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Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Barnardo’s working in partnership with HMP Erlestoke and HMP Guys Marsh.

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1 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Barnardo’s working in partnership with HMP Erlestoke and HMP Guys Marsh

2 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 In the beginning ……. Supporting family visits from 2007 onwards Development of Erlestoke visits centre in consultation with families and prison staff. Recruitment of volunteers to support visits. Input to prisoner induction. Meeting, greeting and signposting families Provision of play facilities in the visits centre Provision of crèches in visits hall

3 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Extended Family Visits Whole day, child focused activities supported by Barnardo’s staff, prison staff and volunteers. Freedom to enjoy space with the children, play, eat, change nappies and have fun! Up to 12 families per visit Preceded by preparation workshop for the men.

4 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 One to one support in Erlestoke Signposting to other agencies as appropriate Linking with social workers, health etc Contacting families to help facilitate visits.(practical or emotional support)

5 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 2013 Secondment of Nick Howard, Custodial Manager, to Barnardo’s for 12 months Embedded in services to children and families in Wiltshire eg Children’s centres Visits to other Barnardo’s services in the region Member of Wiltshire Troubled Families Strategy group Meetings with key partners in children’s services across the locality Launch of Children’s Champion project within Wiltshire schools.

6 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Taking the family agenda back to Erlestoke Raising awareness Presentations / training for staff Proposals and implementation for a Family Intervention Unit.

7 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Erlestoke Family Interventions Unit Barnardo’s delivery of the Safeground Programmes – Family Man and Father’s Inside. Establishment of a Graduates group for men who have completed the courses. Identification of a Family Champion from the course who promotes and supports family intervention on the wing.

8 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 What have we achieved ? Erlestoke 3 Safeground programmes completed to date.1 in process. Supported 2203 child visits in the last year. Provided 1:1 support to 104 men in 2014-15

9 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 What have we achieved ? Guy’s Marsh Established a programme of bi monthly family days Recruited a team of volunteers to support family visits Engaged external agencies in delivery of family days ( Children’s centres, Health visitors)

10 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 What have we learnt? Challenges- Bringing 2 cultures together Clarity about roles and responsibilities for staff to work effectively together Successes - Raising the profile of the importance of family links within the prison. Offenders and their families recognising they can work together to resolve issues Offenders want to improve family links-3x as many men have applied for places on the courses as have been able to attend.

11 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Feedback from the Safeground Programme “ I'm thinking about my family. Not me or money. I'm thinking about the bigger picture.” “It made me stand back and appreciate what I have rather than take it for granted.” “It brought out the child in me.” “It enhanced my skills and made me ready to change.”

12 Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 Feedback from Family Days “I have learned that she is growing up too fast for me as I have missed it all and it breaks my heart”. “ I have learned that I am missing out on being with my family which really hurts and I can’t wait to get out and look after them and start living life.” “They need me around in their teenage years especially “ “I hope to build stronger links with my son, and since the family visits, we have got on so much better.”

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