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MAP for Primary Grades M
Facilitator notes – Recorded Facilitator-Led Online Training – FALL ‘06 Key Concepts: Check for readiness for the presentation. Have you: Assembled your full MAP for Primary Grades implementation team (MAP coordinator, proctors, teachers, administrators, etc.)? Downloaded, printed, and copied Online Training Handout? Downloaded, printed, and copied Test Descriptions? Downloaded, printed, and copied MAP for Primary Grades Guidelines for Placing Students? Downloaded, printed, and copied MAP for Primary Grades Test Names List? Downloaded, printed, and copied MAP for Primary Grades Placement Process Activity page? Downloaded, printed, and copied Sustaining the Momentum Planning page? M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Setting the Stage Welcome/introductions Intended accomplishments
Activate prior knowledge M R A O Talking Points: Welcome participants and introduce yourself and other key staff. If small enough group, have participants introduce themselves. Inform participants of the meaning of the circular icons on this initial page. M – Materials, R – Reports, A – Activity, O – Online Resources Materials: Test Descriptions; Guidelines for Placing Students; Sustaining the Momentum Planning Page; MAP for Primary Grades – Placement Process Activity document Today’s work should enable you to help others to improve student learning through – Familiarizing you with the features of the MAP for Primary Grades assessment system Helping you to prepare to administer the test Preparing you to access and understand the data from the test Review materials with the participants. M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Sustaining the Momentum
* Sustaining the Momentum Consider how you will implement what you’ve learned in the: Next month Next semester Next year Key Concepts: Sustaining the momentum within the district/building. Talking Points: Point participants to this form in their materials set and let them know that periodically throughout the training we will be asking them to plan for how they will take action based upon what they learn today. Invite them to consider their own goals for the day and long-term goals for their instructional practice and their students’ achievement. Focus decisions about what actions they will take based upon what will move them closer to realizing those goals. Materials: Sustaining the Momentum handout M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 1 Topics for Today
Understanding Components and Key Features of MAP for Primary Grades Section 2 Administering the Test Successfully Section 1 Understanding Components and Key Features of MAP for Primary Grades Section 3 Accessing Reports and Using the Data Key Concepts: This presentation will focus on: Familiarizing you with the features of the MAP for Primary Grades assessment system Helping you to prepare to administer the test Preparing you to access and understand the data from the test Materials: PowerPoint notes pages MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 1: Intended Accomplishments
Identify differences between MAP for Primary Grades and standard MAP tests Understand features of each test in the tiered assessment system Develop student placement plans Key Concepts: Intended Accomplishments: Participants will be able to: Identify differences between MAP for Primary Grades and standard MAP Understand features of each test in the tiered assessment system Develop student placement plans MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Assessing Primary Grades Students
Assists with documentation of mastery of foundational skills in reading and mathematics Informs instructional decision making Aligns with the needs of the primary student and teacher Provides first point in long-term measure of student academic growth Key Concepts: MAP for Primary Grades is an assessment system based upon the unique information needs of the primary grades teacher MAP for Primary Grades will help primary grades teachers document mastery of foundational skills in reading and mathematics. MAP for Primary Grades will help primary grades teachers monitor student learning needs through students’ acquisition of basic skills. MAP for Primary Grades supports instructional planning and decision-making in reading and math Provides initial point for long-term growth measure of students Activity (Table discussion): Purpose – to engage participants in thinking about the many purposes for assessing primary grades students. In table groups, give participants 2 minutes to brainstorm a list of all the ways they assess their primary grades students for progress. Be sure each group appoints a recorder. Next, give each group 3 minutes to list the purposes for each type of assessment they have listed. Debrief with the whole group by having one table share their entire list first, then having others add any new assessments or purposes listed at their tables. List all unique examples on chart pack. A MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
MAP for Primary Grades vs. Standard MAP Tests (for grades 2 and up)
Same RIT scale Adaptive tests Growth measure Reports Different Administration Tiered assessment system Data Reports and resources DesCartes Enhanced items with audio Key Concepts: Point out the similarities and differences between MAP (grades 2 and up) and MAP for Primary Grades. Differences: The MAP for Primary Grades system includes BOTH adaptive tests and fixed form tests. The tiered system means that teachers will need to make decisions about placing students in different tests within the system based upon criteria we’ll discuss later in the training The data from the fixed form tests in the system will not be reported as RIT scores, but as mastery scores Reports from the fixed form tests will look different from the Survey with Goals reports Learning statements similar to those in DesCartes will be provided in a document called Primary Grades Instructional Data Enhanced items include on-screen manipulatives and audio Facilitator Note: Fixed form tests will repeat items at the same level in a narrow concept or skill area and can be given repeatedly until mastery is achieved. Talking Points: We will walk participants through the elements of MAP for Primary Grades that remain the same (sometimes with minor alterations) and those which incorporate significant changes. Remember that some participants may not have any experience with MAP testing and so all concepts are new. You will want to modify time spent on slides accordingly. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Instructional Data or DesCartes
Rasch unIT (RIT) Scale Grade Level Norms RIT Skill Data Achievement scale Equal-interval Used to show growth over time Scale has the same meaning regardless of the students’ grade level or items taken 250 10 Instructional Data or DesCartes 9 8 7 6 Key Concepts: MAP for Primary Grades adaptive tests Are aligned to the RIT scale Show growth over time Identify concepts and skills at student’s instructional level Facilitator Note: Through the presentation of grade level norms on the left and learning statements on the right of the RIT Scale, the slide shows that the RIT scale aligns to both norms and the content that students are ready to learn. (DesCartes provides learning statements that align with standard MAP scores. Currently Primary Grades Instructional Data is the document that provides learning statements for MAP for Primary Grades scores.) Talking Points: Explain that the scale aligns both to performance norms and content. It is an equal-interval scale, like a yardstick. This means that 10 RITs at the bottom means the same as 10 RITs at the top of the scale, and the scale is NOT grade level dependent. The RIT Scale lets us see how much growth happened between fall and spring and across time. The scale is consistent – it has the same meaning regardless of the student’s grade level or items taken. 5 4 3 2 1 K 120 MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
RIT Scale MAP for Primary Grades adaptive tests:
