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Architecture Time Period Tanner Karp. Neolithic architecture was said to have started in southwest Asia. Used mud-brick to build house and villages. Houses.

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture Time Period Tanner Karp. Neolithic architecture was said to have started in southwest Asia. Used mud-brick to build house and villages. Houses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture Time Period Tanner Karp

2 Neolithic architecture was said to have started in southwest Asia. Used mud-brick to build house and villages. Houses were plastered and painted with pictures of animals. A great example would be Stonehenge which is in England.

3  Ancient Egypt- They still used mud-brick but they also used limestone. Example- Great Pyramid of Khufu  Ancient Greece- Three types of architecture was Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Example- Parthenon  Ancient Rome- Created the Coliseum and the Aqueducts. Example- Roman Colosseum

4  In medieval architecture there were three main phases of the architecture.  The three phases of architecture were Pre-Romanesque, Romanesque, and Gothic.  Pre- Romanesque led up to Romanesque which they use slightly pointed arches, and barrel vaults in their architecture. Gothic used pointed arches, and ribbed vaults.  An example would be the Tower of London.

5  Renaissance architecture used symmetry, proportion, and geometry.  They used orderly arrangements of columns, pilasters, and lintels.  Instead of a flat roof, in renaissance architecture they came up with the dome. They also created semicircular arches.  An example would be Chateau de fontainebleau in France.

6 Thank You!!! Resources

7 This architectural style had concern for color, light, and shade. This style tried to show the wealth and power of the church. To get light into the building they used several windows to bring in sunlight. An example would be the Pantheon in Paris.

8  In Neo-classical architecture they used many visuals and decorations.  Neo-classical architecture was mostly used in public buildings like museums, libraries, and academies.  An example would be the white house in Washington D.C.

9 During this architectural period craftsman homes became much more popular. An example of this architecture is the Einstein Tower in Potsdam, Germany.

10 This architecture type became popular after World War 2. No decorations on the buildings. It was just a plain old building with no statues, cool designs, etc. An example would be the A.I.A. Headquarters in Washington D.C.

11  Modern architecture had non-orthogonal angles, and unusual surfaces.  There still is no use in ornaments, statues, art, cool designs, etc.  An example of this architecture would be the Vanna Venturi House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

12  Deconstructive comes in all shapes and sizes. Circular, rectangular, triangular, etc.  A type of this is blobitechture. The buildings just look like big blobs.  An example in the background is the Wexner Center in Columbus, Ohio.

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