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Chautauqua County Master Gardeners Gardening Tips and Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Chautauqua County Master Gardeners Gardening Tips and Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chautauqua County Master Gardeners Gardening Tips and Techniques

2 Master Gardener’s Mission The Mission of the Chautauqua County Master Gardener Program is to educate and serve the community, utilizing university and research-based horticultural information.

3 Who We Are Volunteers from the community With desire to provide Horticultural education and resources Successfully completed 60 hours of Cornell approved training Required to volunteer 50 hours per year

4 Training Master Gardeners gain valuable knowledge and experience through education. –Garden Botany –Woody Plant –Soils and fertilizers –Composting –Perennials –Annuals –Herbs –Vegetable Gardening –Gardening for Water Quality –Nuisance Wildlife –Integrated Pest Management

5 Serving The participants are involved in a variety of projects throughout the county Horticultural Help Line Troubleshooting pH testing, soil samples Presentations Workshops Community Gardens Horticultural publications Youth and Special Needs projects

6 Master Gardeners Helpline Helpline 664-9502 ext 224 Email

7 So you are thinking about starting a garden! Where do you begin –Garden books –Horticultural magazines –Seed catalogs

8 Seed Catalogs SupplierWebsitePhone Burgess Seed & Plantwww.eburgess.com309 662 7761 Burpee Gardeningwww.burpee.com800 888 1447 Dutch Gardenswww.dutchgardens.com877 527 7575 Fungi Perfectwww.fungi.com800 780 9126 Gardeners Supplywww.gardeners.com800 427 3363 Gurneyswww.gurneys.com513 354 1491 Johnny’s Selected Seedwww.johnnyseeds.com877 564 6697 Jung Seeds & Plantswww.jungseed.com800 247 5864 Pinetree Garden Seedswww.superseeds.com207 926 3400 The Pumpkin Proswww.harrisseeds.com800 544 7938 John Scheeperswww.kitchengardensee 860 567 6086 Select Seedswww.selectseeds.com800 684 0395 Stark Broswww.starkbros.com800 325 4180 Stokeswww.stokeseeds.com800 396 9238 Thompson & Morganwww.tmseeds.com800 274 7333

9 Now What? Identify the type of garden you would like to start –Annuals –Perennials –Vegetables –Herb

10 So you have an idea. Identify the location –Sunny or Shady –Dry or Wet –New garden or refurbished

11 Determine the Plants Start Seedlings Purchase plants Plant seeds

12 Make your own Pots Use newspaper Seed starting mix Self watering

13 Step One Once the soil is warm enough to start to work –Remove any large rocks, or other debris –Rototill the soil

14 Step Two This might be the most important Take a soil sample –Determine the pH –Identify any needed amendments –Confirm the potential crop success

15 Step Three Prepare the rows Direct plant any seeds Transplant seedlings

16 Companion Planting Carrots Love Tomatoes – Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening ByLouise Riotte

17 Step Four Water Feed Weed Enjoy

18 Documentation Create a Garden Journal –Plan your garden –Record your activities –Measure your success –Plan for future

19 Questions

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