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China and the New Imperialis m By: Anna Kersey. Trading  China had a balance of trade with Guangzhou  Balance of trade- exported more than they imported.

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Presentation on theme: "China and the New Imperialis m By: Anna Kersey. Trading  China had a balance of trade with Guangzhou  Balance of trade- exported more than they imported."— Presentation transcript:

1 China and the New Imperialis m By: Anna Kersey

2 Trading  China had a balance of trade with Guangzhou  Balance of trade- exported more than they imported  Westerners, Britain especially wanted to change this

3 Opium War  British traded opium for Chinese tea  China becomes addicted  British refuses to stop sending it = Opium War  Britain wins easily

4 Taiping Rebellion  China was in ruin  Peasants rebelled against the government  Rebellion lasted from 1850 to 1864  Hong Xiuquan- revolutionary prophet  Wanted a heavenly kingdom of Great Peace- the Taiping  Wanted to end hatred toward Quing dynasty

5 Taiping Rebellion Effects  Caused 20-30 million deaths  Quing gov. forced to share power with regional gov.  Russia captured some Chinese land

6 Reform  Scholar officials controlled China  China was against Western reforms Believed it interfered with Confucian ideas Empress Ci Xi strongly supported this  Some Chinese wanted to move forward  “Self strengethening movement”  Imported western technology  Gov. didn’t support them

7 War With Japan  Japan modernizing quickly  Pressuing China led to war  Japan wins  Takes Korea, Liaotung Peninsula, and Taiwan  Westerners divided up China  Britain-Yangzi Valley  France-Indochina  Germany- Shandong Peninsula  Russia- Liaotung Peninsula  US didn’t take part in the division

8 Problems With Foreigners  China was in ruin  Hated Foreigners  Secret club: Righteous Harmonious Fists  Goal: get rid of foreigners in China  Eventually crushed by gov.

9 Expansion  China industry grew  Called for new government  Sun Yixian-created Revolutionary Alliance  Three Principles of People  Nationalism  Democracy  Livelihood

10 New Republic  Ci Xi died-replaced by 2 year old  China in turmoil  Rebellions destroyed monarchy  Sun Yixian appointed president of Chinese republic  Faced problems

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