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Furniture design Few objects tell the history of modern design as eloquently as the chair. Aesthetics trends, the emergence of new technologies, ergonomics,

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Presentation on theme: "Furniture design Few objects tell the history of modern design as eloquently as the chair. Aesthetics trends, the emergence of new technologies, ergonomics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Furniture design Few objects tell the history of modern design as eloquently as the chair. Aesthetics trends, the emergence of new technologies, ergonomics, social and cultural developments are all reflected in the evolution of chair design

2 Objectives To understand how a designer makes choices about simple objects that end up becoming world famous designs. To create a timeline of chair design. To identify qualities in three different materials. To make a plan for a chair design in detail, using measurements. To create a chair model.

3 Questions Which chair was the first chair to be produced in a factory using techniques made by car manufacturers? Which chair is called the ‘Zig Zag’? Which chair became so ubiquitous that the designer saw his chair being used as the seat in a homemade canoe, during a safari in africa? Which chair was designed by the same architect who made this building? Which chair is made only from paper?

4 Answers Which chair was the first chair to be produced in a factory using techniques made by car manufacturers? Which chair is called the ‘Zig Zag’? Which chair became so ubiquitous that the designer saw his chair being used as the seat in a homemade canoe, during a safari in africa? Which chair was designed by the same architect who made this building? Which chair uses natural materials in the funniest way?

5 Task 1 - Chair Design Timeline Draw a straight line across one page of your books Divide up your line with the following dates Late 1800s Early 1900s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Late 1800s Early 1900s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Use the worksheet to place the chairs onto your timeline. Include the name of the designer. Present your work carefully.

6 Starting your design Working in pairs: Look at the materials, feel how strong they are, discuss the qualities of each material – write your findings in your sketchbook.’ Discuss with your partner different shapes, joins, ways of attaching and joining, problems you may have, record notes. Working alone: Sketch your design solutions and ideas

7 Task 2 – Designing your own chair Your challenge is to design 3 chairs One chair will be made out of white foam, and must be constructed using as few pieces as possible. You can not use any other materials. One chair will be made out of card. You can use as many pieces as you like, and you can use glue or tape One chair will be made out of card and foam. It is your choice how you assemble it All chairs must support the weight of a full tube of acrylic paint

8 Rules The chairs must be big enough to complete the paint challenge You may work in pairs, but everyone must create their own chairs Measure, draw and cut your materials using the correct equipment.

9 Homework Add 3 more chairs to the timeline a-century-of-chairs a-century-of-chairs Pick one of the designers from the timeline and complete half a sketchbook page about their lives and work

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