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Chapter 7 Shopping. Learning Objectives To know the expressions in shopping To know how to describe objects.

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1 Chapter 7 Shopping

2 Learning Objectives To know the expressions in shopping To know how to describe objects

3 I. Warming ups Practice the following tongue twisters: 1. Does this shop stock short socks with sports? Grace’s gray-green gloves glided gracefully to the ground. If neither he sells seashells, nor she sells seashells, who shall sell seashells? Shall seashells be sold?

4 II. Practice I: Look and Talk Requirement: Look at the following two pictures. Can you find EIGHT differences between them?

5 Practice II Pair Works Requirement: Use the expressions given to substitute the parts underlined

6 Assignment Read the article aloud with your best pronunciation, intonation and proper speed. Practice as much as possible until you can recite it. Mother’s Day / Father’s Day / Your good friend’s birthday is around the corner. With only 30 Yuan, what gift would you probably get for him/her? And why?

7 I.Warming ups:Translation Exercise What’s your size? In my country, my shoe size is a 26. Let me try it on to see how it fits. It goes quite well with your shoes. Can you give me 50 percent off? I’m afraid it’s too much for me. It’s on sale this week.

8 Is there a discount? No, it’s a sale price. I think I’ll look around a bit. This makes a perfect gift for Christmas. Do you accept credit card? Can I pay with traveler’s check? That comes to thirty-five dollars. Your change is three dollars. They are sold by the pound.

9 Have you anything in mind as to what to buy for your mother’s birthday? Sorry, we are all out of them at the moment. They sell very fast. But we’re expecting some in tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. That suit looks very good on you. If this shirt doesn’t fit, may I bring it back later? Shall I wrap them together or separately?

10 II. Picture describing Requirement: Describe the picture with the help of the words and expressions given below.

11 Mary, a college student Go downtown Intend to buy some stationery Admire fashionable ladies Decide to look charming Buy expensive clothes Necklace, earrings High heeled shoes On the following day Go to class in her new dress at the sight of Stare at Fall ill at ease Decide to abandon vanity In her simple clothes again

12 III. Playing A Game Rules: One of your friend has just bought something for your birthday. He/She asks you to guess what it is. Remember you are only allowed to use general questions and your friend simply answers “Yes” or “No”. You are suggested to use the following expressions.

13 Is it something to wear/use/eat, etc? Is it made of …? Is it used for…? Does it look like…? Does it cost more than…?

14 Retelling : Please Take out That Hat Read the story several times and then retell the it to your classmates with a clear voice and vivid facial expressions.

15 Assignment Requirement: Talk with your partner according to the following situations. 1) A hopes to buy a recorder at the price of $20. B offers a recorder at $22 after a few seconds’ bargaining. 2) A is looking for a birthday present for his girlfriend. B gives A some recommendations.

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