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Presentation on theme: "2012 SOCIAL MEDIA AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY SURVEY PRELIMINARY RESULTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Methodology 792 internet surveys of randomly selected members in September 2012. Maximum sampling error: ±1.36% at 2 standard deviations (a 95% confidence level). Subsets of the total sample will have a higher sampling error.


4 Most Important Tech Purchase/Upgrade Q: What was your most important technology upgrade in the last 12 months? 27% Tablet 19% Laptop 44% Smartphone

5 Most Important Tech Purchase/Upgrade Q: What was your most important technology upgrade in the last 12 months?

6 Almost 1-in-3 Ranked Smartphones & Tablets a #1 Q: Which of the following tools do you use most often in your real estate business? Rank in order of importance (Top Ranking =1) Most Important Least Important

7 Top Rated Tech Tools For REALTORS®


9 Most REALTORS® Want the Latest & Greatest

10 Mobile Technology Big Win For Real Estate Q: Please chose the answer category that best completes the phrase below: In my business, mobile technology has made me….

11 Mobile – Enhancing the Way Real Estate is Conducted

12 How Has Mobile Technology Helped Your Business?

13 Majority of California REALTORS® Are Just Getting Mobile…. Q: Please indicate which of the following statements best describes the mobility of your real estate business.

14 Mobile Stands Out When Conducting Real Estate Q: Which mobile-device features have affected the way you conduct your real estate business?

15 3 in 10 Use Mobile Devices to Get E- Signatures on Documents Q: Have you ever sent documents for electronic signature from a mobile device? How many transactions? Which service?

16 When Cloud Computing: Dropbox Floats to the Top Q: What document storage do you use on a mobile device? (Please check all that apply)

17 SOCIAL MEDIA It’s About The Relationships & Connections

18 Social Media Space Getting More Saturated Q: Which social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) do you employ in your business?

19 Most Beneficial Social Media Platform Q: Which social media platform do you find most beneficial to your real estate business?

20 REALTORS® Know Relationships Matter When it Comes To Connecting Q: How do you make your connections?

21 How Has Social Media Helped Your Business?

22 Almost 3 in 5 have Utilized Social Media for Over A Year Q: How long have you been using social media in your real estate business?

23 Still, There is a Social Media Learning Curve Q: Which of the following statements best describes your knowledge and use of social media?

24 Almost ½ Surveyed Connect At Least Once A Day or More Q: How often do you utilize this outlet?

25 And How Are They Connecting? 72% 7% (Other Tablet) 50% 71% Q: Which devices do you use to access social media for your real estate business? Please check all that apply. 34% (iPad) 2% Other Method

26 REALTORS® Spend About 1/4 th of Their Time Using Social Media Weekly Average Hours spent using social media12+ Hours worked50+ Q: How many hours do you spend using social media each week for your real estate business? Q: How many hours do you work in a typical week?

27 Objective of Using Social Media: The Connections! Q: In an effort to grow your business, what objective are you trying to achieve by incorporating social media into your business?

28 2/3 rds Say Social Media Integral to Marketing Plan Q: Do you consider social media an integral part of your marketing plan?

29 Strong Correlation Between Spending & Results of Social Media Marketing Average % of business generated from social media14% % of marketing budget allocated to social media 10% Q: Please specify the percentage of your marketing budget that is allocated to social media. Q: What percentage of your business is generated from your use of social media?

30 Social Media ROI – Referrals Referrals Referrals Q: How do you measure return on your investment in social media (both time and dollars invested)? (Please check all that apply)

31 Majority of Social Media Learning is Self- Taught Q: What training have you taken on using social media (i.e. webinar, live instruction, etc.)?

32 The Jury’s Still Out on Whether Social Media Has Enhanced Business Q: Do you believe social media has enhanced your real estate business?

33 Most Will Integrate Social Media Next Year But Are Mindful of Time – Benefits Q: How do you plan to use social media in your real estate business in the coming year?

34 LISTINGS, BLOGGING, VIDEO What is the best strategy?

35 Listing Space Congested Q: How do you showcase your listings? (Please check all that apply)

36 However Traditional Methods Most Effective Q: Which method gets the most response?

37 Listing Space Congested Other 8% 50% Q: How do you showcase your listings? (Please check all that apply) Feed 36% 70% Updates 38% 51% 11% 96% Updates 10% Video Sites, etc 19%

38 However Traditional Methods Most Effective Other 4% 9% Q: Which method gets the most response? Feed 4% 10% Updates 4% 5% 64% Video Sites, etc 1% Don’t Know 1%

39 Most REALTORS® Do Not Blog For Their Real Estate Business Q: Do you maintain a blog for your real estate business?

40 For Those That Do, They Are DIY’rs Q: Which of the following best describes your blog maintenance: N=63

41 Using Video? Q: Do you use video in your real estate business for any of the following?

42 Most Agree: Video is an Effective Media Q: Do you feel video is an effective form of media in real estate?


44 Gender

45 Age

46 Professional Role

47 Years in Business

48 Transaction Sides (Average)

49 Median Gross Income 2011

50 Education Level


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