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Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 2 English Learning Immersion Retreat.

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2 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 2 English Learning Immersion Retreat

3 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 3 Overview To Promote and facilitate the use of English in a social context To gain awareness and additional understanding of inter-cultural interaction To Provide real social interaction with real people in a real setting. To Increase understanding and ability to interact in a actual English situation The Programme is aimed at the acquisition of grammar, language techniques, and the soft linguistic skills of application usage and vocabulary.

4 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 4 Mission Statement English Immersion Retreats offer real world access and conversations with English native speakers from around the Globe Our goal is to assist our clients to gain a real understanding of the workings of English in everyday settings Participants will interact in English from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave

5 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 5 Mission Statement II Social English is the business aspect of fluency for most native German and other language speakers: Who would like to start or carry on their life in an English speaking environment During our Programme, you will have the opportunity to interact socially, discussing a wide range of topics with English native speakers from around the Globe. You will be exposed to English accents, dialects and daily speech. You will refine your own comprehension and ability to communicate more effectively in English.

6 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 6 Our Group Leaders Our group leaders are professional teacher trainers with a university degree Our Speakers and Trainers  Our speakers and trainers are business professionals, professional teachers and university students in the final year of their Programme  They have a diverse range of backgrounds and interests  From English speaking countries around the globe

7 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 7 Programme Participants will interact in English from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave. Mornings Are devoted to individual conversations, with partners changing every ninety minutes After lunch A series of various activities will encourage group interaction Evenings Are for social diversions. The ratio of English speakers to seminar participants will always remain balanced

8 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 8 Module: 1:1 You will not be left on your own. We will always be there, ready to guide and assist you to obtain your objectives. The ratio of English speakers to seminar participants will remain even 1:1. The Programmes are held off site, away from the distractions of daily life. We recommend that you leave your electronic distractions at home if at all possible. There are planned activities to suit all interests. While every day is the same, English from waking to sleeping; each day is uniquely different, with varied discussions, experiences and contacts.

9 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 9 Seminar Locations Stay in beautiful Switzerland for a period of 3, 5 or 7 days in a spectacular surrounding.  Hotel Fürigen **** 6363 Fürigen am Bürgenstock  Schloss-Hotel **** Swiss-Chalet 6402 Merlischachen  Seminarhotel Sempacheresee *** 6207 Nottwil  Paradieshotel Rotschuo **** 6442 Gersau

10 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 10 Real Life Excursion In the 7-day Programme, a one and a half day trip to the United Kingdom is included.

11 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 11 Type of Programme and Costs: 3 days CHF 4.000 5 days CHF 6.000 7 days CHF 8.000 (including a trip to the UK) Costs include: Programme Single Room Meals Activities

12 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 12 Modules One to One (1:1) Functional Language Small Group Discussions Culture Accent Training Language Outings

13 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 13 Module: One to One (1:1) Participants receive individual tuition in English. Content will be tailored directly to participants ’ needs according to the information given to Ascensus in the application questionnaire.

14 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 14 Module: Functional Language Participants meet in small groups to practice the language necessary for everyday life. Higher level groups will focus on business language in this module. Content may include topics such as:  At the station  Going to the doctor/ dentist  Telephone skills  Shopping  Small talk and coffee  Making presentations etc. The Programme will concentrate on both language structure and vocabulary.

15 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 15 Module: Small Group Discussions Participants get a chance to speak English with other participants and trainers in a more natural situation.

16 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 16 Module: Culture Language learning success is maximised by a better understanding of the culture of the target country. Content will include areas such as: Business and general etiquette Visiting colleagues and friends Roles of men and women Food and drink Enjoying free time

17 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 17 Module: Accent Training Understanding different accents can be a problem even at higher levels Exposure to different accents through listening exercises Working on your own pronunciation

18 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 18 Language Outings Participants take a lesson in a sport or hobby in the English language. Alternatively the language trainer may take the participant into the community to practice the target language. It is important to get out of the hotel in the afternoons.

19 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 19 Guest Speakers Each course will have a number of speakers who come to discuss issues relevant to expatriate life covering topics such as: Personal experiences on international assignments Tax and social security issues International business practices Case studies Participants will be prepared for the speakers by their language trainers and will have another session with the trainer following the speaker's address. This will allow participants to recycle vocabulary and ask further questions as necessary.

20 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 20 Sample Course Day 1 Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 08.00-09.00Breakfast 09.00-10.30One to One 10.30-11.00Coffee 11.00-12.00Small Group Discussion Functional Language Small Group Discussion 12.00-12.30 Speaker PreparationOuting PreparationSpeaker PreparationOuting Preparation 12.30-14.00Lunch 14.00-15.30Speaker and Q+AAccent TrainingSpeaker and Q+ACulture 15.30-16.00 Coffee 16.00-17.00 Speaker Feedback Language Outing Speaker Feedback Language Outing 17.00-19.00Free Time 19.00-20.30Dinner 20.30-22.00 Ice Breakers Games EveningMovie EveningGames Evening Excursion

21 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 21 Excursion To tie in with cultural aims, the excursion will include trainers and participants and will culminate in the participants preparing their own meal, either a BBQ in the forest, on a farm, or fondue in a traditional setting with support from the trainers. Trekking Swimming Cycling Skiing Horseback Riding Carriage Rides TennisGolf Shopping Movies Music Museums Churches Historic Monuments Places of Interest Folk Art Excursions Sailing Rafting Mountain Climbing other

22 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 22 Ascensus Immersion Course: Needs Assessment General Language Skills Functional Language Culture (country: moving to/have moved to) General Learning Visiting Speakers Language Outing Language Ability

23 Ascensus AG Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 23 Ascensus AG “the language experience” Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35 Ascensus AG “the language experience” Wieslergasse 2 - CH - 8049 Zürich - - Tel. +41 79 448 39 35

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