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Making Special Video Projects with Elementary Students Jeanne Caudill, First Grade Teacher STLP, Robotics Coach, Microsoft Expert Educator.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Special Video Projects with Elementary Students Jeanne Caudill, First Grade Teacher STLP, Robotics Coach, Microsoft Expert Educator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Special Video Projects with Elementary Students Jeanne Caudill, First Grade Teacher STLP, Robotics Coach, Microsoft Expert Educator


3 Hardware Needed (any of these)  iPad, iPod  Any Smartphone  Surface Pro3 or Surface 3  Laptop with a camcorder  Camcorder  My personal favorite-Flip Camera

4 Software To Edit Film and Create Movies  Windows MovieMaker  iMovie (for Mac and iPhone, iPod, iPad)  For special effects: Stop Motion, Movie FX  Green Screen by Do Ink  Selfie Booth, Green Screen Photo Fun!

5 Steps For Creating Videos Step 1 Brainstorm Subject Step 2 Research Step 3 Create Storyboard Step 4 Film Step 5 Edit Film and Create Movie

6 Project Based Learning  Always tie the film project to a learning experience.  PSA (Public Service Announcements) are a perfect format for young children.  The PSA encourages critical thinking skills.  Students must form opinions and back the opinions with facts.

7 Standards Met with PSAs/Videos Common Core Standards  Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading)  Comprehension and Collaboration and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas (College and Career Readiness Anchor for Speaking and Listening)  Research to Build and Present Knowledge (College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing) ISTE Standards  1. Creativity and innovation  2. Communication and collaboration  3. Research and information fluency  4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making  5. Digital citizenship  6. Technology operations and concepts

8 How to Create a Movie-as told by Blair

9 Earthquake Safety Procedures 1)The best way to prepare for an earthquake is to: a)Check your cell phone for instructions. b)Know school safety procedures listed in the classroom. c)Nothing. We don’t have many earthquakes in Kentucky. d)Wait for an earthquake and then practice procedures. 1) During an earthquake, it is recommended to go find a friend and make sure they are ok. a)True b)False 1)During an earthquake, the class should line up against the windows for a quick escape from falling debris. a)True b)False 1)NOAA recommends three earthquake procedures. They are: a)Stop, drop, and roll b)Run, scream, and cry c)Drop, cover, and hold on d)Drop, find shelter, and wait. 1)After taking shelter from falling debris, you should: a)Hold onto each other b)Roll around to keep from getting hurt c)Move as little as possible d)Quickly run out the door

10 Impact of PSAs School wide Pre-Test and Post- Test

11 STLP State Champions 2014 The Art of PerSuAsion


13 Picture with Caption Layout Caption

14 Shaping My Future Video Challenge DetailsSee the PBS/KET American Graduate Initiative website for teacher resources and video project ideas related to school and career planning:PBS/KET American Graduate Initiative Why students should stay in school or return to it Strategies for success in school or career building Planning to achieve career or school goals Resources for planning careers or returning to school How successful people achieved their goals Your Turn! Work with a group to create a PSA for the KET School Video Project or create your own PSA about a passion you want to express!

15 Apply to become a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert!

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