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ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 134 ; MON. APRIL 2, 2012 BELL RINGER : Find all the zeros. PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHMS OBJECTIVE: To use the properties of logarithms.

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Presentation on theme: "ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 134 ; MON. APRIL 2, 2012 BELL RINGER : Find all the zeros. PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHMS OBJECTIVE: To use the properties of logarithms."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 134 ; MON. APRIL 2, 2012 BELL RINGER : Find all the zeros. PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHMS OBJECTIVE: To use the properties of logarithms to simplify expressions. ACTIVITIES: Notes on properties of logarithms. Pg. 466 #10 – 44. (even) HOME LEARNING). Page 466 # 9 – 41 (odd)

2 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 135 ; TUE. APRIL 3, 2012 BELL RINGER : Find all the zeros. OBJECTIVE: To use the properties of logarithms to simplify expressions. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS ACTIVITIES: Discuss; Pg. 466 #9 – 44. (all); Pg. 473 # 7 – 22 & 32 - 39 (all) HOME LEARNING). Worksheet 7.4

3 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 136 ; WED. APRIL 4, 2012 BELL RINGER : OBJECTIVE: To use the properties of logarithms to simplify expressions. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 467 # 57 – 72; & Problems 1 – 4; Classwork Pg. 473 # 8 – 44 (even) HOME LEARNING). Pg. 473 # 7 – 39 (odd)

4 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 137 ; THUR. APRIL 5, 2012 BELL RINGER: OBJECTIVE: To use the properties of logarithms to simplify expressions. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 473 # 8 – 44 Pg. 475 # 64 - 81 HOME LEARNING). Practice 7.5

5 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 138 ; MON. APRIL 9, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation NATURAL LOGARITHMS OBJECTIVE: To evaluate & simplify natural logarithmic expressions. To solve equations using natural logarithms ACTIVITIES: Notes on examples on Logarithms. Pg. 481 # 11 – 37 (ALL) HOME LEARNING). Pg. 481 # 42 – 51 & 66 - 71

6 Natural Logarithm The natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base e, where e is an irrational and transcendental constant approximately equal to 2.718281828. The natural logarithm is generally written as ln(x), log e (x) or sometimes, if the base of e is implicit, as simply log(x). [1]logarithm baseeirrational transcendental [1]

7 Natural Logarithm The first mention of the natural logarithm was by Nicholas Mercator in his work Logarithmotechnia published in 1668, although the mathematics teacher John Speidell had already in 1619 compiled a table on the natural logarithm. It was formerly also called hyperbolic logarithm, as it corresponds to the area under a hyperbola. It is also sometimes referred to as the Napierian logarithm, although the original meaning of this term is slightly different. Nicholas MercatorhyperbolaNapierian logarithm

8 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 139 ; TUE. APRIL 10, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation NATURAL LOGARITHMS OBJECTIVE: To evaluate & simplify natural logarithmic expressions. To solve equations using natural logarithms ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 481 # 11 – 37, 42 – 51 & 66 - 71 [PRACTICE 7.6] HOME LEARNING). WORKSHEET

9 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 140 ; WED. APRIL 11, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation CHAPTER 7 REVIEW OBJECTIVE: Use logarithmic functions to solve interest, real world problems. Evaluate logarithms and exponential functions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Practice 7.6; Classwork; Pg. 491 # 1 – 37, HOME LEARNING). Review for test on Thursday.

10 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 141 ; THUR. APRIL 12, 2012 BELL RINGER: Find all the zeros; CHAPTER 7 WORKSHEET [COLLECT] OBJECTIVE: Use logarithmic functions to solve interest, real world problems. Evaluate logarithms and exponential functions. ACTIVITIES: Classwork; Worksheet on Finding the Errors. Chapter 7. HOME LEARNING).

11 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 142 ; FRI. APRIL 13, 2012 BELL RINGER: Find the inverse of each function. Is the inverse a function? INVERSE VARIATION OBJECTIVE: To recognize and use inverse variation. To use joint and other variations. ACTIVITIES: Notes on Inverse variation. Pg. 503 # 6 - 18, HOME LEARNING). Pg. 504 # 26 – 40.

12 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 143 ; MON. APRIL 16, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation; THE RECIPROCAL FUNCTION FAMILY OBJECTIVE: To graph reciprocal functions. To graph translations of reciprocal functions. ACTIVITIES: Notes on Reciprocal Functions. Pg. 512 # 8- 28 (even), HOME LEARNING). Pg. 512 # 9 – 27 (odd).

