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Fluorescence and X rays Physics 3AB Mr. D. Patterson.

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Presentation on theme: "Fluorescence and X rays Physics 3AB Mr. D. Patterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluorescence and X rays Physics 3AB Mr. D. Patterson

2 Outcomes explain fluorescence and the generation of X-rays—this includes applying the relationships:

3 Relevance of fluorescence and X-rays

4 Bohr’s model HYDROGEN

5 Fluorescence Ways to emit light from atoms in a gas: – Heat it up – Apply an electric current – Hit it with light or other EMR

6 Fluorescence Fluorescence is the emission of light caused by the absorption of EMR – Wavelengths are equal or longer than incident EMR – Energy is less or equal to incident EMR

7 Fluorescent lights

8 Whiter whites with fluorescence

9 X-rays X-rays are very high energy EMR that have high frequency and good penetrating ability Frequency is between 10 17 and 10 19 Hz

10 Penetrating ability of X-rays X-rays penetration ability is proportional to density Detector Source

11 Dangers of X-rays They have the ability to ionise atoms – Can cause cancerous cell growth through damaging DNA

12 X-ray production X-rays are produced by fast moving electrons suddenly losing their kinetic energy, releasing photons (X-rays)


14 X-ray spectrum Continuous spectra and line emission spectra superimposed

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