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Marriage: How to Achieve Your Financial Goals. Are You Financially Compatible? Signed a pre-nuptial? Know about personal finance? Discuss money regularly?

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage: How to Achieve Your Financial Goals. Are You Financially Compatible? Signed a pre-nuptial? Know about personal finance? Discuss money regularly?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage: How to Achieve Your Financial Goals

2 Are You Financially Compatible? Signed a pre-nuptial? Know about personal finance? Discuss money regularly?

3 Are You Financially Compatible? Discussed financial goals? Who will handle money management? Know partner’s money personality?

4 Are You Financially Compatible? Checked risk tolerance? Know how marriage affects taxes? Determined joint debt?

5 Are You Financially Compatible? Can you trim expenses? Will you pay yourself first? Established an emergency fund?

6 Creating a Budget Use personal finance software List sources of income Identify major expenses oRecord every expenditure oCut back where necessary Monitor regularly

7 Protect Yourself with Insurance Life insurance oTerm oWhole life Beneficiaries

8 Protect Yourself with Insurance Disability insurance oDeducted by state? oOffered by employer? oPurchase on own?

9 Protect Yourself with Insurance Health insurance Auto insurance Homeowner’s or Renter’s insurance

10 Distributing Your Estate Write a will oDetermine who will get what assets oName guardian Check estate-tax exemption

11 Distributing Your Estate Make annual gifts Select an executor Provide guide to important documents

12 Distributing Your Estate Draft a living will oState acceptable medical procedures oAppoint healthcare proxy Draw up power of attorney

13 Minimizing Divorce Expenses Hire an attorney? Do it yourself? Use a mediator?

14 Minimizing Divorce Expenses Divide your property oCommunity property oEquitable distribution Freeze joint accounts

15 Minimizing Divorce Expenses Notify credit card carriers Close equity line Request credit report

16 Minimizing Divorce Expenses Plan for retirement Avoid tax traps oChild support oAlimony oCapital gains

17 Minimizing Divorce Expenses Prepare a financial plan Check insurance coverage

18 Searching for a New Job Review your financial status Update your résumé Improve your skills

19 Searching for a New Job Network Check the ads Don’t overlook the obvious Rehearse the interview

20 Searching for a New Job Write thank-you notes Have patience Do part-time work Become an entrepreneur Reward yourself

21 Thank You!

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