Extend the RIT scale to valid scores as low as 110 Reach ranges as high as approximately on the RIT scale Consider transitioning students to standard MAP testing when Students have been exposed to the content in standard MAP tests AND When they no longer need the support of audio enhanced items OR When students reach or exceed a score of 210 on the RIT scale Key Concepts: MAP for Primary Grades adaptive tests: Extend the RIT scale to valid scores as low as 110 Reach ranges as high as approximately on the RIT scale Transition students to standard MAP testing when students have been exposed to the content assessed by standard MAP and no longer need audio items OR when they reach or exceed 210 on the RIT scale MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Addressing Classroom Diversity: MAP for Primary Grades Adaptive Tests
Adult Reading Challenging, appropriate, and dynamically developed for every student Untimed Purpose is internal accountability Measures growth in student achievement Immediate results Can test up to twice per year Adult Reading x - x - - - + + + + Key Concepts: Discuss some of the ways MAP tests address classroom diversity: It provides a challenging test for every student. Students are not expected to get every question right or every question wrong. It is dynamically built based on the achievement level of the student and will give accurate and reliable info for every student. It is an untimed test. Students should be given as much time as needed as long as they are making progress. We give this test for internal accountability, to be able to weigh ourselves against how we are doing. Even though external norms are provided, these are for general reference. It measures growth in how students are progressing. Because we can see the data historically and it is consistent data from season to season, this allows the growth to be measured. We receive immediate results, right at the end of the test event. A student can be tested up to twice a year in any one of the MAP for Primary Grades Adaptive tests in order to monitor growth. (NOTE that this is different from standard MAP testing guidelines. As the item pools for MAP for Primary Grades tests are developed, more test events will be permitted in the MAP for Primary Grades Survey with Goals tests.) + 129 x + x 1st Grade x 5th Grade x x + x x x x x x x Beginning Literacy x Beginning Literacy MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Instructional Level vs. Mastery
MAP for Primary Grades Prerequisite tests and Skills Checklist tests assess mastery of foundational skills MAP for Primary Grades Survey with Goals tests provide the instructional level of the student Key Concepts: The MAP for Primary Grades Prerequisite tests and Skills Checklist tests DO assess mastery of foundational skills in reading and math The MAP for Primary Grades Survey with Goals tests provide teachers with the INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL of the student. They DO NOT assess mastery. Talking Points: With NWEA assessments, our purpose is to get the most accurate information we can on every child. MAP Survey with Goals adaptive tests are based on a continuum of skills in mathematics and reading from low skill levels to high skill levels. The results provide a way—a road map–for determining where each student is performing in the continuum of content and skills of the subject tested. NWEA adaptive assessments are not “mastery” tests. Prerequisite and Skills Checklist tests DO provide mastery indicators in foundational skills. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Measuring Academic Growth
Survey with Goals tests (adaptive) Take into account students’ starting points Assess progress as well as proficiency Key Concepts: The adaptive tests in the MAP for Primary Grades assessment system allow us to consider student starting points in the content and skills we teach and measure academic growth in those areas over time. Activity: (Purpose – to engage participants in thinking about growth data) Have participants discuss at their tables how having a growth measure might change conversations you have with parents and students throughout the year and contribute to what you share with other teachers. How will having a growth measure add to the things you discussed in the last activity? Debrief by having each group share one point they discussed in table groups. Talking Points: Measuring student growth gives us another important way to evaluating our instructional programs and practices. A MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Tiered Assessment System
Prerequisite tests (mastery tests) Assess basic letter/number skills Skills Checklist tests (mastery tests) Assess developing literacy/numeracy skills Survey with Goals tests (adaptive tests) Measures growth in reading and mathematics skills Key Concepts: MAP for Primary Grades is a tiered system with 3 distinct levels of assessment. We’re using the ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ blocks on the screen to symbolize the 3 tiers. Share with participants that when you see the blocks, it will signify that we are looking at information pertinent to one of the tiers as indicated on the slide. Teachers will determine at which tier students will begin testing based upon: Knowledge of student Input of parents Prerequisite or Skills Checklist test data Other assessment information District’s intended uses/requirements Materials: Call participants attention to the documents below as we move through the slides in this section. Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: MAP for Primary Grades is a tiered system with 3 distinct levels of assessment: Prerequisite tests in math and reading that assess basic letter/number skills Skills checklist tests to assess critical pieces of developing literacy/numeracy skills Adaptive tests in reading and math (only part of system which provides RIT score for growth measure and Lexile) Test level assignments for students may be selected for a variety of reasons. Guidelines for placing students based on instructional purposes will be addressed in detail in following slides, however, please call participants attention to the following possible considerations: No Lexile generated from Prerequisite tests or Skills Checklist tests in reading No RIT score for growth over time from Prerequisite tests or Skills Checklist tests No Instructional Data (learning statements, like in DesCartes) from Prerequisite tests or Skills Checklist tests No documentation of mastery from the Survey with Goals tests M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Reading and Mathematics Prerequisite Tests
Test types Reading: Letter Recognition, Sounds, Concepts of Print Mathematics: Concepts of Number Fixed form tests (mastery tests) Assesses foundational skills of letters and numbers Measures discrete essential skills Guides instruction Takes place of most typical one-on-one testing Audience: Pre-kindergarten, fall kindergarten Test intervals: repeat as often as needed Key Concepts: These tests can replace many of the one-on-one assessments typically done in primary grades classrooms. Tests will measure the foundational skills of letter and number understanding. Provides documentation of mastery of foundational skills. These tests should be the first tests given to Kindergarten and first grade students and most second graders. These tests are not adaptive. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: It is our recommendation that Prerequisite tests be given in the fall of kindergarten and be the first assessment of the MAP for Primary Grades System that most first and second grade students take. Anticipate that students will take around 15 – 20 minutes on Prerequisite Reading test (104 items, but some are as simple as “Point at the letter ‘b’.”) and no more than 30 minutes for Prerequisite Math test (51 items total – first 10 are rote counting to ten.). Remember, both tests may be paused and resumed if desired. These tests may be given as often as needed throughout the school year. Districts may place these tests on individual work stations in a primary grade classroom in addition to having them in a lab setting, however, this process MUST be coordinated by district MAP and Tech coordinators. There is a reading test and a math test; teachers will select the appropriate test to match the students’ readiness. These tests will help alleviate much of the one-on-one time primary grades teachers spend assessing these skills. Results may also be used to help guide instruction for individual students as well as whole group instruction. M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Reading Skills Checklist Tests
