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Effects of air pollution in early life on infant and maternal health

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1 Effects of air pollution in early life on infant and maternal health
Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research /PEER Study (Cycle 2) Study outline Nikmah Salamia Idris/Wahyuni Indawati Child Health Department Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia

2 Background information
PEER application call (March 2014), maternal/child health themes Motivation: Increasing evidence points at adverse effects throughout life of air pollution. Jakarta is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Need more evidence on the effects of heavy air pollutant exposure Limited evidence on neonatal lung function, infection and long-term effect on child health Approved in August 2014

3 Occurrence relations studied
Primary outcomes Maternal lung function Hypertension disorder in pregnancy Infant lung function Infection episodes in early Infancy Early life air pollutant exposure (including smoking) Secondary outcomes Prematurity/gestational age chorioamnionitis Maternal retinal vasculature* Birth size Birth asphyxia Neonatal cardiovascular health (blood pressure, cardiac function/structures, aIMT) Confounders Maternal age SES Maternal nutritional status etc.

4 Scheme of the nesting BRAVO study (n =708)
Sites involved Budi Kemuliaan Senen/Kenari Jatinegara primary care centre

5 Study flow

6 Air pollutant measurements
PM 2.5, Black Carbon, NOX Methods Questionnaires for habits, work activities, travel history Site sampling (static) measurements and mobile campaign (land regression methods) Personal badge to measure NOx Air pollutant measurements methods

7 Air pollutant measurements
PM 2.5, NOx NOx Black Carbon Particulate Matter 2,5 (PM 2.5) is an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 micro-meter Subject criteria Pregnant Women Trimester I-Baby age 6 Months. In Budi Kemuliaan Hospital; Senen primary care; Jatinegara Primary Care and Cempaka Putih primary care; (a prospective cohort)

8 Methods Questionnaires for habits, work activities, travel history Site sampling (static) measurements and mobile campaign (land regression methods) Personal badge to measure NO

9 Site sampling (static) measurements
Site selection: traffic, urban background, regional background, green, water, industrial, reference We use google earth and GIS to select the study area In site selection we have some criteria so we may reduce the bias when the measure is starting. Device used in this measurement will be put in around the subject’s house The device will be put inside a box The device will be connected to the electricity during 2 weeks We will put devices which will measure the air around the subject’s house, it will be there 2 weeks and it will be taken in the next week to lab.

10 Study Area

11 Mobile campaign (land regression methods)
This measurement use mobile devices which will be carried to the whole study area This mobile devices will be carried by our team. They will drive electric motorcycles and take the devices together with them. The devices will measure the air around the area which driver have been through.

12 Personal badge to measure NO
Devices used in this measurement will be put in subject’s clothes This devices will be put in subject’s clothes then it will measure the air around the subject This devices will be put in inside the bag so the subject could carry it together with them for 96 hours

13 Tobacco exposure measurements
Second-hand smoking (in pregnancy and after birth) Questionnaire (modified from current BRAVO questionnaire) Analysis in BRAVO subjects: increased second-hand smoking exposure in pregnancy is associated with an approximately 300 grams decrease in birth weight Passive nicotine sampler Method : Questionnaire questionnaires



16 Outcome measurements Primary outcomes
Neonatal lung function: portable lung function device Infection rate: ICD 10 standardised physician diagnosis Hypertension disorder in pregnancy Maternal lung function Secondary outcomes: birth size, preterm birth, asphyxia, maternal and neonatal mortality Exploratory outcomes: chorioamnionitis (histologic criteria), maternal retinal vasculature, neonatal cardiovascular health (cardiac status, abdominal intima media thickness)

17 Lung function device

18 Vascular ultrasound Intima media thickness, distensibility, elastic modulus

19 Key personnel Name Institution Role Nikmah S Idris
Paediatrician (cardiology) - University of Indonesia PI Cuno S.P.M Uiterwaal A/Prof in Clinical Epidemiology UMC Utrecht Co-PI/Tutor Diederick E. Grobbee Professor in Epidemiology/Global Health - UMC Utrecht Sudigdo Sastroasmoro Prof in Paediatrics - University of Indonesia Bert Brunekreef Prof in Environmental Science - UMC Utrecht Co-PI Gerard Hoek A/Prof in Environmental Science - UMC Utrecht Kerstin Klipstein-Goburg A/Prof in Epidemiology - UMC Utrecht USG-funded partner Wahyuni Indawati Paediatrician (respirology) - University of Indonesia Ari Prayitno Paediatrician (ID) - University of Indonesia Nina Dwi Putri Michael Cheung A/Prof in Paediatric Cardiology - University of Melbourne David Burgner Prof in Paediatric ID - University of Melbourne

20 Time line

21 Thank You

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