13 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 144 ; TUE. APRIL 17, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation; THE RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS OBJECTIVE: To identify properties of rational functions. To graph rational functions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 512 #8 – 28. Notes on Rational functions. Pg. 521 # 2- 22 (even), HOME LEARNING). Pg. 521 # 1 – 21 (odd).

14 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 145 ; WED. APRIL 18, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation; THE RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS OBJECTIVE: To identify properties of rational functions. To graph rational functions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 521 # 1- 22 (all), Practice 8.3 HOME LEARNING). Re-teaching 8.3

15 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 146 ; THUR. APRIL 19, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation; THE RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS OBJECTIVE: To identify properties of rational functions. To graph rational functions. ACTIVITIES: Notes on Properties of rational functions; Discuss Practice 8.3; Class work; Mid Chapter test Pg. 526 # 1- 22 (all), HOME LEARNING).Standardized Test Prep

16 Graphs of Rational Functions Let p(x) and q(x) be polynomials with no common factors other than 1. The graph of the rational function: has the following characteristics 1. The x-intercepts of the graph of f(x) are the real zeros of p(x) 2. The graph of f(x) has a vertical asymptote at each real zero of q(x). 3. The graph of f(x) has at most one horizontal asymptote.

17 Graphs of Rational Functions 4. If m < n, the line y= 0 is a horizontal asymptote. If m = n, the line is a horizontal asymptote. If m > n, the graph has no horizontal asymptote

18 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 147 ; FRI. APRIL 20, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation. THE RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS OBJECTIVE: To identify properties of rational functions. To graph rational functions. ACTIVITIES: Worksheet on rational functions, HOME LEARNING). Mid Chapter test Pg. 526 # 1- 22 (all),

19 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 148 ; MON. APRIL 23, 2012 BELL RINGER: Multiply and simplify. RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS OBJECTIVE: To simplify rational expressions.. To multiply and divide rational expressions. ACTIVITIES: Collect worksheet; Notes on rational expressions. Pg. 531 # 8- 25 (all) Standardized test prep. HOME LEARNING).Re-Teaching 8.5

20 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 149 ; TUE. APRIL 24, 2012 BELL RINGER: Identify the point of discontinuity, x & y-intercepts, and the domain RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS OBJECTIVE: To simplify rational expressions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 531 # 8- 25 (all); Pg. 532 # 32 – 37; & 42 – 44. HOME LEARNING). Standardized, Pg. 533 # 50 - 67

21 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 150 ; WED. APRIL 25, 2012 BELL RINGER: What are the x-coordinate of the hole in the graph of ADDING AND SUBTRACTING RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS OBJECTIVE: To add and subtract rational expressions. ACTIVITIES: [Discuss Standardized, Pg. 533 # 50 – 67; Notes on adding and subtracting Rational Expressions. Pg. 539 # 7 - 29 HOME LEARNING). Re-Teaching 8.5

22 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 151 ; THUR. APRIL 26, 2012 BELL RINGER: Simplify and state any restrictions on the variable. ADDING AND SUBTRACTING RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS OBJECTIVE: To add and subtract rational expressions. ACTIVITIES: [Discuss 539 # 7 – 29. [TEST] HOME LEARNING). Practice 8.5

23 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 152 ; FRI. APRIL 27, 2012 BELL RINGER: Simplify. State any restriction on the variable. ADDING AND SUBTRACTING RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS OBJECTIVE: To add and subtract rational expressions. ACTIVITIES:Discuss Practice 8.5, PG. 540 # 31 – 36 & 41 – 44 HOME LEARNING).

24 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 153 ; MON. APRIL 30, 2012 BELL RINGER: Divide and state any restriction on the variable. SOLVING RATIONAL EQUATIONS OBJECTIVE: To solve rational equations; To use rational equations to solve problems. ACTIVITIES: Notes on Rational equations. PG. 546 # 8 – 34 (even) HOME LEARNING). Pg. 546 #9 – 35 (odd)

25 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 154 ; TUE. MAY 01, 2012 BELL RINGER: Divide and state any restriction on the variable. SOLVING RATIONAL EQUATIONS OBJECTIVE: To solve rational equations; To use rational equations to solve problems. ACTIVITIES: {Collect}; PG. 546 # 8 – 34 (all); Pg. 546 # 31 – 35 (odd), & 43 – 52 (all) HOME LEARNING). Practice 8.6 [TEST on Friday, 5/04/12]

26 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 155 ; WED. MAY 02, 2012 BELL RINGER: Write the logarithmic expression as a single logarithm. SOLVING RATIONAL EQUATIONS OBJECTIVE: Connect ideas from previous lessons. Vocabulary activities. ACTIVITIES: Discuss. Pg. 546 # 31 – 35 & 43 – 52 (all) & Practice 8.6; Pg. 553 # 1 - 18 HOME LEARNING). Pg.555 # 19 – 21 & 23 - 33 [TEST on Friday, 5/04/12; CHAPTER 8.1-8.6]

