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Payroll Part 2 for ADP Workforce Now®
Course Purpose In the course, we will combine our existing knowledge from payroll Part 1, with the introduction of the remaining areas in the pay cycle. Each of these new skills will once again be developed through hands on experience.
Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: Add new hires Demonstrate how to enter a variety of employee changes Complete the end to end process with Record of Employments using the different methods Navigate and demonstrate all aspects of the payment adjustment pages Complete the Verify Input, Preview Payroll and Process Payroll requirements
Refer to the handout manual to view modules and topic headings
Activity Results Course Agenda Refer to the handout manual to view modules and topic headings
Module 1: Payroll Part 1 Review
This module is slides 9-26
Purpose In this module we review the activities completed in the first two icons within the payroll cycle; Identifying Payroll Cycle icons Creating and opening a payroll cycle Adding new hires Wizard template reviews. In the next module will be begin to build off these skills learned in Basic Payroll and introduce new concepts and skills.
Objectives At the completion of this module, we will have reviewed: The navigation icons in the Payroll Cycle How to create and open the Payroll Cycle How to add new hires About the wizard templates Additional Information Expand your knowledge: Learning bytes are available for both New Hires and Employee Changes.
Navigating & Accessing the Payroll Cycle Review
Payroll Cycle Review The following icons make up the Payroll Cycle:
Activity: Payroll Cycle Review
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Activity: Payroll Cycle Review Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Add New Hires Add New Hires Review The New Hire process was discussed in Maintain Employee Options session so we will complete a high level review of this option. Now that the pay cycle is open, the practitioner can now enter their new hires using one of the following methods: Entry through the one of the New Hire Wizards, including the Quick Hire Wizard The new hire wizard consists of a step-by-step process that guides you through the information required to complete the hire. Entry through the Import utility. The import utility consists of an import template that you populate and then import into ADP Workforce Now®.
Wizard Template Review
We will review the highlights of what was previously discussed in Creating New Hire and Termination Templates in ADP Workforce Now® and in Maintain Employee Options for ADP Workforce Now® session. Templates The wizard is a template that can be customized to include categories based upon business needs. You will have a choice of using the ADP Workforce Now® default templates or creating a copy and then customizing it. Note Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk. The Add New Hires icon is not a mandatory step to complete the payroll process.
New Hire Wizard Image All templates will appear in this dropdown: .
Review Questions Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: True or False: There are two ways to hire an employee new hire wizard and import. True or False: The new hire wizard cannot be customized. True or False: The Add New Hires step is required every pay period.
Review Answer Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: True or False: There are two ways to hire an employee new hire wizard and import. True or False: The new hire wizard cannot be customized. True or False: The Add New Hires step is required every pay period.
Summary We explored the following topics in this module: The icons in the Payroll Cycle How to create and open a Payroll Cycle How to add new hires About the wizard templates
Module 2: Entering Employee Changes
This module is slides 9-26
Purpose In this module we will explore a variety of different employee changes and experience how these changes would be made within ADP Workforce Now®.
Objectives At the completion of this module, you will be able to: Describe the purpose for employee changes Enter additional tax deductions Complete rate changes Utilize the change calculator Make bank account changes View salary history
Entering Employee Changes
Entering Employee Changes Overview When the Enter Employees Changes icon is selected, the search window is displayed. The practitioner can select either an individual employee or a group of employees by using the Manage My List link. Once an employee is selected, the page defaults to the consolidated Employment Profile page. From this page, the practitioner can view effective dating time lines for various tiles, if available.
Entering Employee Changes Overview Image
Entering Employee Changes
Transfers There are several wizards within ADP Workforce Now® designed to complete transfers. Each of the transfers types were discussed in the Maintain Employee Information module. Note: Transfers cannot be future dated for they are processed immediately in the current pay. Self Service Options If security access is provided to employees, they can make many of the employee changes themselves through the employee and manager self service feature. (Refer to Introduction to ADP Workforce Now® - Employee Self Service.
Entering Employee Changes
Workflows When the self service option is activated, you can create workflows to advise key people when changes are made within the self service feature. You can setup notifications and/or approval requests based upon the type of change. Items with approvals will not process in payroll until the approval is provided. (Refer to Workflow Management for ADP Workforce Now®.
