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Date: 6 Jun 2010 Vendor Education Seminar (Origin: Yantian)

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1 Date: 6 Jun 2010 Vendor Education Seminar (Origin: Yantian)

2 AGENDA SNITEMPAGE 1Introduction1-2 2APLL Office / Warehouse Address & Contact Information3-7 3Safeway GS General Information – Consignee Information8-9 Logistics Procedures *PSR10-11 4* Booking Requirements12-13 * CY Container Loading Rules14-15 * Documentation16-18 5Applicable Charges19 6Questions & Answers20

3 APLL OFFICE & WAREHOUSE CONTACT INFORMATION Office Information Address : Lot 15B, Mingzhu Road, Yantian Port, Shenzhen, PRC Contact Details: Mr Emily Tang Tel: 86-755-22171099 Fax: 86-755-2528-5365 Email: Mr Band Lin – Account Supervisor Tel : 86-755-22171120 Fax: 86-755-2528-5365 Email : Mr Scott Huang – Account Manager Tel : 86-755-22171018 Fax: 86-755-2528-2476 Email : Working Hours Mon-Fri 08:45-17:30 & Sat 09:00-12:00

4 APLL OFFICE & WAREHOUSE CONTACT INFORMATION Warehouse Information Address : APLL Yantian Warehouse Address: 1/F., Warehouse Operations Building, Lot 15B, Mingzhu Road, Yantian Port, Shenzhen, PRC Telephone : 86-755- 25280729 Fax: 86-755-25280730 Working Hours Monday to Saturday 0830-1230 (Morning) 1330-1700 (Afternoon)

5 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this meeting is to provide a clear understanding of the origin processes and work flows in line with Safeway GS requirements. 1 st Booking Effective Date : 15 th June, 2006 Nomination Scope : DestinationOrigins USAAll Safeway GS has nominated APL Logistics as their Logistics Service Provider including Ocean Service from Asia to US.

6 APLL New Warehouse Road Map 深鹽路直行,過 YICT 靠左綫 見紅綠燈左轉入 ” 東海大道 ” 右邊見 ” 中集車輛 -45 Centre” 直行過 ” 鹽港醫院 ” 及 ” 樂群行人天橋 ” ( 約 150 米 ) 路口左轉則見 APLL

7 Cargo Delivery Process 交貨流程圖

8 Safeway GS GENERAL INFORMATION – CONSIGNEE INFORMATION Safeway Global Sourcing DestinationConsigneeNotify Party Food Program -Kansas City, MO -Richmond, CA -West Sacramento, CA (Crum 2935) Strategic Global Sourcing LLC c/o Carmichael Int’l Attn: Marla Shelmadine 31 Airport Blvd., Suite F South San Francisco, CA 94080 Non Food Program Auburn, WA - Baltimore, MD -Bellevue, WA -Birmingham, AL -Chicago, IL -City of Industry, CA -Clackamas, OR -Denver, CO -Dispuntanta, VA -Greencastle, PA -Greenville, SC -Hebron, KY -Houston, TX -Landover, MD -Montgomery, NY -NorthEast, MD -Northlake, IL -Oakland, CA -Phoenix, AZ -Plant City, FL -Roanoke, TX -Santa Fe Springs, CA -Schodack Landing, NY -Tempe, AZ -Tracy, CA -Upper Marlobro, MD -West Sacramento, ca (CPS West 2935) CARMICHAEL INTERNATIONAL 1 So. Linden Ave., Suite 5 So. San Francisco, CA 94080 Tel: 1-650-588-5424 ATTN: Kim De Cossio

9 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – CUTOFF TIMELINE MATRIX SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISAT Week 1 (Prior ETD) Supplier Booking Cutoff time: 12:00AM Week 2 (Prior ETD) SI Cutoff Time: 12:00AM Week 3 ( ETD) Customs Release Paper Cutoff Time: 12:00AM Sailing Day (CL1 VESSEL)

10 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – PRE-PRODUCTION CHECK APLL will send a Production Status Request (PSR) to each Vendor: 1.21 days prior to ship begin date if booking is not received 2.14 days prior to ship begin date if booking is not received PSR requires vendors to provide: 1.Expected Ex-factory Date 2.Expected Ship Quantity 3.Comments (such as reason for not ship on time; the order is already booked; it will be a partial shipment…..and so on) PSR will be sent by email to the vendors directly.