Seven Fixed form tests (mastery tests) Assesses building blocks to basic literacy Measures discrete essential skills Guides instruction Takes the place of typical one-on-one testing Audience: Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first grade, intervention in grades 2+ Testing interval: repeat as often as needed Two reading goals measured Phonological awareness – two tests Phonics – five tests Key Concepts: These tests can replace much of the time teachers spend with one-on-one testing. Provides documentation of mastery of foundational skills. Assesses beyond the skills tested with the Prerequisite Tests. There are 7 individual skills tests in the Reading Skills Checklist test series. The 7 tests assess skills related to letter/sound relationships, the relationships between the spelling of sounds in language and phonological aspects of speech. These tests are not adaptive. Recommended for all students who have been successful on the Reading Prerequisite test; some second grade students may begin with this test. Any tests in the series may be given to individual students or the group as often as needed. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: Reading Skills Checklist Tests are recommended for all Kindergarten and first graders who have been successful on the Reading Prerequisite test; could also be used in extended grades for evaluating specific needs for intervention. There are 7 individual skills tests in the Reading Checklist test series. Teachers will select the appropriate skills segment of the test based on individual needs of students. Tests do not need to be given in any order, nor do students need to take all tests. Each tests may take from 15 to 30 minutes; however, they are untimed. These tests may be given as often as needed throughout the school year. Districts may place these tests on individual work stations in a primary grade classroom in addition to having them in a lab setting, however, this process MUST be coordinated by district MAP and Tech coordinators. Teachers will use the results for informing instruction and diagnosing needs for intervention. M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Mathematics Skills Checklist Tests
Nine Fixed form tests (mastery tests) Assesses basic concepts in mathematics Measures discrete essential skills Guides instruction Takes the place of typical one-on-one testing Audience: kindergarten, first grade, and second grade Testing Interval: repeat as often as needed Two mathematics goals measured Number sense – four tests Computation – five tests Key Concepts: These tests can replace much of the time teachers spend with one-on-one testing. Provides documentation of mastery of foundational skills. Assesses beyond the skills tested with the Prerequisite Tests. There are 9 individual skills tests in the Math Skills Checklist test series. The 9 tests assess skills related to number sense and computation. These tests are not adaptive. Recommended for all students who have been successful on the Math Prerequisite test; second grade students may begin with this test. Any tests in the series may be given to individual students or the group as often as needed. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: Math Skills Checklist Tests are recommended for all Kindergarten and first graders who have been successful on the Math Prerequisite test; second grade students may begin with this test; can also be used in extended grades for evaluating specific needs for intervention. There are 9 individual skills tests in the Math Checklist test series. Teachers will select the appropriate skills segment of the test based on individual needs of students. Tests do not need to be given in any order, nor do students need to take all tests. Each tests may take from 15 to 30 minutes; however they are untimed. These tests may be given as often as needed throughout the school year. Districts may place these tests on individual work stations in a primary grade classroom in addition to having them in a lab setting, however, this process MUST be coordinated by district MAP and Tech coordinators. Teachers will use the results for informing instruction and diagnosing needs for intervention. M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey with Goals Audience Scores Intervals for testing
K -1 students successful with other tests in the system Some grade 2 students; intervention screening in grades 3 and 4 Scores RIT score for each test Intervals for testing Twice per year During district testing windows Instructional Data document Learning statements organized by RIT level (Future) DesCartes aligned to state goal structures Key Concepts: Four Survey with Goals tests will be available; 2 reading and 2 mathematics tests. Tests will provide an overall content RIT score as well as goal RIT ranges. Tests are adaptive and are similar to MAP tests for other grades. The goal performance areas for these tests will be different from the regular MAP tests for other grades. These goals will align with NWEA Instructional Data document (similar to DesCartes). Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: Tests will take approximately 30 minutes each and are untimed. Students may take both tests in content area; decision based on teacher/student needs. Tests are delivered like regular MAP tests; however they include audio and enhanced items in addition to the multiple choice format. Students will receive a content RIT score and goal RIT ranges. These goal areas will not be the same goal performance areas of the regular MAP tests because they are not state aligned (future). They will align with learning statements in the Primary Grades Instructional Data document. Preliminary/initial performance norms can be accessed from the MAP for Primary Grades support/training web page. These tests will not have growth norms (future). M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Reading Survey with Goals Tests
One Reading Survey with Goals test measures Phonemic Awareness Phonics, Letters, Sounds Concepts of Print The other Survey with Goals test measures Vocabulary and Word Structure Comprehension Writing Key Concepts: The reading Survey with Goals test named ‘Primary Gr-READ-Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Concepts of Print V2’ measures the goals below: Phonemic awareness; Phonics, Letters, Sounds; Concepts of print The reading Survey with Goals test named ‘Primary Gr-READ-Vocab and Word Struct, Comprehension, Writing V2’ measures the goals below: Vocabulary and Word Structure; Comprehension; Writing Students may take either one of these tests or both based on teacher and district needs. Give the test named ‘Primary Gr-READ-Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Concepts of Print V2’ with early readers to establish a growth measure of developmental reading. Give both tests with independent primary readers. Each test will generate a RIT score and goal area RIT ranges. IMPORTANT: Only ‘Primary Gr-READ-Vocab and Word Struct, Comprehension, Writing V2’ will generate a Lexile score. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: Below are examples of learning statements/concepts in the goal areas. Use, if needed, as illustration/examples. Phonemic Awareness Identifies pictures (2) that begins with the same initial consonant sound (b) like a given word, presented auditorily Phonics Identifies the beginning letter (b) of a given picture, presented auditorily Concepts of Print Identifies where a reader would begin reading on a page, presented auditorily M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Mathematics Survey with Goals Tests
