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MS-Project tutorial Phongphan Danphitsanuphan CSSE – Computer Science Dept University of Southern California.

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Presentation on theme: "MS-Project tutorial Phongphan Danphitsanuphan CSSE – Computer Science Dept University of Southern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS-Project tutorial Phongphan Danphitsanuphan CSSE – Computer Science Dept University of Southern California

2 Agenda Breaking the project Assigning resources to tasks Creating task links (dependency) Adjust project schedule Tracking you project (baseline/actual plan) Project calendar Project critical path Using resources efficiently Assignment

3 Braking your project What are tasks, phases and Milestones ◦ A task is a concrete step that represents actual work that will be done. ◦ A phase consists of a group of related tasks (LCO, LCA and so forth). ◦ Milestones are tasks represented interim to track the progress of the project. goals that you can use. It’s a checkpoint. ◦ Let’s break the project (WBS).

4 Breaking the project Input project name Input phases

5 Breaking the project Insert sub-tasks Insert new column

6 Breaking the project Mark milestones – checkpoint ◦ Task information-> advance-> mile stone

7 Assigning resources to tasks Build up resource pool ◦ View->view bar->resource sheet ◦ Input your resources

8 Assigning resources to tasks Assign resource (putting the right man to the right job!) ◦ Resource assign (Alt + F10) ◦ N ◦ Notice your duration! It’s getting shrink because your tasks are effort driven tasks. Select all tasks->Task info->Advance -> uncheck effort driven option. ◦ N

9 Creating task links (dependency) & Adjust project schedule Put dependencies Use estimation techniques (COCOMO,…) Adjust start date and duration for each task

10 Tracking you project (baseline/actual plan) Save baseline plan and adjust new plan ◦ Tool-> tracking->set baseline-> select “base line”

11 Tracking you project (baseline/actual plan) View baseline plan on Gantt chart ◦ At Gantt chart, insert column “Baseline” both of start and finish ◦ At menu bar, tool-> Tracking->Set baseline -> Save to baseline

12 Tracking you project (baseline/actual plan) Your actual plan (re-estimation/already executed the tasks) ◦ Adjust your start and finish dates

13 Project calendar Working day – Non working day ◦ Right click at calendar bar-> change working time  Make Sep15 to be non-default working day for everyone  Make Sep 27 to be Eric’s day off.

14 Project critical path Critical path is the series of activities which determines your project duration. If only one task in critical path delay, entire project schedule will delay. ◦ Project menu-> Filtered : All tasks-> Auto filter ◦ Insert “critical” column

15 Project progress – Tracking Insert “% complete” column Input current project status 0 to 100% View bar -> Tracking Gantt

16 Using resources efficiently - Check resource over allocation View bar -> resource graph, resource sheet or resource usage Monitor resource over allocation Adjust resource allocation by filtering “target resource” at resource name and see overlapping. Try to play around what you have. It’s part of your assignment. Menu

17 Assignment Obviously project schedule we’ve done today is just LCO phase. ◦ Use class schedule in class website to be your reference. ◦ Adjust start and finish dates for each tasks in LCO phase ◦ You may add or delete some tasks in LCO phase according to class schedule. ◦ Draft up what should happened in LCA phase and put those tasks into your project schedule ◦ Add at least 1 programmer into your resource pool and use him/her ◦ Assign resources to tasks with you own logics ◦ Mark every Saturday to be non-default working day for all project members ◦ Eliminate all resource over allocation or resource conflicts. ◦ Update project status (% completion), assume that current project status is somewhere in LCA phase (make up your own). ◦ Update new baseline (+ LCA phase) into baseline1 fields and add another baseline bar in Gantt chart. Don’t save new baseline1 over original baseline. Show all original baseline and baseline1 in your project schedule. ◦ Show your new critical path ◦ Make you own project assumptions which didn’t state in assignment description How to turn in ◦ Date & Time: Sep 24,07 before class begin at class room. ◦ Hard copy only, 2 sheets per 1 person:  First sheet, show all tasks included necessary columns + Gantt chart.  Second sheet, show only critical tasks + Tracking Gantt chart. ◦ Put your name & Class ID on all sheets. ◦ All sheets must be printed from MS-project. ◦ Any question, please email to with subject “MS-PROECT ASSIGNMENT + your name” ◦ About acquiring MS-project installation package, visit

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