive pt 2 Deep Dive pt 3 Tech 21 Project Based Learning INTEL PBL High Tech High The Vietnam Experience Center for Civic Engagement

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