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Office of Academic Support Services The Learning The Office of Special Services The DREAM Program Arlene Stinson Lydia Walegir Susan Onaitis.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Academic Support Services The Learning The Office of Special Services The DREAM Program Arlene Stinson Lydia Walegir Susan Onaitis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Academic Support Services The Learning Center @WW The Office of Special Services The DREAM Program Arlene Stinson Lydia Walegir Susan Onaitis

2 WHAT IS MY LEARNING STYLE ? Learning Inventories for Instructional Preferences Northwestern College web learning inventory URL: This site has a description of learning styles and an web based learning style evaluation inventory. Modality Preference Inventory Middlesex Community-Technical College URL: (paper & pencil) This Community College site also has links to summary material about learning styles. The Barsch/Haynie Learning Style Inventory URL: This is an web-based "Learning Inventory" housed at Honolulu Community College. Scroll to the bottom and check out the link to Teacher Tips Index which lots of planning tools and resources Introduction to the DVC Learning Style Survey for College developed by: Catherine Jester Copyright 1999 adapted for the Web by Suzanne Miller URL: This site has DVC online guide which includes a Learning Style Survey that will helps identify ones learning style. It has a summary on learning styles and includes a section on four Learning Styles and Strategies The "Learning to Learn" site URL: In the Resource section of this site you will find to learning style inventories and learning styles information web site URL: Has a interactive survey inspired by the Howard Gardner theory of Multiple Intelligences.

3 You are heading home with a new gas grill. You are excited to think that this evening you will be cooking hamburgers on the grill. You get the grill out of the car and then you……


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