Entering Employee Changes
Effective Dating Options An effective dating time line is available for many of the tiles on the Employment profile page. When you click the pencil icon to edit one of the tiles, you will see the current value along with points in the time line that you can click to see a value as it was previously or will be in the future. When effective dating is turned on, many employee changes that are made require a date to be entered. The user can choose to enter today's date or a date in the future. If a date is entered in the future, the change will not take effect until the date entered equal to the system date. Once these dates are equal the change will process with the next available payroll. (Refer to Getting Started with Effective Dating for ADP Workforce Now®)
Demonstration/Activity: Adding Additional Tax Deductions
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Adding Additional Tax Deductions Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Pay Rate Changes Rate changes are one of the more common employee changes. Pay rate changes for salary or hourly paid employee changes. There are several components to consider as they will impact the way the pay rate change is processed.
Pay Rate Changes Is the pay rate change for a salary or hourly paid employee? Salary: Regardless of the effective date, ADP Workforce Now® will pay the full salary for the pay period. You will need to make a one-time adjustment if the salary change is effective part way through the pay period Hourly (Using Time & Attendance): The appropriate hourly rate will be applied to the hours worked during the current pay period. Adjustments are required for retro-active changes. Hourly (Not using Time & Attendance): The new rate will be applied to all hours in the current pay period. An over-ride entry is required for the hours to be paid at the old rate.
Demonstration/Activity: Making Rate Changes
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Making Rate Changes Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Salary History Salary History ADP Workforce Now® maintains a salary history Practitioners can access this historical data by selecting the Regular Pay tile from the consolidated Employment Profile.
Salary History Image This is how the View History appears:
Salary History (Effective Time Line)
You can view the salary changes for periods in the past and the future. Click on one of the dates shown in the time line to display details, as shown in the following graphic:
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Rate Change Calculator Link (Percentage and Dollar) Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Bank Account Changes Overview
Bank account changes are another common employee change made on a regular basis. Practitioners with the appropriate security access and employees with self service access to bank accounts can make changes to a bank account. Workflow notifications and/or approvals can also be setup for bank account changes in the Event Configuration page. Employees with multiple bank accounts must identify the dollar amount they would like deposited into their secondary bank account. The remainder of the payment is then deposited directly into the primary account.
Demonstration/Activity: Bank Account Changes
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Bank Account Changes Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Review Questions Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: True or False: Employee changes can be made through self service with the correct access. True or False: Employee changes cannot be effective dated; even if the company has effective dating is turned on. True or False: Rate changes are held in ADP Workforce Now® even if effective dating has not been turned on.
Review Answers Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: True or False: Employee changes can be made through self service with the correct access. True or False: Employee changes cannot be effective dated; even if the company has effective dating is turned on. True or False: Rate changes are held in ADP Workforce Now® even if effective dating has not been turned on.
Summary We explored the following topics in this module: Describe the purpose for employee changes Enter additional tax deductions Complete rate changes Utilize the change calculator Make bank account changes View salary history
Module 3: Record of Employments
This module is slides 9-26
Purpose In this module we will discuss various aspects of Record of Employments and how to enter them within ADP Workforce Now®.
Objectives At the completion of this module, you will be able to: Describe ROE types, validations and statuses Identify the important point about ROE's Access the standalone and ROE wizard Demonstrate the ROE reverting process Request, preview and process an ROE
Record of Employment ROE requests do not require an open pay cycle to be entered. Clients have the option to select paper filing, where they are responsible for sending the employers copy to the government, or they can select direct filing where ADP electronically files the ROE’s on the employers behalf. These options are setup during the implementation stage on the Company Options page.
There are two types of ROE’s:
Record of Employment ROE Types There are two types of ROE’s: Original: Classified as the initial ROE provided to the employee Amended: If changes are required on an ROE that has been issued, the new ROE is called an amended ROE. ROE Validations ADP Workforce Now® has a built in validation processes to ensure items like social insurance numbers (SIN) are valid or ROE’s are not requested on active employees. When these situations occur, a warning message appears notifying the practitioner that an error has occurred and the error must be resolved to continue.