One Mathematics Survey with Goals test measures Problem Solving Number Sense Computation The other Survey with Goals test measures Measurement and Geometry Statistics and Probability Algebra Key Concepts: The math survey with goals test named ‘Primary Gr-MATH-Problem Solving, Number Sense, Computation V2’ assesses the goals of: Problem solving; Number sense; Computation The math survey with goals test named ‘Primary Gr-MATH-Meas and Geometry, Statistics and Prob, AlgebraV2’ assesses the goals of: Measurement and geometry; Statistics and probability; Algebra Students may take either one of these tests or both based on teacher and district needs. Each test will generate a RIT score and goal area RIT ranges. If both tests are taken in the same test window, a combined score will be generated Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Examples of Mathematics Concepts
Primary grades algebra Copies a repeating pattern using different geometric shapes Extends a repeating pattern – pictures of real-world objects Primary grades probability/statistics Reads a pictograph – using scale of 1 symbol = 1 object Reads a tally chart Primary grades geometry/measurement Identifies or names a square Identifies the lightest object Identifies real-world situations that are cold Key Concepts: These are examples of learning statements/concepts in the goal areas tested and reported in Math Survey with Goals test (Primary Gr-MATH-Meas and Geometry, Statistics and Prob, AlgebraV2). Emphasize that this test will measure from the most foundational level of skills in algebra, probability, statistics, geometry, and measurement. It is important to note that the test, being adaptive, WILL LEVEL UP to more difficult concepts in these areas if students exceed minimal competency. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: Teachers must remember that adaptive tests provide instructional level by assessing what students DO NOT KNOW as well as what they know at approximately a 50:50 ratio. M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Placement Decisions Considerations Student readiness
District data needs Instructional uses Key Concepts: Teachers’ knowledge of students should be the main factor in test selection, however, district data needs must be considered as well. We will process these considerations in an activity together today. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document Talking Points: M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Student Readiness Previous teacher’s recommendations
Prior assessment results Information shared by parents Teacher observation of students Key Concepts: As we think about student readiness, we’ll have different information to consider for different students. All of the points on the slides are possible sources of this information at the beginning of the year. As the year progresses, teachers will reevaluate based on additional data gathered. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
District Data Needs Mastery documentation: administer Prerequisite and/or Skills Checklist tests Growth data: administer Survey with Goals tests Lexile scores: administer Survey with Goals test named “Primary Gr-READ-Vocab and Word Struct, Comprehension, Writing V2” Key Concepts: Districts may have differing expectations, requirements, reporting and communication needs. We need to consider these needs as well in making placement decisions. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Instructional Uses Identify foundational skills for mastery: administer Prerequisite and/or Skills Checklist tests Group students for instruction: administer any tests in the system Assess needs for intervention: administer any tests in the system Evaluate student academic growth: administer Survey with Goals tests Key Concepts: Encourage participants to think about how teachers will use the test results to inform instruction as well. Some considerations to keep in mind are that: Only Prerequisite and Skills Checklist tests identify areas of student mastery or lack of mastery All tests inform grouping and intervention identification Only Survey with Goals tests evaluate growth, provide a RIT score, and align with Instructional Data learning statements (discussed further later in training) Only Survey with Goals – ‘Primary Gr-READ-Vocab and Word Struct, Comprehension, Writing V2’ test provides a Lexile score for students Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Placement Decisions Who will we test?
What tiers of the system best fit our needs? What additional input do we need to make final decisions? How will we communicate placements decisions? Key Concepts: Teams should now apply what we’ve discussed regarding placement considerations and begin to plan. The activity will guide groups through critical aspects of the decision making process and lead to formulation of first steps toward implementation of the system. Before the activity, walk participants through the Test Descriptions document and the Guidelines for Placing Students documents to orient them to the information there. Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document MAP for Primary Grades Placement Process Activity Activity: (Purpose – to engage participants in applying new knowledge to the placement process they will use.) Have participants regroup if needed by school teams. Use the Test Descriptions, Guidelines for Placing Students, and the activity document to inform and guide discussion around critical criteria for decision making. Ask participants to fill in evaluative items and related actions needed. Action steps can later be transferred to the Sustaining the Momentum Planning page. A M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 1: Wrap Up What are the components and key features of MAP for Primary Grades? What does it test? How does the testing system work? How does the system fit with our other assessments? Who will we test? What tests will we give them? Key Concepts: Review of intended accomplishments: Where are we in relation to the goals for this section? Identify differences between MAP for Primary Grades and standard MAP Understand features of each test in the tiered assessment system Develop student placement plans Activity: Purpose – to assist participants in assimilating the key concepts of this section. Have each group identify a recorder and a reporter. Give groups time to discuss each of the key concepts on the slide and to note: What you learned How it applies to your work A MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Sustaining the Momentum
Consider how you will implement what you’ve learned: Who will take the test? How will this impact our current assessment program for primary grades? Key Concepts: Make sure placement decisions have been transferred to planning page from the activity sheet. Capture any other action items here as well Materials: Sustaining the Momentum handout Talking Points: Point participants to the Sustaining the Momentum handout and let them know that periodically throughout the day we will be asking them to plan for how they will take action based upon what they learn today. Invite them to consider their own goals for the day and long-term goals for their instructional practice and their students’ achievement. Focus decisions about what actions they will take based upon what will move them closer to realizing those goals. A M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 2 Topics for Today Administering the Test Successfully
Understanding Components and Key Features of MAP for Primary Grades Section 2 Administering the Test Successfully Section 2 Administering the Test Successfully Section 3 Accessing Reports and Using the Data MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 2: Intended Accomplishments
Communicating implementation plan Preparing students, staff, and computers Key Concepts: Intended Accomplishments: Participants will be able to: Communicate implementation plan Prepare students, staff, and computers MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Roles in Test Administration
