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Welcome Session Norms: All pagers and cell phones on vibrate Stay on topic being discussed Use professional courtesy.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Session Norms: All pagers and cell phones on vibrate Stay on topic being discussed Use professional courtesy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Session Norms: All pagers and cell phones on vibrate Stay on topic being discussed Use professional courtesy

2 High Quality Sheltered Instruction: Lesson Preparation Presented by Region Specialist June 28, 2007

3 3 Housekeeping Explain the time schedule for your day. Include items like: breaks, location of restrooms, lunch, etc.

4 4 High Quality Sheltered Instruction “Sheltered Instruction is an approach to teaching content to English language learners in strategic ways that make the subject matter concepts comprehensible while promoting the students’ English language development.” --Echevarria, Vogt, and Short Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/ Application Lesson Delivery Review/Assessment

5 5 Session Objectives Content Objectives: Identify content and language objectives that align to state standards. Distinguish between content and language objectives. Language Objectives: Discuss, align, and write content and language objectives.

6 6 Features of Lesson Preparation Clearly defined Content Objectives Clearly defined Language Objectives Appropriate Content Concepts based age and educational background level of students Supplementary materials used to a high degree Adaptation of content to all levels of student proficiency Meaningful activities integrate lesson concepts with language practice.

7 7 Think Pair Share What is language? When I think of language I mean... What is scaffolding instruction? When I think of scaffolding instruction I mean...

8 8 Objectives Content Objectives are based on Nevada state content standards and learning outcomes. What content will be taught? Language Objectives identify how language will be used to learn content objective(s). How will the students use language to demonstrate comprehension of content?

9 9 Content Objectives Identify what students should know and be able to do in content areas. Correlate with the state standards. Guide the teaching and learning in the classroom.

10 10 Language Objectives Use language to identify what students know. Support students’ language development. Determine how students will use language skills to demonstrate understanding of content concepts.

11 11 Jigsaw Reading Developing Language Objectives for English Language Learners in Physical Education Lessons By Clancy, M. and Hruska, B. (2005)

12 12 Jigsaw Reading Divide participants into equal size groups. Assign each group a section of the chosen reading. Each group becomes an expert in their assigned reading material. After reading, each group shares out the important information found in the assigned section. Return to the original groups and share out.

13 13 Language Skills Reading Writing ListeningSpeaking

14 14 Content and Language Objectives Read power standard to obtain content objective. Find the verb(s) in the power standard. Use the verb(s) to write a language objective.

15 15 Earth Science Content Objective (State Standard): - The student will explain the factors that affect weather patterns (5.3). Language Objective: - Students will describe the four major types of air masses and how they affect the weather in the United States. - Students will illustrate and describe the effects of fronts. - Students will create and share in a presentation an imaginary weather forecast using meteorological symbols and terminology.

16 16 Mathematics Content Objective (State Standard): -The student will be able to interpret and solve word problems (7.8.6). Language Objectives: -Students will solve problems in cooperative groups using real life scenarios. -Students will write the strategies they use to solve the given problems. -Students will orally communicate strategies. -Students will synthesize strategies in whole group.

17 17 All Courses: Band Students will explain how to care for their instrument. Choir Students will pronounce words containing the sound “th”. Art Students will compare and contrast different types of media. Computer Students will clarify the difference between hardware and software. Health Students will explain what it was like to care for a baby for 24 hours. PE Students will compare the rules of kickball to the rules of baseball.

18 18 Group Activity Select one content objective. Write a language objective that aligns with the content objective. Be prepared to share your objectives whole group.

19 19 Video Presentation Lesson Preparation

20 20

21 21 Teaching Scenarios Refer to Lesson Preparation section for teaching scenarios.

22 22 Teaching Scenarios All participants will read the lesson overview. Participants will number off into threes. Ones will read first scenario and so forth. Rate the teacher using rating scale provided. Discuss your rating with group and come to consensus.

23 23 Supplementary Materials Supplementary materials provide real-life context and enable students to bridge prior experiences with new learning. Students must be able to hear and experience in order to make connections and construct personal and relevant meanings. Supplementary materials create context and support content concepts.

24 24 Examples of Supplementary Materials Modeling/Demonstrations Realia and Multi-media Hands-on Manipulatives Pictures Visuals

25 25 3 Minute Quick Write What parts of the text or supplementary materials will be too difficult for my students? What can I change to help the students better understand?

26 26 Ways to Adapt Content Pictures Graphic Organizers Time Lines Graphs Tables Diagrams Outlines Webs

27 27 Ways to Adapt Text Leveled Study Guides Native Language Text Highlighted Text Taped Text Adapted Text Jigsaw Text Reading

28 28 Meaningful Activities When students are provided with opportunities to interact, discuss, and think aloud, they can: Try out ideas. Receive feedback. Gain clarification. Foster a deeper understanding for both the learner and the listener.

29 29 Review Session Objectives Content Objectives: Identify content and language objectives that align to state standards. Distinguish between content and language objectives. Language Objectives: Discuss, align, and write content and language objectives.

30 30 Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. --Albert Einstein

31 31 My Aha Moment! Presentation Topic: Presenter: Date: Two ideas that were interesting to me: 1. 2. Two ways I can apply the information presented in my classroom: 1. 2. Two questions that I have for the presenter: 1. 2. Two things I wish the presenter had done differently: 1. 2.

32 32 References Echevarria, J., Vogt, M. E., and Short, D. (2004). Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners. The SIOP Model. 2 nd Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations. (2004). HQSI Racing Towards High Quality Sheltered Instruction. New Mexico: Highlands University.

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