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SENIOR PHASE OF LEARNING Charters Towers State High School 2014.

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1 SENIOR PHASE OF LEARNING Charters Towers State High School 2014


3 WHAT IS THE QCE?  A qualification that is internationally recognised  Awarded when a student achieves 20 credit points  4 points per subject passed (‘C’ or better)  completed certificates

4 WHAT CAN STUDENTS STUDY?  School subjects – OP/non-OP  Certificate courses  School-based apprenticeships and traineeships  External Study - Advanced Diploma or Diploma modules  University studies  Other recognised studies

5 ACHIEVING A QCE  Students are awarded a QCE when they attain at least 20 credits – C or better in ALL subjects and/or completed certificate courses  At CTSHS it is expected at completion of Year 12  Meet Literacy & Numeracy requirements  NOTE: Students who do not achieve a QCE when they complete Year 12 can continue to record any learning for up to a total of nine years

6 LITERACY & NUMERACY REQUIREMENT Literacy  Sound achievement in one semester of either: - English or - English Communication Numeracy  Sound achievement in one semester of either: - Maths A, B or C - Prevocational Mathematics (PVM)

7 SCHOOL QCE EXPECTATIONS At CTSHS, it is our expectation that 100% of students will attain their QCE upon completion of Year 12. Charters Towers State High School’s high expectations include:  a ‘C’ or better (pass) in every subject;  a ‘B’ or better for effort and behaviour; and  attendance greater than 95% = 10 days absent per year

8 CONSIDERATIONS Students are at risk not attaining a QCE if they:  fail to complete all assessment tasks;  fail to commit to their studies;  fail to attend school every day;  switch in and out of subjects;  fail to meet literacy and numeracy requirements.

9 SCHOOL ASSISTANCE  Career Education Program through Life Choices - Career Education Booklet - Senior Education and Training (SET) Plans  Career exploration via websites such as: - myfuture  - Job Outlook 

10 SET PLAN SIGNING  Requirement of Education Queensland for parents/guardians to sign off on student SET Plans  Meet with a member of the school’s leadership team during TERM 4: After-school on Wednesday 29 th October and Thursday 30 th October 2014

11 SENIOR SCHOOLING PATHWAYS  Objective  ‘right child - right pathway’  Three suggested pathways: 1. Tertiary pathway 2. Industry pathway 3. Personalised pathway

12 TERTIARY PATHWAY  Destination  OP to university OP requirements: - Study  5 OP Subjects over 2 years - Study  3 subjects continuously - Compulsory  English & Maths A or B - Sit  QCS Test  No  school-based apprenticeship/traineeship

13 TERTIARY PATHWAY What are OP Subjects?  Subjects approved by QCAA (Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority)  Subjects with considerable rigor requiring extra out of school commitment  Contribute to a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

14 TERTIARY PATHWAY QCS Test  Year 12 state-wide test toward OP  Tests a set of generic skills identified in the Queensland senior curriculum  Requires basic general knowledge, vocabulary and a Year 10 mathematical operations

15 OP SUBJECTS  English  Mathematics A  Mathematics B  Accounting  Modern History  Biology  Drama  Chemistry  IPT  Legal Studies  Physical Education  Physics (SDE)  Visual Art  Mathematics C (SDE)

16 INDUSTRY PATHWAY (VET)  Destination  workforce  Study  6 subjects  English Communication and Prevocational Mathematics  At least 1 Certificate II or higher  Access school based apprenticeship/traineeships  Meet industry/trade requirements

17 NON-OP SUBJECTS  Less rigorous  Employability  workplace skills & knowledge  Achieve a ‘C’ or better for success  Contribute to a QCE

18 NON-OP SUBJECTS OFFERED  English Communication  Prevocational Mathematics (PVM)  Hospitality  Industrial Graphics  Industrial Technology Studies  Recreation  Science in Practice

19 VET CERTIFICATE COURSES  Nationally recognised qualification  Lead to entry level industry qualifications  Competency-based assessment  Contribute to a QCE

20 CERTIFICATE COURSES OFFERED - CTSHS  Certificate II in Business  Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology  Certificate II in Retail Services  Certificate II in Agriculture  Certificate II in Visual Arts  Certificate II in Workplace Practices

21 CERTIFICATE COURSES OFFERED - DTTC  Certificate 1 in General Construction – TAFE (free)  Cert II in Hospitality – TAFE (free)  Cert II in Engineering Pathways -TAFE (free)  Cert II in Health Support Services -TAFE (free)  Cert II in Electro Technology – Careers Australia ($199)  Cert II in Automotive Servicing Technology – Careers Australia ($199)  Cert II in Infrastructure and Mining – CTSDE/CQU ($140)

22 SCHOOL-BASED APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINEESHIP (SAT)  Combined school and on job training  Develop skills for future careers  Reduction in apprenticeship time

23 HOW DO I GET A SAT?  Seek opportunities through local businesses  Search employment section in newspaper  Check student notices for advertisements  MEGT (Nichole Bartlett), TORGAS, SKILLS360 agencies  Participate in school work placement/experience

24 WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM  Designed to give students a ‘taste’ of the chosen industry  CTSHS has developed strong connections with local businesses  Approximately 50 senior students currently participating in program  One (1) day a week on-the-job experience  Total of thirty (30) days per year  Mrs Vickery, Work Placement Co-ordinator

25 PERSONALISED PATHWAY  Destination  courses leading to Diploma / Degree  Study  6 subjects - OP/non OP  Compulsory subjects  English Communication/ English and Prevocational Maths/Maths A  Study  at least 1 Certificate II or higher  Sit QCS Test and/or apply for Tertiary Selection Rank

26 PROCESSES AND PRACTICES  Choose pathway then choose subjects  Choose subjects you enjoy and excel at  High expectations:  ‘C’ or better in every subject  ‘B’ or better for effort/behaviour  95% attendance  understand the requirements for attaining a QCE

27 SUBJECT SELECTION FORM Due: Wednesday 17 th September to the main office.




31 PARENT/GUARDIAN HELP  Work together creating life and career goals  Set goals, manage time, set a study area  Identify student’s strengths/limitations  Visit career expo or research jobs, courses, career pathways on-line (  Encourage study habits and a commitment to learning

32 WHO CAN HELP AT SCHOOL?  Principal – Ms Moya Mohr  A/Deputy Principal – Mr Derek Copelin  Senior Schooling HODs – Mrs Stacey Alloway Miss Shirley Holcombe  Guidance Officer – Mrs Christine Barnes  Year 11 Year Level Co-ordinator – Uvette Hughes  Work Placement Coordinator – Mrs Maria Vickery

33 SUMMARY Objective  ‘right child - right pathway’ Three suggested pathways: 1. Tertiary pathway 2. Industry pathway 3. Personalised pathway Reminders: 1. Subject selection forms due to the office by Wednesday 17 th September. 2. SET Plan signing – Wednesday 29 th & Thursday 30 th October TERM 4. Book your meeting time through the main office!

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