MAP Coordinator Key point of communication with NWEA Technical Coordinator Coordinates implementation Technology readiness and setup Set up computers in labs and/or classrooms Proctors/Teachers Prepare computers for testing groups Select tests needed for each student Monitor ongoing testing event Print end-of-test score screens Key Concepts: Understanding roles in testing is important. IMPORTANT: Participants in onsite training will need to print and copy Roles and Responsibilities Checklists and the MAP for Primary Grades Test Names List at the MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training link at Note that some of the tests in the MAP for Primary Grades system can be administered on classroom computers, however, this process MUST be coordinated by district MAP and Tech coordinators. Teachers may act as proctors when classroom computers are used MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Accessing the Support & Training Page
Member Support MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training Registration for updates Please note: Check this site for updates and current information related to new releases. Key Concepts: Participants will need to follow the bulleted ‘links’ above to access the MAP for Primary Grades Support and Training page for: Critical documents Links to downloads and resources IMPORTANT: Updated information will be located here as new iterations of product become available. A registration section is provided for those who would like notification of changes. Stress that participants will want to check this site often to stay current. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Support & Training Page: Links
Find links to: Download all software, including new TestTaker version MAP for Primary Grades Recorded Online Training [password: MPGprimary] “Test Warm-up” flash presentation DataBridge info (optional) CRF realignment info (optional) Key Concepts: TestTaker versions update often – check to make sure the version you are using supports MAP for Primary Grades Consider using recorded Facilitator-Led Online Training as supplemental training for others as needed More information on Test Warm up in following slides MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Support & Training Page: Documents and Information
Roles and Responsibilities Checklist Technical Requirements Classroom Testing Requirements Installation Instructions & User Guide Proctor and Teacher Instructions Recorded Session instructions Online Training Handout Guidelines for Placing Students Test Descriptions Test Name List Placement Process Activity Page Sustaining the Momentum Planning Page Key Concepts: The MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training page is intended to give participants all needed documents and links in one location Remember, participants may want to consider using the recorded online training for those who are not present today who may still need the information or portions of the information presented in this training Any updated materials will be accessible here for future iterations of this product MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Before Testing: Class Roster File
Preparing the class roster file (CRF) Include primary grades students Kindergarten grade identified by 13; Pre-kindergarten identified by 14 If using Databridge, see link at MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training page for special directions If current season CRF has been submitted without primary students, see link at MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training page for special directions Allow 14 days processing time prior to test administration Key Concepts: Stress that 14 days are needed for processing CRF, which will impact testing schedules Additional support information is available at MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training, MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Before Testing: Downloads
Download from the NWEA Secure TestTaker page NEW version of TestTaker Audio files Collector Application Download from TAA (after CRF is enrolled) Test packages Student data Agency data Key Concepts: MAP coordinator will be directed to this page for downloads via from NWEA support specialists There is also a link to this page from the MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training page at The link will be activated when district is licensed for MAP for Primary Grades After CRF is enrolled, go to TAA to download test packages and data files MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Before Testing: Schedules
MAP for Primary Grades will be available for downloading on or after August 15, 2006 Primary students may be scheduled for multiple tests within the same testing window Shorter block recommended (anticipate 1/2 hour per test) Key Concepts: Considerations for setting your testing schedules: Some MAP for Primary Grades tests will take as little as 15 minutes Most often lab setting will be best for initial testing of classes in Prerequisite level tests or Survey with Goals tests Administration of Prerequisite and Skills Checklist tests may be done outside lab setting when appropriate All MAP for Primary Grades tests may be paused and resumed as needed Untimed; allow approximately 30 minutes for each test given in lab setting MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Before Testing: Preparing Computers
Proctor reviews “Test Warm-up” at MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training page Prepare student headphone sets Check volume on computer settings Check the mouse at each computer If using classroom computers for testing, refer to Classroom Testing Requirements document Key Concepts: Lab setup should include checks of functionality of computer/headphone sound and volume settings Make sure mice work The Test Warm-up will familiarize the proctor with the items and their functionality prior to working with students; proctors/teachers will also use the Test Warm-up with student groups prior to testing Same set-up procedures will apply in situations where testing will be done in classrooms Important: If using classroom computers for testing, refer to Classroom Testing Requirements document for information about technical setup of computers and required roles, permissions, and passwords needed for student and test selection process MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Before Testing: Test Warm-up Activity
Computer activity for students to practice interacting with all item types using audio options selecting answer choices Download and install on computers where students will complete the activity Schedule times for all students Allow approximately ½ hour for each group Key Concepts: Test Warm-up is a computer activity in which students practice interaction with all enhanced item types Plan to download well ahead of testing so that practice sessions may be scheduled MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Before Testing: Test Selection
Identify and communicate which tests are to be given based on placement decisions Create student/test placement list Distribute to Proctors Print MAP for Primary Grades test names list Post in testing areas Key Concepts: Placement decisions will need to be captured and shared with those who will select and supervise testing Proctors will see dropdown menu with potentially 30+ test names (depending upon district license) Selection of correct tests IS CRITICALLY important FOR Facilitator information only – For your reference only, the names of MAP for Primary Grades tests are below. Please DO NOT read or distribute these names, as any potential changes to test names which may have occurred after finalization of this training component will be reflected in the document at the MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training link at Names of MAP for Primary Grades Tests – MATH Prerequisite Tests: Primary Gr-MATH-Prerequisite Skills Checklist Tests: Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist-Number Sense to 10 Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Number Sense to 20 Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Number Sense to 100 Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Number Sense to 1000 Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Computation to 10 Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Computation to 20 Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Computation to 100–no regrouping Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Computation to 100-regrouping Primary Gr-MATH-Skills checklist–Computation to 1000 Survey with Goals (adaptive tests): Primary Gr-MATH-Problem Solving, Number Sense, Computation V2 Primary Gr-MATH-Meas and Geometry, Statistics and Prob, AlgebraV2 Names of MAP for Primary Grades Tests – Reading Primary Gr-READING-Prerequisite Primary Gr-READ-Skills Checklist-Phonics-Complex Vowel Patterns Primary Gr-READ-SkillsChecklist-Phon.Awarenes-Phoneme Identify Primary Gr-READ-SkillsChecklist-Phon.Awarenes-Manipulate Sounds Primary Gr-READING–Skills Checklist–Phonics–Consonants Primary Gr-READING–Skills Checklist–Phonics–Blends and Digraphs Primary Gr-READING–Skills Checklist–Phonics–Simple Vowel Patterns Primary Gr-READING–Skills Checklist–Phonics–Spelling Patterns Primary Gr-READ-Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Concepts of Print V2 Primary Gr-READ-Vocab and Word Struct, Comprehension, Writing V2 MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
