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Jesse Schomberg University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program Engagement and Barriers to Climate Adaptation in the Great Lakes.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesse Schomberg University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program Engagement and Barriers to Climate Adaptation in the Great Lakes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesse Schomberg University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program Engagement and Barriers to Climate Adaptation in the Great Lakes

2 ObjectivesObjectives By the end of my presentation, you will: –Be familiar with several local projects trying to identify barriers and determine community engagement strategies –Have an increased understanding of how to engage other community members on climate adaptation –Recognize perceived barriers to climate adaptation, (and begin to understand ways of working through those barriers)

3 Three Recent Assessments Survey Focus Group Interviews

4 Great Lakes Regional Climate Adaptation Survey 784 respondents from across the Great Lakes; 64 in the Lake Superior watershed Web-based Report coming…

5 Duluth Area Climate and Stormwater Focus Group Conducted Jan 2011 with members of the Regional Stormwater Protection Team 14 participants from: –MN DOT*, City of Duluth*, Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program, St. Louis River Alliance, Duluth Township*, City of Hermantown*, Lake Superior College*, University of Minnesota Duluth*.

6 Grand Marais Community Readiness Assessment - Interviews Face-to-face structured interviews with 13 community leaders Role climate plays in community, views on potential effects of climate change, and changes they think their community should take

7 Image:

8 1. Issues, Impacts to Community or Resources What particular weather events lead to the greatest impacts to your work and decision-making relating to stormwater? –Large rain events –Winter/late season rainfalls –Early spring rains on frozen ground

9 1. Issues, Impacts to Community or Resources What is your perspective on and understanding of a changing climate in the Great Lakes region? Focus on water quality

10 1. Issues, Impacts to Community or Resources Would changes… affect any built or natural infrastructure that you manage? If so, how? –Negatively affected: Culverts, ditches, roadbeds, stream channels, catchbasins, rooftops (esp. flat), retention basins and other SW Mgt systems, docks/piers, emergency overflows, dams, retaining walls –Positively affected: none

11 1. Issues, Impacts to Community or Resources What particular climate-related events do you think are most challenging for Grand Marais to deal with currently? –Forest fire risk – 6 of 11 –Storms/Rainfall/Flooding – 6 of 11 –Reduced winter snowpack – 6 of 11 Photo: Greg Seitz

12 1. Issues, Impacts to Community or Resources How do you think… –More frequent intense storms –Higher wind speeds –Fluctuating or dropping lake levels –Warmer temperatures/winters –More frequent summer droughts …would affect Grand Marais?

13 1. Issues, Impacts to Community or Resources How do you think… would affect Grand Marais? Forest impacts –Fires –Blowdowns –Species shift (Loss of boreal forest) Flood risks/infrastructure damage Tourism impacts –Especially snow cover/winter tourism Joan Farnham

14 Benefits of Adaptation 1.Improved quality of life for future generations 2.Reduced risk to human health & safety 3.More secure water supply 4.Improved environmental quality 5.Conserving habitat for wildlife Don’t KnowNot/SlightMod/Signif

15 Benefits of Adaptation 6.Protecting public infrastructure and services 7.Reduced economic losses or increased econ. benefits (longer tourism season) 8.Meeting political and public demand 9.Job creation 10.Compliance with federal and state mandates Don’t KnowNot/SlightMod/Signif

16 The causes of climate change The impacts of climate change in your region Ways to reduce climate change Ways to prepare for climate change How Well Informed do you feel about… Don’t KnowNot/Not VeryFairly/Very Well

17 Most saying they need no more info: 1.The science of climate change (causes, evidence) 2.Scientific projections of climate change phenomena… nationally How much information do you need in the following areas to effectively do your job? Don’t KnowNo/a little moreSome/a lot more

18 Those with most saying they need some or a lot more information (81-89% ) 1.Financial assistance &/or incentives… 2.Lessons learned… 3.Examples of… preparing… 4.Economic costs & benefits 5.Monitoring impacts… 6.Assessment of… vulnerability 7.Potential local impacts How much information do you need in the following areas to effectively do your job?

19 Some more of everything… How much information do you need related to climate change impacts on the following in order to effectively do your job?

20 Endpoint to plan for; published technical standards; local data Guidance for smaller communities with few resources Public support for action

21 To what extent are you interested in obtaining climate change knowledge and planning skills through any of the following formats: 1.Fact sheets 2.Web sites (50% somewhat or strongly distrust internet) 3.One-day workshop 4.Short intro presentations 5.Specific webcasts 6.Multi-day advanced training

22 Any changes Grand Marais should make to prepare…? Many mentions of energy use/local sustainability Diversification of economy Emergency management

23 How Should Grand Marais go about determining what changes might be needed to address climate change? No consistent responses; ideas include: –Do nothing –Incorporate into existing responsibilities –Public process –Need outside help

24 Followup: are there particular needs for Grand Marais to do this? –Local impacts –Outside help –Political Leadership/Public Demand

25 To what extent will climate change impact your job?  60% 

26 Barriers to adaptation Terms and vocabulary, sources of informationTerms and vocabulary, sources of information Barriers to access, planning, taking actionBarriers to access, planning, taking action

27 Terms and Vocabulary Most unaccepted: Global Warming Climate Change Least unaccepted: Community Sustainability Community Resilience NeitherNot AcceptedAccepted ability to respond to and quickly recover from catastrophic events such as natural disasters and terrorist attack (wikipedia)

28 Sources of Information Highest Distrust: Television Federal Agencies Internet Greatest Trust: University Scientists Peer-reviewed journals Peers or colleagues Strongly DistrustStrongly Trust

29 Sources of Information particular sources of information you deem trustworthy for making [climate adaptation] decisions? University (3 of 8 responses) –influenced by interviewee? Other responses: “don’t listen to anybody” Alternative science Local (community) radio station

30 Barriers to access, planning, taking action What factors prevent or limit your access to… tools? 1.Funding 2.Staff Time 3.Knowledge about available tools 4.Technical Capacity 5.Access to data

31 Barriers to access, planning, taking action To what extent do you see the following as BARRIERS to climate change?

32 Barriers to access, planning, taking action To what extent do you see the following as BARRIERS to climate change? Funding Political Support Staff Time Not a Priority Public Support Denial Uncertainty… mgt options Too far in future Uncertainty… impacts

33 Summary…Summary… The words we use matter…The words we use matter… So do the sources of information!So do the sources of information! Benefits of adaptation are recognizedBenefits of adaptation are recognized Existing issues and information needs are potential bridgesExisting issues and information needs are potential bridges Barriers exist, but not insurmountable!Barriers exist, but not insurmountable! Photo from Joan Farnham Jesse Schomberg Minnesota Sea Grant

34 IPCC 2001

35 Low Water Levels

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