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Plate Tectonics for Beginners Using a Series of Simple Drawings to Illustrate Plate Movement. This section contains: Plate Tectonics Myth to Theory Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics for Beginners Using a Series of Simple Drawings to Illustrate Plate Movement. This section contains: Plate Tectonics Myth to Theory Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics for Beginners Using a Series of Simple Drawings to Illustrate Plate Movement. This section contains: Plate Tectonics Myth to Theory Modeling Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonic Illustrations

2 USER NOTE This presentation requires the teacher to complete some pages by drawing simplified images. Completed versions of these images have not been included because each individual needs to draw them in their own way and style. A set of illustrations that may prove useful, offer guidance, or serve as student manipulatives is provided at the end of the presentation.

3 Plate Tectonics Tracing the Myth to the Theory Superstition to Uncertainity: The Earth was Shaped by God’s Hand Grasping at Reality: Catastrophists Discovery of Basic Paradigm: Two Paradigms Compete and a Different Emerges Discovery of Basic Paradigm: Two Paradigms Compete and a Different Emerges Parting of the Waves: New Technology and New Discoveries Approaching the Truth: Geology Finally has a Unifying Theory Age of Creativity: The Theory is Refined Plate Tectonics Illustrations

4 Superstition to Uncertainity: The Earth was Shaped by God’s Hand 1620Francis BaconRecords observation that Africa and S. American coastlines fit. 1666R.P. Francois PlacetAtlantic caused by Noachian Flood and the sinking of Atlantis. 1800Alexander von HumboldtAtlantic was flooded river valley.

5 Grasping at Reality: Catastrophists 1795James HuttonThe Earth is dynamic 1857Richard OwenTetrahedral shaped Earth splits with loss of our moon. 1858Antonio-Snider-PellegriniUses fossil evidence to claim continents split by Noachian Flood. 1882Ormond FisherDaughter theory of moon caused separation of continents.

6 Discovery of Basic Paradigm: Two Paradigms Compete and a Different Emerges 1830LyellPermanentism: Once an ocean always an ocean. 1875SuessContactionism: Earth cooled and contracted uplifting mountains. 1908Frank TaylorMatching mountain ranges suggest continents separated. 1912Alfred WegenerTheory of Continental Drift.

7 Parting of the Waves: New Technology and New Discoveries 1937Alexander du ToitUses stratigraphic data to reconstruct Gondwanaland. 1927Arthur HolmesSuggests massive convection cells exist in the Earth. 1951S. Keith RuncorPaleomagnetism suggests a single land mass existed. 1953J.C. SwallowsTraces an extensive rift valley in the Atlantic.

8 Approaching the Truth: Geology Finally Has a Unifying Theory 1960Harry HessTheory of Sea Floor Spreading. 1963Vine and MatthewsMagnetic reversals recorded on the sea floor. 1965J. Tuzo WilsonProposes the Earth is divided into plates. TodayPresent day geologistsAccept the Theory of Plate Tectonics.

9 Age of Creativity The theory is refined.

10 Progress Can Not be Made Without Change Everyone is entitled to change their opinion. It’s a good and healthy process. Without change, we can never move on to a level of improvement. Geologists change their opinions too. As recently as the 1950s most geologists believed that the continents were fixed and unmoving masses. Since then, many exciting discoveries have led them to question their beliefs. Today, they have many lines of strong and convincing evidence that lithospheric plates actually move and transport continents across the surface of our planet. Thirty years ago, you would have had difficulty finding a geologist who believed that continents are capable of movement. Today you would have difficulty finding one who doesn’t. Science, then, is tentative in nature. We should never forget to present it this way to our students.

11 Alfred Wegener (early 1900s)

12 Alfred Wegener (early 1900s) PANGEA  “All Lands”

13 Hypothesis of Continental Drift The continents were once connected as a single landmass. Landmasses “plowed” through ocean floor to move to their current location.

14 Evidence for Continent Connection: 1) Jigsaw Puzzle Fit3) Similar Ancient Rock Sequences 2)Similar Structures at Connection Points. 4)Different Living Species Similar Fossil Species

15 The Hypothesis Did Not Become a Theory Too incredible! How could continents move? What force could possibly move them? Scientific snobbery?

16 Plate Boundaries Are Important! Volcanoes Earthquakes Mountain Ranges

17 Plate Tectonics The lithosphere is divided into a series of plates which move and interact with each other to cause earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, and the creation of new lithosphere.

18 Types of Plate Interactions Divergent (pull-apart) Convergent (collision) Transform Fault (slide-past)

19 Divergent Boundary (Ocean Plates) Example: Effects:

20 Divergent Boundary (Continent) Example: Effects:

21 Convergent Boundary (Continent/Ocean) Example: Effects:

22 Convergent Boundary (Ocean/Ocean) Example: Effects:

23 Convergent Boundary (Two Continents) Example: Effects:

24 Convergent Boundary (Plates Slide Past One Another) Example: Effects:

25 Testing the Plate Movement Theory

26 Understanding Plate Tectonics The lithosphere is divided into several plates. The plates move by mantle convection. There is significant evidence for plate movement. There are different types of plate boundaries. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges are created by plate interactions.

27 Plate Tectonics Illustrations PT 01 PT 02 PT 03 PT 04 PT 05 PT 06 PT 07 PT 08 PT 09 PT 10 PT 11 PT 12 PT 13

28 Plate Tectonics Illustrations PT 14 PT 15Laurasia and Gondwana PT 15 PT 16 PT 17 PT 18 PT 19 PT 20 PT 21

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