Record of Employment Statuses
ADP Workforce Now® identifies the status to identify what stage each of the ROE is in at any given time. These are the following statuses: New: The status appears as new the moment it is opened, no entries have been made and nothing has been saved. In-Progress: Once the first entry is made and saved, the status changes to In-Progress. Pending: Once the ROE is complete and the Ready to Issue indicator is changed to YES, the status changes to Pending. The ROE is now waiting to be transmitted to the mainframe. Completed: Once the ROE and payroll are transmitted successfully, the status changes to Completed.
Final Pay Period End Date
Important ROE Points Review the following items information, rules and guideline in order to create ROE's successfully within ADP Workforce Now®. Final Pay Period End Date The Final Pay Period End Date field displays one current and the last three regular pay period end dates in the drop down list. These dates are pulled directly from the pay period schedule. Prerequisites The ROE ties into the last payroll run on order to gather its values, therefore there must be a minimum of one payroll processed before the first ROE Run can be processed.
Important ROE Points Pay Cycle Status Practitioners can request a preview or process an ROE run whether the pay cycle is open or closed however, the results will differ based on the status of the pay cycle. Each status provides the following details for ROE's in a pending status: Open Pay Cycle Pay & adjustments entries (with the exception of current pay adjustments) EI adjustments All applicable updates Closed Pay Cycle All applicable updates since last Process
ROE Entry Types ROE – Standalone Standalone ROE’s provides the practitioner the ability to complete the ROE through manual entry. This option is used when the leave, status change or termination process is completed without an ROE request. The practitioner may need to gather the information from reports to complete the required fields. ROE – Wizard Termination and Leave of Absence wizard templates can be customized to include the request ROE option as part of the process. This option automatically populates a majority of the fields within the ROE as part of the termination or leave or status change process.
ROE Entry Using Standalone ROE Page
The ROE page is setup in sections. Let's take a look at each of the sections: Note: The following images are for an ROE paper filer. Starting Point: People > Employment > Record of Employment
General Section In this section the practitioner would select the reason for the ROE and can enter comments if required. Note: Service Canada prefers that no comments are entered unless absolutely required. This was one of the reasons for making the change to 3 character codes.
Employment Details Some of the fields in this section are automatically populated based on data currently in ADP Workforce Now®. The user must complete the Last Day for Which Paid and the Expected Date of Recall. They must also validate any automatically populated fields for accuracy, and make changes where necessary.
Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay
Practitioners are responsible for populating these fields only if these payment types are paid out after the ROE is issued. Note: This image is a paper filer
Other Monies Paid or Payable on Separation and Paid Sick, Group Wage Loss Indemnity Payments
Practitioner's key in any additional monies to be paid after the ROE is produced.
Request Record of Employment
Practitioners select the Yes radio button when they are ready to issue the ROE, or No if they want to wait to issue the ROE.
ROE Entry using Wizards
ROE's can be entered as part the wizards. Let's take a look at how it's done. Application Share: ROE Pages in the Wizards Starting Point: Process > HR > Terminate Starting Point: Process > HR > Place On Leave Starting Point: Process > HR > Transfer Select the Termination Wizard
Record of Employment - General
In this section, the practitioner selects the reason for the ROE and enters comments if required.
Record of Employment - General
Some of the fields in this section are automatically populated based on data current in ADP Workforce Now®. The user must complete the Last Day for Which Paid and the Expected Date of Recall. They must also validate the automatically populated fields for accuracy, and make changes where necessary.
Record of Employment - Vacation Pay, Statutory Holiday Pay and Other Separation Payments
Practitioners are responsible for populating these fields only if these payment types will be paid out after the ROE is issued.
Record of Employment - Vacation Pay, Statutory Holiday Pay and Other Separation Payments Image
Record of Employment Practitioners complete these fields if any of these payment types are to be paid after the ROE is issued.
Reverting ROE Information
Reverting New ROE's Practitioners have the ability to revert to new or to return to the last completed ROE by selecting the Revert to New link. This link is not enabled until entries are placed on the ROE and it is saved. The Revert to New link deletes all data updates entered on the ROE since it was first created. Note: This option is only available until the payroll run is processed. Any changes after the fact would require an amended ROE to be issued.
Reverting ROE Information
Reverting Amended ROE's The amended ROE revert process follows the same process as above. The Revert to Last Completed link deletes all data updates entered on the ROE since the original ROE was issued.
