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Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Istanbul Bilgi University e-MBA Program Metehan Sekban, Ph.D. Director- MBA Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Istanbul Bilgi University e-MBA Program Metehan Sekban, Ph.D. Director- MBA Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Istanbul Bilgi University e-MBA Program Metehan Sekban, Ph.D. Director- MBA Programs

2 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 TURKEY – Selected Statistics Population 65,700,000 Rural population 1999 (% of total pop.) 25.92 % GDP per capita (PPP) US$6,870 GNP per capita US$2,900 Global Competitiveness 2001–02 54 Main telephone lines per 100 inhabitants 27.99 Internet hosts per 10,000 inhabitants 10.64 Personal computers per 100 inhabitants 3.81 Percent of PCs connected to Internet 2.80 % Internet users per 100 inhabitants 3.04 Cell phone subscribers per 100 inhabitants 24.55 Av. monthly cost – a 20 hrs. Internet access US$11.20

3 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 ICT Infrastructure Indicators Readiness for the Networked World 41 Network Use Index39 Network Enabling Factors Index 44 Network Access45 –Information Infrastructure 33 –Hardware, Software, and Support 57 Network Policy 45 –Business and Economic Environment 41 –ICT Policy 48 Networked Society 45 –Networked Learning 38 –ICT Opportunities 35 –Social Capital 62 Networked Economy 44 –e-Commerce 33 –e-Government 46 General Infrastructure 52

4 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Istanbul Bilgi University Established in 1996 Private non-profit institution In 2002-2003 Academic Year 4 MBA Programs – Total 688 students Executive MBA ($14500) 24 students 61 grads Bilgi MBA ($9200)244 students143 grads e-MBA (English $6800)124 students 30 grads e-MBA (Turkish $5300)256 students 4 Faculties 13 Departments25 Programs6722 students 12 Grad Programs958 students

5 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Drivers of MBA Education in Turkey Changing demographics Globalization and decentralization – resulting in challenges Structural shift toward new service economy Transformation of traditional managerial roles High-velocity and more complex business environment Lean and flatter organizations The knowledge divide – shortage of know-how and skills

6 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Bilgi e-MBA Increasing demand for MBA degree Competitive edge – skills, knowledge and continuous learning Time and place constraints Changing work demand - need for retraining Geographical dispersion Internet penetration increasing Need for integration of work and learning

7 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Technology Plan Technology Platform Technical Support Maintenance On-going development of e-MBA technological infrastructure e-MBA Technical Specification

8 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Course design and delivery Content and technology Review process and quality assurance Course development team Difficulties students faced Student contribution to evaluation and content improvement Overall philosophy e-MBA Technical Specification Course Development

9 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Initial orientation program for adapting to on-line self-learning processes Course structure and pedagogy chose to facilitate adaptation On-line advice and support Academic and career advice e-MBA Technical Specification Course Development Course Induction/ Orientation

10 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Learning activities/assignments Feedback on projects, assignments and questions Interactivity of the program Personal feedback – information; praise or criticism of progress Multi-faceted communications and technical service e-MBA Technical Specification Course Development Course Induction/ Orientation Course Delivery

11 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Institutional communication Effective communication and interaction among students and faculty Investment to digital library support Convenient access to technical support provided System for addressing student complaints & needs e-MBA Technical Specification Course Development Course Induction/ Orientation Course Delivery Student Support

12 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Program assessment and accreditation The assessment process used with course / program delivery Q.A. mechanism the lecturers use to assess knowledge transfer. Learning outcomes assessment Use of technology to assist the process e-MBA Technical Specification Course Development Course Induction/ Orientation Course Delivery Student Support Assessment & Evaluation

13 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Pedagogic Feedback & Review Teaching & Learning Drive The Use Of Appropriate Technologies e-MBA Technical Specification Course Development Course Induction/ Orientation Course Delivery Student Support Assessment & Evaluation Design / Applications Requirements

14 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 e-MBA quality assurance process Faculty collaboration with content team critical – development of content, guides, templates.. Approval by curriculum committee Informatics and Accreditation committee approval Continuous peer review Students provide feedback Revision for updates Supervision of Higher Education Council

15 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Some statistics e-MBA students – from 32 different cities Istanbul has 67% of students Average age of MBA students approx 26 yrs – e-MBA students’ average approx 30 yrs LES (graduate admission test scores ) no significant difference

16 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 IT Infrastructure at Bilgi Networked campus with access to Internet 22 Mbs. – 2 Mbs. allocated to e-MBA program Totally automated LMS - no campus delivery except for orientation and final exams 8500 journals in 15 databases, 20000 e-books available for remote access Well-equipped teaching labs and student workrooms – extended hours Software library for teaching and developer staff

17 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Financial Picture Well ahead of expected enrollment with 390 students Expect to reach annualized b/even in 2003 Initial software, hardware, content, IT investments completed Second-cycle capital requirement provisions Profits returned to be reinvested in new programs, course development and connectivity

18 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 What have we learned? A planned orientation program is a must E-learning is a holistic project – content and technology teams have to collaborate Technology is not an end in itself, should be developed/modified to suit the needs Content development is a major challenge Synchronic elements do not contribute as much as interactivity in a graduate program

19 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 What have we learned? Course development for e-learning requires a “new way of thinking” CRM is beneficial, building personalized communication channels enhances the program Connectivity is still a problem Student progress should be tracked and frequent feedback should be provided

20 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003 Future Outlook & Commitments Develop new graduate and certificate programs – improve future program structure Reinvest profits/surpluses in program development Increase quantity and quality of communication Research on how better content design and delivery can enhance learning (reflective learning; formative assessment; student support) Develop animations, simulations and a more collaborative development and learning environment When connectivity problems are solved – then consider integrating synchronic elements Cooperation with other institutions for joint programs

21 Metehan SekbanWorld Education Market May 2003

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