During Testing Proctors and Teachers
Critical: Careful selection of tests To pause and resume tests, use ‘control/shift/p’ on PCs; ‘command/shift/p’ on MACs To activate continue button to proceed to end-of-test score screen, use ‘control/shift /k’ on PCs or ‘command/shift/k’ on MACs Familiarization items appear prior to scored items Print end-of-test score screen after each test Key Concepts: Test may be paused at any time and resumed after an indefinite period – an hour later, next day, next week, etc. (Note: Survey with Goals tests would need to be completed within the district testing window) Keystroke sequences for pause and continue are noted in Proctor/Teacher Instructions document. However, you may want to have participants write down the keystrokes needed to ‘pause’ and ‘continue’ to print end-of-test score screen to ensure that they are familiar with this small but essential step Familiarization items are unscored examples of the item types in the test intended for student practice (1 – 4 possible depending upon test) End-of-Test score screen should be printed as immediate documentation for teachers MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Mathematics Prerequisite Test Items
Based upon student’s understanding of numbers, test will give student 8 items only – if student cannot rote count to 10 or 18 items only – if student does not understand one to one correspondence or All 51 items Key Concepts: The Math Prerequisite test will adjust the number of items students take based upon their skills in foundational numeracy If a student is not accurate on 8 rote counting items, the test will not continue If a student cannot understand 1 to 1 correspondence, student may see 18 items only If a student is successful with the above, he or she will see all 51 items (full test takes approximately 20 – 30 minutes) Note: The Reading Prerequisite test has around 100 items. Students will see all items on this test. (Test takes only approximately 15 minutes.) MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 2: Wrap Up What are our next steps for successful implementation of the test? Have we: Established testing dates? Identified critical dates for steps necessary prior to testing? Identified persons responsible for next steps? Informed and prepared teachers and proctors? Prepared students? Key Concepts: These key concepts require action Materials: Sustaining the Momentum Planning page Activity: Discuss and address questions on the slide. Some decisions will be made at district level; others will be made by building leaders. Take 5 minutes to have table groups answer all questions possible and articulate action steps across the page, then debrief as a large group. Use this time to ensure that there is consistency on district level decisions. A M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Sustaining the Momentum
Consider how you will implement what you’ve learned: Fall testing Spring testing Next year Key Concepts: Make sure that all action steps needed are recorded on Sustaining the Momentum page Materials: Sustaining the Momentum Planning page Activity: Invite participants to consider their own goals for the day and long-term goals for MAP for Primary Grades testing. Focus decisions about what actions they will take based upon what will move them closer to realizing those goals. A M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 3 Topics for Today Accessing Reports and Using the Data
Understanding Components and Key Features of MAP for Primary Grades Section 2 Administering the Test Successfully Section 3 Accessing Reports and Using the Data Section 3 Accessing Reports and Using the Data MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 3: Intended Accomplishments
Access your MAP for Primary Grades reports Use data for instructional purposes Key Concepts: Intended Accomplishments: Participants will be able to: Access MAP for Primary Grades reports Use data for instructional purposes MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Never Use Only One Point of Data
Triangulation State Key Concepts: Always consider more than one data point when making critical decisions about students. Consider how and when you will need to triangulate teacher observations, examples of student work, and other test data with NWEA data Talking Points: Stress that we should never use only one piece of data, especially when making important decisions. Use the analogy of an iceberg. We need to have three points of reference to see the mass of it. Also, the portions below the water—that which we don’t see– may be just as significant as what we do see (or even more so!). Remind participants these NWEA data are only one piece, providing one snapshot in time. Another good analogy to use is taking a student’s photograph on picture day. Most often the photo is good, but not always. The student is always changing—tomorrow they will look very similar, but not identical. Triangulation (3 supporting pieces that agree) of data should be emphasized as well as using a “Body of Evidence.” Local -Classroom Periodic Classroom Assessment (On-going) NWEA & other Data State Assessments (High stakes) MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Availability of Your Data
Immediate End-of-test score screen provides preliminary data 24 – 48 hours after testing User Name and Passwords distributed to teachers by MAP coordinator or building principal Access reports at click on “Reports Site” Online reports 72 hours after district summary reports have been ordered Some Survey with Goals reports will be available Note: Currently MAP for Primary Grades data will not display in the Dynamic Reporting Suite platform (future) Key Concepts: All tests in MAP for Primary Grades have end-of-test score screens which can be printed for immediate use. Principals or MAP coordinator must distribute username/password information to all teachers. Within 24 – 48 hours of the uploading of test events, online reports may be accessed. Some Survey with Goal reports will be available for administrators to order at the reports site within 72 hours of closing the district testing window and ordering End-of-term reports (viewed through Crystal Reports Viewer) (IMPORTANT NOTE TO FACILITATORS – Since this is a new product, clients should anticipate that Online Class reports for Prerequisite and Skills Checklist tests will be available around mid-September. The Online Student reports should be available by the end of September.) Facilitator Note: MAP for Primary Grades data does not now populate in Dynamic Reporting Suite reports (future). MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Accessing Your Data Placeholder for navigation issues to MAP for Primary Grades reports Links to access various Survey with Goals reports and resources Key Concepts: MAP for Primary Grades Survey with Goals reports will be accessed through the links for Online Reports on the left navigation bar at the NWEA Reports Site (Facilitator note: Click to fade out first level of navigation and move to next.) MAP for Primary Grades Prerequisite and Skills Checklist reports will be accessed through the link for MAP for Primary Grades on the left navigation bar. (IMPORTANT NOTE TO FACILITATORS – Since this is a new product, clients should anticipate that Online Class reports for Prerequisite and Skills Checklist tests will be available around mid-September. The Online Student reports should be available later this fall.) Link to access Prerequisite and Skills Checklist reports: mid-September, 2006 MAP for Primary Grades MAP for Primary Grades Instructional Data MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Prerequisite Test Reports: End-of-Test Score Screen
