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2 Fun Facts Many NGOs in the United States are qualified as exempt from state and federal taxes. This legal status makes it easier for NGOs to operate as nonprofit organizations because they do not have to pay tax on the income (funding) they receive. If an NGO wants to receive exemption from income taxation from the U.S. Federal Government, the NGO applies to the Internal Revenue Service NGOs would amount to almost $16 billion, a figure three times that estimated by organisations such as the World Bank. Depending on the country


4 Ngo Logo Game Instructions: figure out the name of each Non-government organization by their logo

5 Round One

6 Round Two

7 Round Three

8 Round Four


10 What is a NGO? refers to organizations that are neither a part of a government nor conventional for-profit businesses. Usually set up by ordinary citizens, NGOs may be funded by governments, foundations or businesses. Some avoid formal funding altogether and are run primarily by volunteers

11 Two common Focuses Orientation: Type of activities it takes on. These activities might include human rights, environmental, or development work Level of Operation: indicates the scale at which an organization works, such as local, regional, national or international

12 Levels of Orienations Charitable orientation
Service orientation includes NGOs with activities such as the provision of health, family planning or education services Participatory orientation is characterized by self-help projects where local people are involved particularly in the implementation of a project by contributing cash, tools, land, materials, labour etc Empowering orientation aims to help poor people develop a clearer understanding of the social, political and economic factors affecting their lives, and to strengthen their awareness of their own potential power to control their lives

13 Levels of Operation Community-based organizations (CBOs) arise out of people's own initiatives City-wide organizations include organizations such as chambers of commerce and industry National NGOs- International NGOs – Rockefeller Foundation

14 Green Peace Orientation: ? Level of Operation: ?

15 War Child Orientation? Level of operation?

16 Characteristics of an NGO
non-profit status means they do not have to worry about money in the short term sense This allows them to focus in the longer term on their issues ex. Climate change, HIV research etc They enjoy a high level of public trust Concerns about stakeholders or shadow members?

17 First NGO Founded in 1945 UN or United Nations After World War 2
It is considered an NGO even though it has matters of state business being discussed

18 Question Time !!! 1.) Why do you think some NGO’s prefer to remain independent from governments? 2.) What is an NGO? And why are they important? Who benefits from mostly from an NGO?

19 =YAnd0ebRVuE Green Peace
=n1ePXWSaQnw War Child =mM3Na9a2mzw doctors without boarders

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