Demonstration/Activity: Requesting a Record of Employment
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Requesting a Record of Employment Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Preview and Processing Direct File ROE Run
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Preview and Processing Direct File ROE Run Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Review Questions Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: Identify the four ROE statuses? New Test In Progress Pending Complete True or False: Practitioners cannot run a payroll preview when the payroll cycle is closed.
Review Answers Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: Identify the four ROE statuses? New Test In Progress Pending Complete True or False: Practitioners cannot run a payroll preview when the payroll cycle is closed.
Review Questions Name the two entry points to create an ROE in ADP Workforce Now®? Standalone HR - ROE Wizard ROE Reporting
Review Answers Name the two entry points to create an ROE in ADP Workforce Now®? Standalone HR - ROE Wizard ROE Reporting
Summary We explored the following topics in this module: Describe ROE types, validations and statuses Identify the important point about ROE's Access the standalone and ROE wizard Demonstrate the ROE reverting process Request, preview and process an ROE
Module 4: Entering Payment Adjustments and EI History
This module is slides 9-26
Purpose In this module we will explore the remaining two options within the Paydata icon; Payment Adjustments and EI History.
Objectives At the completion of this module, you will be able to: Utilize the Payment Adjustment wizard Identify the different payment types Enter separate payments, bonuses, Lump Sums & Payment Updates Demonstrate how to delete, edit and update EI History entries
Paydata Review Review As discussed in Basic Payroll, the Enter Paydata icon contains three sub-categories: Paydata, Payment Adjustment and EI History. In this module we will explore the Payment Adjustment and EI History sub-categories.
Payment Adjustments Overview
This option provides the practitioner with the ability to: Input adjustments to the current pay. Issue a regular pay. Request separate pays. Update manual cheques and year to date totals. All payment adjustments types are entered in a similar fashion in the Payment Adjustments Updates wizard.
Payment Adjustment Updates Wizard
With the exception of Current Pay and Year to Date Adjustments, the wizard consists of the following steps: Earnings Deductions Payment Settings (The fields vary depending on the type of payment adjustment selected) Deductions must be advised on the current pay adjustment template.
Demonstration/Activity: Creating a Payment Adjustment
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Creating a Payment Adjustment Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Creating a Separate Payment Adjustment
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Creating a Separate Payment Adjustment Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Creating Bonus Pay
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Creating Bonus Pay Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Creating Lump Sum Pay
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Creating Lump Sum Pay Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Creating Payment Updates
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Creating Payment Updates Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
EI History Overview The EI History option provides practitioners with the ability to adjust or replace insurable earnings and hours for a specific pay period. These values populate the Record of Employment. The EI History page appears differently based on the filing method the client selects (Paper or direct filing).
EI History Overview Paper Filing
When the client is a paper filer, the Applies To field options are as follows: Current Year Previous Year Direct Filing When the client is a direct filer, the Applies To field options are as follows: Year the employee was last active Previous year
Demonstration/Activity: Making EI History Changes
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Making EI History Changes Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Editing EI Adjustments
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Editing EI Adjustments Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Demonstration/Activity: Deleting EI Adjustments
[PRODUCT NAME (IF NOT IN COURSE TITLE)][COURSE TITLE] PART [#]: [PART NAME] MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] PART [#] > MODULE [#]: [MODULE NAME] Demonstration/Activity: Deleting EI Adjustments Refer to your Handout Manual for scenario and activity steps. © 20XX ADP, Inc VMMDDYY[Course Code][Part #][Product Code][Version #]
Refer to the handout manual to view the delete and edit image.
Activity Results EI Adjustments – Delete and Edit Image Refer to the handout manual to view the delete and edit image.
Review Questions Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: Name two purposes for payment adjustments? True or False: The same wizard template is used for all payment types. True or False: The EI History Update page is the same for a paper filer vs. a direct filer.
Review Answers Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: Name two purposes for payment adjustments? Possibilities: Updating manual cheque, Issuing separate payment or Adjusting current payments True or False: The same wizard template is used for all payment types. True or False: The EI History Update page is the same for a paper filer vs. a direct filer.
Summary We explored the following topics in the course of this module: The Payment and Adjustment wizard The various different payment types How to enter separate payments, bonuses, Lump Sums & Payment Updates How to delete, edit and update EI History entries
Module 5: Verify Input, Preview and Process Review
This module is slides 9-26
Purpose In this module we will review the verify input, preview payroll and payroll process options.