Mock-up Report When numbers are filled in, student has correctly answered the item Key Concepts: Accessing/sharing this report It is essential to print the end-of-test score screen to provide immediate documentation of student mastery Until late September this is the ONLY report capturing individual student data available. If it is not printed at the end of the testing event, this data CANNOT be retrieved until online reports become available. Recommend sharing this report with teachers and others Make sure that student computers are mapped to a printer Provides information on student mastery or lack of mastery of basic letter and number skills Reading/interpreting this report The top line for each section shows the foundational skill measured by the item (number recognition, upper case and lower case letters and sounds) The line (or lines) below are filled in when the student has answered the item correctly Some skills will be evaluated by a statement such as “1 or more errors” or “Correct/Incorrect” “Yes/No” as shown on the slide after “Orders numbers correctly”) The summary section for each skill group shows number of items correct over total items and the percentage that represents We do not assess rote counting for because you can’t rote count to 1 and we feel rote counting to 2 or 3 doesn’t provide meaningful information to teachers – most students can rote count to 3 by age 3. If students cannot rote count to 4 or 5 they are behind where they need to be at the beginning of kindergarten. Talking Points: Later this fall, a student report will be added to the MAP for Primary Grades suite of reports which will present the same data as the End-of-Test score screen 24 – 48 hours after the test events are uploaded. This will eliminate the necessity of printing this screen. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Prerequisite Test Reports: Class Report
Mock-up Report Lo – (Default 0% to 59%) Av – (Default 60% to 79%) Hi – (Default 80% to 100%) Key Concepts: Accessing/sharing the report Provides a cumulative record of all students’ test events. Reminder – this test can be taken an unlimited number of times at any interval deemed necessary by the teacher. This report is accessible to teachers (and administrators) through the Reports Site using User Name and Password for access. A color printer is preferred for this report, however, it is reproducible in grayscale on black and white printers. This report will be interactive in that some data points can be ‘drilled down’ to a view which gives more detailed individual student information. Check the Support & Training page for updates on availability of new reports. Reading/interpreting the report The first red box represents that 32% of the students in my class have correctly identified the letter 'h' as an initial consonant. An additional box will display the number of students who were successful over the total number of students in the class. Drill-down functionality will show students individual correct/incorrect information. Talking Points: Later product iterations are planned to include functionality to permit viewing of multiple testing dates Number represents percentage of students in this class who have responded correctly to this item MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Skills Checklist Test Reports: End-of-Test Score Screen
Mock-up Report When letters are filled in, student has correctly answered the item Key Concepts: Accessing/sharing this report It is essential to print the end-of-test score screen to provide immediate documentation of student mastery Until late September this is the ONLY report capturing individual student data available. If it is not printed at the end of the testing event, this data CANNOT be retrieved until online reports become available. Please note that this report will be the only data presentation available prior to mid-September Recommend sharing this report with teachers and others Make sure that student computers are mapped to a printer Provides information on student mastery or lack of mastery in foundational reading and math skills Reading/interpreting this report The top line for each section shows the foundational skill measured by the item The line (or lines) below are filled in when the student has answered the item correctly The summary section for each skill group shows number of items correct over total items and the percentage that represents Talking Points: Later this fall, a student report will be added to the MAP for Primary Grades suite of reports which will present the same data as the End-of-Test score screen 24 – 48 hours after the test events are uploaded. This will eliminate the necessity of printing this screen. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Skills Checklist Test Reports: Class Report
Mock-up Report Key Concepts: Accessing/sharing the report Provides a cumulative record of all students’ test events. Reminder – this test can be taken an unlimited number of times at any interval deemed necessary by the teacher. This report is accessible to teachers (and administrators) through the Reports Site using User Name and Password for access. A color printer is preferred for this report, however, it is reproducible in grayscale on black and white printers. This report will be interactive in that some data points can be ‘drilled down’ to a view which gives more detailed individual student information. Check the Support & Training page for updates on availability of new reports. Reading/interpreting the report ‘3%’ shows percent of class who correctly responded to addition with pictures of objects. ‘1/30’ shows the number of students out of the class total who have correctly responded to the item. Drill-down functionality will show students individual correct/incorrect information. Talking Points: Later product iterations are planned to include functionality to permit viewing of multiple testing dates MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey with Goals Reports: End-of-Test Score Screen
Key Concepts: Accessing/sharing this report You may wish to print the end-of-test score screen to provide immediate documentation of student RIT scores, however, this data will be available at the NWEA Reports site within hours after tests are uploaded. If you intend to print, make sure that student computers are mapped to a printer. Reading/interpreting this report Overall RIT score gives general indicator of student instructional level in the area tested Lexile score is given ONLY with Primary Reading 2 (‘Primary Gr-READ-Vocab and Word Struct, Comprehension, Writing V2’) Goal area scores will match the goals in the MAP for Primary Grades Test Descriptions document Goal area scores are presented as a range because the students see fewer items in each goal RIT scores link teachers to Primary Grades Instructional Data document learning statements MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey with Goals Reports: Student Report – Class Roster
Key Concepts: The Survey with Goals test offer two options for the individual student report – a graphic representation and a text version. Access the Individual Student Survey with Goals reports by clicking on the ‘Class Roster’ link, then click on student name. Graphic version of this report CANNOT BE GENERATED until student has at least two points of data on the same test Text report will not display a growth goal for students at this time (dependent upon development of GROWTH norms for MAP for Primary Grades) Fall percentiles for MAP for Primary Grades performance will not be determined until after this season, therefore, this column will not display until a later date (Spring percentiles should display). ‘HI-AVG-LO’ will follow the same pattern; once performance norms are established, this identifier will display. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey with Goals Reports: Teacher/Class Report
