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AUSTRIA BHAK Grazbachgasse. Kathi impatient and Max.

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Presentation on theme: "AUSTRIA BHAK Grazbachgasse. Kathi impatient and Max."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUSTRIA BHAK Grazbachgasse

2 Kathi impatient and Max

3 Project development Earth radius measurement Plans for constructing a sundial Plans for the second year

4 Earth radius measurement Preparation: Thin rod as gnomon axis with direction north-south Measurement on March, 11 th Rod length 30 cm Results: Shadow length 37 cm Sun in zenith at 12:10

5 Analematic sundial Person acts as gnomon On the sports ground Data needed: Geographical latitude of Graz Minor axis in north-south direction Suns‘s declination for each month  gives the distance from March 21 Hour angle of the sun for each day  gives the distance towards north

6 Plans for the next year Air Pollution in Graz

7 What we plan to do: o Collect data on atmospheric matter in Graz o Discuss formation, composition and development of air pollution o Statistics using these data o Discuss solutions from the government o Develop own ideas

8 Causes I traffic industry

9 Causes II heating with fire valley position of Graz

10 Solutions from the government

11 What everyone can do ?

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