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Parts of a FORMAL essay Study guide. 1.What are the correct margins? 2.What is the correct line spacing? 3.What is the appropriate font choice? 4.Where.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of a FORMAL essay Study guide. 1.What are the correct margins? 2.What is the correct line spacing? 3.What is the appropriate font choice? 4.Where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of a FORMAL essay Study guide

2 1.What are the correct margins? 2.What is the correct line spacing? 3.What is the appropriate font choice? 4.Where does your heading ALWAYS go? ONE INCH DOUBLE SPACED TIMES NEW ROMAN TOP RIGHT CORNER, SINGLE SPACED

3 1.Where does the title ALWAYS go? 2.What size font? 3.What is “frontloading”? 4.What should every essay start with? CENTERED, JUST BELOW HEADING ALWAYS SIZE 12 IN FORMAL ESSAY USING GRAPHIC ORGANIZER OF SOME KIND, PRE-WRITE, BRAINSTORM Snappy interesting title and a hook to grab reader’s attention

4 1.What is a thesis statement? (also called “claim”) 2.Where does the thesis/claim statement go? 3.What happens when your thesis or claim statement is too broad or vague? 4.What happens when your thesis or claim statement is too specific? CAN’T THINK OF ENOUGH TO WRITE ABOUT, FRUSTRATING YOUR CLAIM, ARGUMENT, ROAD MAP FOR ESSAY (ARGUMENT + ATTITUDE!) END OF INTRO PARAGRAPH TOO MANY IDEAS, HARD TO FOCUS ESSAY

5 1.What are 4 types of hooks you could use? (list them) 2. What is the most obvious hook? Why should you use it sparingly? 3. What should your introduction and conclusion have in common? 4. Are you ever done with a paper on the first attempt? TO PUT IT LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT: NEVER EVER EVER EVER! ASK QUESTION, STARTLING FACT, QUOTATION, DEFINITION, SIMILE, METAPHOR… QUESTION…IT IS OVERDONE THEY SHOULD CONNECT TO EACH OTHER; YOUR CONCLUSION “ECHOES” THE INTRO

6 1.What should happen to connect paragraphs together? 2.Why should you double space your rough draft? 3.Why does it help to get input from other people? 4.Why should you always read your paper aloud to yourself? SO YOU CAN SEE IF YOU MISSED A WORD OR USED TOO MANY WORDS TRANSITIONAL WORDS AND PHRASES SO YOU CAN MAKE EDITS AND REVISIONS MORE EASILY FRESH EYES, A NEW PERSPECTIVE

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