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By: Tiffany Barnes Cathy Binetti Rachel Ivie Cathy Uhl

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1 By: Tiffany Barnes Cathy Binetti Rachel Ivie Cathy Uhl
The Exceptional Child Speech/Language Impairments and Orthopedic Impairments By: Tiffany Barnes Cathy Binetti Rachel Ivie Cathy Uhl

2 Statistics Show… Communication disorders affect approximately 1 out of every 10 people in the U.S. Approximately 60,000 students in the U.S. are orthopedically impaired

3 Definition of a Speech/Language Impairment (SI)
Problems with communication skills disrupt communication or affect emotional, social, intellectual, or education growth

4 Causes of SI hearing loss neurological disorders brain injury
mental retardation drug abuse physical impairments such as cleft palate vocal abuse or misuse frequently unknown

5 Categories of SI Articulation (trouble pronouncing sounds)
Fluency (stuttering) Voice (vocal quality) Language semantics syntax pragmatics

6 Eligibility and Legal Provisions
Classroom teacher suspects problem Parents are contacted SST (student support team) packet is completed by teacher and parents Teacher requests hearing/vision screening if referral is for speech only SST decides on strategies if referral is for language only Speech pathologist completes comprehensive evaluation

7 Teaching Strategies Eye contact Visual cues with teacher talk
Connection of pictures and words Avoid ambiguities Breakdown tasks Give information in chunks Graphic organizers Peer buddy or assistant Encourage discussion in one-on-one setting Allow for responses other than verbal Give more time for processing information Ask for clarification if you don’t understand Use of text on tape

8 Questions?

9 Definition of Orthopedic Impairment
Physical disability that adversely affects educational performance Can hamper students’ mobility, coordination, stamina, communication, or learning abilities Can be temporary, intermittent, chronic, progressive, or terminal

10 Causes Large portion caused by injury 20% are congenital
Disabilities often cause OI: cerebral palsy spina bifida amputations/ limb absences muscular dystrophy

11 Common Characteristics
Deficits in fine and gross motor developments Speech and communication problems Low, average, or gifted intellectual functioning Average or gifted students may participate full time in regular classrooms

12 Eligibility Medical evaluation by a licensed medical doctor is required Evaluation includes: diagnosis of student’s orthopedic impairment information regarding medications, surgeries, special diet, special health care procedures, and activity restrictions comprehensive educational assessment documentation of deficits in academic functioning, adaptive functioning, social-emotional functioning, motor development, and communication abilities psychological evaluation

13 Legal Provisions Documentation of eligibility is obtained
IEP is developed to: meet child’s needs adapt school and classroom environment

14 Teacher Collaboration
Key to successfully including the OI student in the regular education classroom OI teacher works with classroom teacher and the student to adapt him to the classroom environment and decide on effective strategies

15 (most strategies will be addressed in the IEP)
Teaching Strategies (most strategies will be addressed in the IEP) Use of slant board for writing Assistive technology Overhead hard copies Use of tables instead of desks Peer buddy or assistant Making physical accommodations as needed

16 Conclusion

17 References Georgia Department of Education 2003, Exceptional Students: State Rules (appendix J). Retrieved January 30, 2004, from Strategies for teaching students with communication disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2004, from Language difficulties in school: Classroom strategies for primary schools. (2002). Retrieved February 1, 2004, from National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities 2001, Definition of speech and language disorders. Retrieved January 29, 2004, from

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