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Measuring Gender Equality

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1 Measuring Gender Equality
GID-DB The OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base

2 Let the GID-DB be your one-stop-shop on gender-disaggregated data

3 Did you know? Out of 193 heads of states worldwide, only 23 are women.
Chile: M. Bachelet Germany: A. Merkel Finland: T. Halonen Liberia: E. Johnson Sirleaf

4 Gender equality has many dimensions…
…and also involves social institutions Social Institutions Health and Wellbeing Educational Attainment Here you see the traditional building blocks of gender equality. Studies and respective data collections mostly look at: the POLITICAL EMPOWREMENT OF WOMEN: e.g. the low rate of female heads of state that we saw earlier on women’s ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION: e.g. the restricted access of women to formal labour markets – in the Middle East region and South Asia, for example, less than 20% of all paid employment is held by women women’s HEALTH AND WELLBEING: looking at inequalities in the access to health and medical care: while women on average live 6 years longer than their male counterparts, this difference is only 2 years in Sub-Saharan Africa women’s EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: measuring the relative achievements of girls as compared to boys in schooling: the female/male literacy rate in South Asia, for example, is only 0.58 (equality would be 1) - click - We complete the picture by also considering social institutions that have an important impact on gender equality. Political Empowerment Economic Participation

5 Our Mission: Provide a comprehensive data collection covering all dimensions of gender equality 161 countries: all regions, all income groups Over 60 indicators: education, health, employment, political empowerment and more... Measures of intra-household behaviour and social norms

6 12 Innovative New Indicators
Social Institutions Variables Family Code Physical Integrity Civil Liberties Ownership Rights Early marriage Polygamy Parental authority Inheritance Female genital mutilation Violence against women Missing women Freedom of movement Obligation to wear a veil in public Access to land Access to bank loans Access to property

7 Gender inequality in social institutions
Elevated discrimination in social institutions Moderate discrimination in social institutions High discrimination in social institutions Low discrimination in social institutions Country not included

8 Policy makers Analysts Researchers …and everybody else!
The GID-DB is for you! Policy makers Analysts Researchers …and everybody else!

9 Find out more

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