11 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – Production Status Request (PSR) 1.PO Ship Window 2.Estimated Expect Ship Date 3.Estimated Ship Quantity 4.Comment Safeway Global Sourcing

12 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – BOOKING REQUIREMENTS 1.Bookings to be made on Vendor’s Cargo Delivery Notice. 2.Bookings to be prepared per destination and per PO / multiple PO. If more than one destination, separate booking should be used. 3.Bookings to be submitted at least 14 calendar days prior ship window. 4.APLL to seek booking authorization for Safeway GS for Exceptions only. 5.Booking destination : Please refer to “Transship at” on SGS PO. PREPARATION :-

13 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – BOOKING REQUIREMENTS Vendors are to provide the following information at the time of booking: - Shipper Name -Consignee Name -Notify Party - Country of Origin - Port of Loading - Shipping Marks & No’s - Total # of packages - Carton breakdown / PO / Style - Commodity Description - Estimated CBM and KG - Expected Cargo Delivery Date -BL Destination -Ship Window (Required to identify which of the multiple ship windows applies) -Number of Containers and Container Size (Factory Pack) -Partial or complete shipment


15 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – FACTORY (CY) LOADS LOADABILITY REQUIREMENT :- Container SizeMin. CBMMax. KGS 45’ Dry7319,500 40’ HC6519,500 40’ Dry5519,500 20’ Dry2617,000 Note: Vendor should always follow Program Load Plan provided by Safeway GS whenever applicable.

16 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – FACTORY (CY) LOADS LOADING RULES - FACTORY (CY) LOAD :- 1.Vendor must load the cargo according to the booking declaration. 2.Cargo Load Sequence: 1. PO, 2. Item 3.Shipped quantity must be same as PO qty. Shipped volume must not deviate above 3% of booked volume. (Detail subject to the Vendor Policy by Safeway Global Sourcing Ltd ) 4.Partial shipments are allowed but restrict to full container quantities. 5.Cargo must be booked to depart origin within the ship window.(Detail subject to the Vendor Policy by Safeway Global Sourcing Ltd ) 6.Dangerous and Hazardous goods subjected to carrier and customs regulations. 7.Vendor to provide copy of loading plan 24 hrs after completion of stuffing. 8.An Inspection Approval must be received by APLL from Safeway GS prior to delivery to the Actual carrier CY facility. If, by exception, the container is delivered to the carrier and placed on hold pending release of Inspection Approval responsibility is for account of Vendor. APLL Notification of activity to Safeway GS is required within 24 hours.

17 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – DOCUMENTATION PREPARATION :- Master list of documents for General Merchandise -Container Manifest -Commercial Invoice - Agreed HTS code shown on invoice - CCCIB no., manufacture name and address is required for ceramic products -Visaed Commercial Invoice if required -Certificate of Origin -Packing List (individual packing list for each container and put a packing list at container tail is required) -Fumigation Certificate if required -Certificate of Product Liability Insurance -Certificate of Product Guarantee -Cert. of Product not in violation of any pattern or registration rights -List of cost component & material breakdown -10+2 ISF (template will be provided by Safeway before shipment) -Supplier Compliance (template will be provided by Safeway before shipment) **Document List for Food will vary per Program**

18 LOGISTICS PROCEDURES – DOCUMENTATION Shipping Document Timeline:- + 2 Days+ 4 Days + 5 Days + 6 Days Vendor submit fax / scanned documents to APLL within 2 business day APLL audit document and sent to Safeway GS within 2 business day Safeway GS issue SRA and send to APLL APLL release FCR and copy of SRA to vendor Vessel Departure Vendor submit documents to bank for L/C presentation (for L/C shpt) 0 Day

19 SRA Sample



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