27 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 156 ; THUR. MAY 03, 2012 BELL RINGER: Write the logarithmic expression as a single logarithm. REVIEW CHAPTER 8 RATIONAL FUNCTIONS OBJECTIVE: Review rational functions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss. Pg. 555 # 19 – 21 # 23-33; [REVIEW WORKSHEET, CHAPTER 8.1 – 8.6] HOME LEARNING). Sunshine State Standard practice Pg.558 # 1 – 30

28 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 157 ; FRI. MAY 04, 2012 BELL RINGER CHAPTER 8 TEST ON RATIIONAL FUNCTIONS OBJECTIVE: Apply properties of rational functions formula. ACTIVITIES: Chapter 8 Test HOME LEARNING).

29 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 158 ; MON. MAY 07, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation. Check the solution. CHAPTER 8 TEST ON RATIIONAL FUNCTIONS OBJECTIVE: Apply properties of rational functions formula. ACTIVITIES: Chapter 8 Test HOME LEARNING).

30 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 159 ; TUE. MAY 08, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation. Check the solution. CHAPTER 8 RATIIONAL FUNCTIONS (REVIEW MORE CONCEPTS) OBJECTIVE: Apply properties of rational functions formula. ACTIVITIES: PG. 557 #1 - 31 HOME LEARNING). STANDARDIZED TEST PREP WORKSHEET.

31 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 160 ; WED. MAY 09, 2012 BELL RINGER Solve the equation. Check the solution. CHAPTER 8 STANDARDIZED TEST PRACTICE OBJECTIVE: Apply properties of rational functions formula. ACTIVITIES: PG. 557 #1 – 31 (DISCUSS); CLASS WORK PG. 558 #1 – 30. HOME LEARNING).

32 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 161 ; THUR. MAY 10, 2012 BELL RINGER What is the solution of MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS OBJECTIVE: To identify mathematical patterns found in a sequence. To use a formula to find the nth term of a sequence. ACTIVITIES: (DISCUSS) PG. 558 #1 – 30. Problems 1 – 3; Pg. 569 # 7 - 23 HOME LEARNING). Pg. 569 # 24 – 41.

33 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 162 ; FRI. MAY 11, 2012 BELL RINGER: Identify the pattern and find the next 3 terms: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, ………. MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS OBJECTIVE: To identify mathematical patterns found in a sequence. To use a formula to find the nth term of a sequence. ACTIVITIES: (DISCUSS) Pg. 569 # 7 – 23 & 24 – 41; Pg. 569 #23 – 52 & 55 – 63. HOME LEARNING). Practice 9.1

34 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 163 ; MON. MAY 14, 2012 BELL RINGER: Solve the equation MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS OBJECTIVE: To identify mathematical patterns found in a sequence. To use a formula to find the nth term of a sequence. ACTIVITIES: (DISCUSS) WORKSHEETS; Pg. 569 # 7 - 23 HOME LEARNING). Pg. 569 # 7 – 41. (ODD)

35 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 164 ; TUE. MAY 15, 2012 BELL RINGER Simplify the expression; State any restriction. MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS OBJECTIVE: To identify mathematical patterns found in a sequence. To use a formula to find the nth term of a sequence. ACTIVITIES: DISCUSS PG. 569 # 7 – 41(ODD) Pg. 569 #43 – 52 & 55 - 63 HOME LEARNING).

36 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 165 ; WED. MAY 16, 2012 BELL RINGER: Simplify the expression; State any restriction. ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE OBJECTIVE:. To define, identify, and apply arithmetic sequence. ACTIVITIES: Note taking; Pg. 575 # 7-12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26 - 28 HOME LEARNING). Practice 9.2 (K)

37 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 166 ; THUR. MAY 17, 2012 BELL RINGER Write a recursive definition for the sequence. 1, 3, 9, 27……….. ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES OBJECTIVE:. To define, and apply arithmetic sequences. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Examples 1 – 3, Pg. 575 # 5 – 24. HOME LEARNING). Pg.575 # 26 - 33

38 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 167 ; FRI. MAY 18, 2012 BELL RINGER: Write a recursive definition for the sequence. 120, 60, 30, 15………. GEOMETRIC SEQUENCES OBJECTIVE:. To define, and apply Geometric sequences. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Worksheet 9.2; Re-Teaching 9.3 worksheet. HOME LEARNING).

