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How to make a cardboard box haunted house

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1 How to make a cardboard box haunted house
By Colton chase 5th grade woods

2 In this video I will teach you how to make a cardboard box haunted house

3 Martial and preparation
You need need 2 cardboard boxes encase you mess-up. Next you need scissors then you need glue/tape .Then you need string and pencils. Then you markers/paint.

4 Steps Step one take your pencil and draw a line down the middle of the of the box. Step two take the scissors and cut down the line. Step three take one half and draw a few houses and people and a bat then cut the houses people and bat. Step four then take and color the houses people and bat then take and tape or glue them down. step five take the string and punch a hole though the bat then take the sting and tape it to the box and your done.


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