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Abby Harris, Meckenna Meidell, Philip Hunter

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1 Abby Harris, Meckenna Meidell, Philip Hunter
Death and Dying Abby Harris, Meckenna Meidell, Philip Hunter

2 What is Death? Death is the permanent termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. The phenomena which commonly bring about death include old age, predation, malnutrition, disease, and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury.

3 Childhood “You don’t understand!!... I wanted to see my best friend one more time!!... We would play with each other every day!!”

4 Death in Childhood 1-4 years of age
Deaths per 100,000 population: 28.6 Leading causes of death Accidents (unintentional injuries) Congenital malformations 5-14 years of age Deaths per 100,000 population: 15.3 Cancer

5 Adolescence “Live Fast, Die Young, and Leave a Good Looking Corpse”

6 Death in Adolescents and Emerging Adulthood Causes of Death for 15-24 Year Olds, U.S.

7 Adulthood “Kids, Spike is Sick so We Decided To Take Him To the Farm” “She was Such a Successful Business Woman, a great Wife, and a Devoted Mother”

8 Adulthood

9 Late Adulthood “I Have Lived a Happy, and Fulfilling Life, I Saw My Children Grow-up to be Amazing Parents, and My Grandkids Bring me Joy and Happiness”

10 Death in Late Adulthood
Heart disease is the number one cause of death among adults over the age of 60. Cancer is the second leading cause of death among seniors.

11 Late Adulthood

12 Stages of Dying (grief)
Maslow Hierarchy Of needs Kubler-Ross DABDA Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Physiological: Freedom from pain Safety: No abandonment Love and acceptance: from family and friends Respect from caregivers Self-actualization: spiritual transcendence

13 Grief The powerful sorrow that an individual feels are the death of another. Bereavement: The sense of loss following a death. Types of Grieving Complicated grief Absent grief Disenfranchised grief Incomplete grief

14 Grief You go through the same stages outlined by Kubler- Ross when losing someone close to you. Porscha Marie Dzierzon

15 Homer Five Stages of Death
Giraffe Five Stages of Death

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