39 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 168 ; MON. MAY 21, 2012 BELL RINGER: Find the missing terms of each arithmetic sequence: (1) 10, __, __, __, -20,….. (2) 5, ___, ___, ___, 35, ….. OBJECTIVE:. To reinforce and apply geometric and arithmetic sequences to given problems. ACTIVITIES: Worksheet on geometric sequences. HOME LEARNING). Pg. 586 # 63 – 81 (Make sure you have all the bell ringers for the 4 th -9 weeks) [Notebook Evaluation]

40 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 169 ; TUE. MAY 22, 2012 BELL RINGER: Find the missing terms of each geometric sequence: (1) 12, __, 3 (2) 3, __ 0.75 OBJECTIVE:. Evaluate notebook, To define arithmetic series and find their terms. ACTIVITIES : Collect notes from students’ notebook. Pg. 591 #7 – 20. HOME LEARNING).Complete Pg. 591 # 7 - 20


42 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 170 ; WED. MAY 23, 2012 BELL RINGER: Write an explicit formula the geometric sequence, then generate the first 5 terms: a = 1, r = 0.5 OBJECTIVE:. To define arithmetic series and find their terms using the Sigma symbol. ACTIVITIES : Discuss Pg. 591 #7 – 20. Pg. 591 # 21 – 52. HOME LEARNING). W/S; Practice 9.4 Test on Thursday (5/24/12; 9.1-9.4)

43 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 171 ; THUR. MAY 24, 2012 BELL RINGER: Simplify the expression TEST; CHAPTER 9.1 – 9.4 OBJECTIVE:. Apply recursive, explicit, arithmetic sequences, series and geometric sequences formulas to solve given problems. ACTIVITIES:. TEST CHAPTER 9.1 – 9.4 HOME LEARNING). Pg. 593 # 50 – 70.

44 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 172 ; FRI. MAY 25, 2012 BELL RINGER: Write a recursive formula for each sequence: (1) 1, 3, 6, 10,.. (2) 1, 4, 9, 16,… GEOMETRIC SERIES formula, OBJECTIVE:. To define geometric series and find their sums. ACTIVITIES:. Video presentation on Geometric series. Worksheet. HOME LEARNING).

45 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 173 ; TUE. MAY 29, 2012 BELL RINGER: Find the sum of the 10 th term of the geometric series. (1) 2, 4, 8, 16,….. GEOMETRIC SERIES formula, OBJECTIVE:. To define geometric series and find their sums. ACTIVITIES:. Pg 599 # 8 - 37 HOME LEARNING). Period 1 see worksheet 9.5, [Killian website]

46 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 174 ; WED. MAY 30, 2012 BELL RINGER: Expand the binomial GEOMETRIC SERIES formula, OBJECTIVE:. Find the sum of the geometric series. ACTIVITIES:. Collect work, Pg 599 #8 - 37; (Period 1); Class-work; Extra Practice Ch.9 HOME LEARNING). Worksheet

47 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 175 ; THUR. MAY 31, 2012 BELL RINGER: Factor Sequences & Series formulas, OBJECTIVE:. Apply Arithmetic & geometric Sequences & Series Formulas to solve problems. ACTIVITIES:. Extra Practice W/S. HOME LEARNING). Extra Practice (Contd.)

48 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 176 ; FRI. JUNE 01, 2012 BELL RINGER: Evaluate: Sequences & Series formulas, OBJECTIVE:. Apply Arithmetic & geometric Sequences & Series Formulas to solve problems. ACTIVITIES:. Collect Extra Practice W/S. HOME LEARNING

49 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 177 ; MON. JUNE 04, 2012 BELL RINGER: Evaluate the sum of the finite geometric series. 3 + 6 + 12... ; n = 7 Sequences & Series formulas, OBJECTIVE:. Apply Arithmetic & geometric Sequences & Series Formulas to solve problems. ACTIVITIES:. Collect Extra Practice W/S. HOME LEARNING

50 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 178 ; TUE. JUNE 05, 2012 BELL RINGER: Suppose a dropped ball bounces back to 3/4 of its original height. A ball falls from a height of 8 feet and keeps bouncing until someone picks it up. Estimate the total vertical distance the ball travels if no one picks it up OBJECTIVE: Interactive online Math games. ACTIVITIES:. WWW.QUIA.COMWWW.QUIA.COM HOME LEARNING

51 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 179 ; WED. JUNE 06, 2012 BELL RINGER: Find the common difference for the arithmetic sequence that has 5 as its twelfth term and 65 as its sixth term. Find the sum of the first 8th terms. INTERACTIVE GAMES OBJECTIVE: Interactive online Math games. ACTIVITIES:. WWW.QUIA.COMWWW.QUIA.COM HOME LEARNING


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