Key Concepts: Provides a cumulative record of all students’ test events. This report is accessible to teachers (and administrators) 24 – 48 hours after tests have been uploaded through the NWEA Reports Site. Requires username/password for access. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Instructional Resources: Class by RIT
Groups students with similar learning needs in reading and math Click on ‘Mathematics’ or ‘Reading’ to go to breakdown by goal areas Use RIT ranges with “Primary Grades Instructional Data” document to see learning statements aligned with student learning indicators Key Concepts: This resource only comes with Survey with Goals tests in MAP for Primary Grades system Access Instructional Resources reports via the link on the left navigation bar at the Reports Site. Class by RIT is the first view. Class by RIT organizes students by 10 point RIT bands in reading and math. Click on the word ‘Mathematics’ or ‘Reading’ to access the Goal by RIT breakdown report. Goal by RIT reorganizes students into columns by 10 point RIT bands in every goal area tested. Primary Grades Instructional Data document can be used alongside this report to identify content and skills students are ready to learn Instructional Resources reports are important tools to assist teachers with grouping for instruction and identifying appropriate entry points for students into content and skill development. Facilitator Note: You may wish to hide this slide in districts where they have not licensed Instructional Resources MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey with Goals: Additional Reports
Crystal Reports (via building administrator or MAP coordinator) Class Report - by name/by RIT Grade Report - by name/by RIT Individual Student Progress Report School and District Summary Report Key Concepts: Some reports can only be accessed by MAP coordinator and/or district administrators through Crystal Reports Viewer software. These reports are typically printed and distributed to teachers. Reports containing district summary data cannot be generated until district testing window has been closed. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Differences in Your Data
Goal structure Not state defined (future) Norms Initial spring norms at Support & Training page Preliminary fall norms available by winter ’07 Growth norms will be developed over time Target RIT Targets dependent upon growth norms above Key Concepts: Currently MAP for Primary Grades goal areas are not defined by organization of goals in state standards. This will be a future development. Initial spring performance norms are available through the link at the Support & Training page. Preliminary fall performance norms will be developed, and we anticipate releasing them by winter ’07. Growth norms for primary grades will be developed as sufficient data is available to perform norming studies. Check the MAP for Primary Grades Support & Training page for updates. Growth targets for students will appear on related reports soon after those studies are completed. Talking Points: In response to clients’ desire to establish percentile rankings in relation to students' first RIT scores, we have released "preliminary norms" for kindergarten and first grade based on early studies and calculations. NWEA recommends that you use these “preliminary norms” as a GENERAL GUIDELINE ONLY until we are able to publish refined norms based on the data we gather in subsequent terms. We anticipate that these preliminary norms WILL change as more data is collected. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Uses for Your Data Prioritize and sequence teaching concepts based on strengths/weaknesses Group students Focus on specific needs for tutoring and intervention Document and monitor progress and growth Communicate with parents Key Concepts: Encourage participants to think about how teachers will use the test results to inform instruction as well. Some considerations to keep in mind are that Only Prerequisite and Skills Checklist tests identify areas of student mastery or lack of mastery All tests inform grouping and intervention identification Only Survey with Goals tests evaluate growth, provide a RIT score, and align with Instructional Data learning statements (discussed further later in training) Only Survey with Goals – Primary Reading 2 test provides a Lexile score for students Materials: Test Descriptions document Guidelines for Placing Students document MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Accessing Instructional Data
Placeholder for navigation issues to MAP for Primary Grades reports Link to access Primary Grades Instructional Data: mid-September, 2006 Key Concepts: By mid-September Primary Grades Instructional Data document may be accessed via the link under ‘Data-Tools’ at the Reports Site. The document is presented as a printable PDF file. MAP for Primary Grades Primary Grades Instructional Data MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Primary Grades Instructional Data
Instructional Data learning statements are: Aligned to the RIT scale Useful indicators of instructional readiness Helpful for creating instructional groupings Key Concepts: Primary Grades Instructional Data is an index of learning statements based on Survey with Goals test items that have been calibrated to the RIT scale. As more learning statements are added to the document, the file will be updated at the Reports Site to provide the most complete information available. When the MAP for Primary Grades Survey with Goals tests become state aligned (future), a Primary Grades DesCartes will be developed which will be structured in alignment with individual state goal structures. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Section 3: Wrap Up Understanding components and key features
Questions about the system? Administering the test successfully Clear plan for preparation and implementation? Accessing reports and using the data When and how will we look at the data? Key Concepts: Review key concepts from this section and the rest of the MAP for Primary Grades training sections. Activity: Discuss and address questions on the slide. Some decisions will be made at district level; others will be made by building leaders. Take 5 minutes to have table groups identify and discuss questions, then articulate action steps across the page. Debrief as a large group. Use this time to ensure that there is consistency on district level decisions. Debrief by having the recorder from each table share on one of the concepts. A MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Checking for Updates Member Support
MAP for Primary Grades Key Concepts: MAP for Primary Grades is a product in iterative stages of release therefore it will be important for teams to plan to frequently check at the NWEA website for: Information on new report views, data, and functionality Updates on future release dates New support documents New training content New and updated technical information and support Talking Points: Strongly emphasize the importance of visiting the web site frequently MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
Sustaining the Momentum
Consider how you will implement what you’ve learned: Fall testing Spring testing Next year Key Concepts: Make sure that all action steps needed are recorded on Sustaining the Momentum page Materials: Sustaining the Momentum Planning page Activity: Invite participants to consider their own goals for the day and long-term goals for MAP for Primary Grades testing. Focus decisions about what actions they will take based upon what will move them closer to realizing those goals. A M MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
For more information… Visit or contact your MAP coordinator or NWEA Client Support representative. MAP for Primary Grades Revised 8/16/2006 © 2006 Northwest Evaluation Association
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