Objectives At the completion of this module, we will have reviewed: The Verify Input process The Preview Payroll process The Process Payroll process
Verify Input Review Review Now that all payments are keyed, it is time to valid the entries. Using the skills learned in Basic Payroll to validate, and mark all entries with Inspected.
Preview Reports Review
Now that all entries have been validated and marked as inspected, it's time to request preview reports and then examine them. Using the skills learned in Basic Payroll to: Request the preview reports Review the preview reports
Process Payroll Review
Now that preview reports have been reviewed, it is time to process the payroll. Using the skills learned in Basic Payroll complete the following: Process Payroll View Process Results
Review Questions Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: True or False: In the Verify Input stage the entries are marked as verified. True or False: In the Preview Payroll stage when the user selects the Preview Payroll link once the reports display. True or False: Once the user Processes payroll the reports availability is based upon the client's schedule.
Review Answers Complete the following questions selecting all applicable responses: True or False: In the Verify Input stage the entries are marked as verified. True or False: In the Preview Payroll stage when the user selects the Preview Payroll link once the reports display. True or False: Once the user Processes payroll the reports availability is based upon the client's schedule.
Summary We explored the following topics in this part of the course: Add new hires Demonstrate how to enter a variety of employee changes Complete the end to end process with Record of Employments using the different methods Navigate and demonstrate all aspects of the payment adjustment pages Complete the Verify Input, Preview Payroll and Process Payroll requirements
Question 1 True or false: There is only one way for new hires to be entered into the system? T F Answers to the quiz are located within the instructor guide
Question 1 - Answer True or false: There is only one way for new hires to be entered into the system? T F Answer New hires can be entered into the system via manual entry into the New Hire wizard or through import. Answers to the quiz are located within the instructor guide
Question 2 Employee changes can be made in the following ways: (Select all that apply.) Importing Entering in Time Off pages Entering into profile pages Self Service
Question 2 - Answer Employee changes can be made in the following ways: (Select all that apply.) Importing Entering in Time Off pages Entering into profile pages Self Service Answer All answers are correct, users are only limited by security accesses.
Question 3 True or False: There is only one way to enter an ROE T F
Question 3 - Answer True or False: There is only one way to enter an ROE T F Answer ROE’s can be entered through the: Standalone page: People > employment > record of employment Wizards (Termination & on Leave)
Question 4 True or False: All Payment & Adjustments are keyed on the same template. T F
Question 4 - Answer True or False: All Payment & Adjustments are keyed on the same template. T F Answer There are 7 different templates: Current Pay, Current Pay Adjustments, Bonus Pay, Separate Pay, Lump Sum Payment, Updates & YTD Adjustments
Support After Class – Additional Online Resources
72160_ezLaborManager_part 3 Support After Class – Additional Online Resources ADP has multiple locations to access online resources: The ADP Client Service Centre: This is an online repository where clients can locate various types of information. The Bridge: This is an ADP sponsored online community for ADP clients to share knowledge, skills and have questions answered by client/ADP within the community. Workforce Now Support Centre: This is an online tool built directly into Workforce Now. The tool is designed to provide users with: Step-by-Step procedures Online documentation regarding a variety of subjects Learning Bytes on a variety of subjects 104
ADP Client Service Centre
The ADP Client Service Centre is an online resource available to all ADP clients. Users can access a multitude of resources using this tool: The Year End service centre, including reference materials and forms Welcome Packages, training manuals, Learning Bytes and online registration Health Tracking Program for clients who have purchased ADP Benefits Online support and service options.
Refer to the handout manual to view the client service centre.
Activity: Client Service Centre Refer to the handout manual to view the client service centre.
Accessing and Navigating in the Client Service Centre
Users have access to this tool 24/7. This tool provides a variety of online tools: Step by Step instructional information. Learning Bytes (short 2-3 min instructional videos) on a variety of topics. Documentation providing the user with specific details about the topic searched.
Activity: ADP Workforce Now ® Support Centre
Refer to the handout manual to view the ADP Workforce Now ® Support Centre.
The Bridge The Bridge is sponsored by ADP, and is an exclusive online community for ADP clients. This community connects HR and payroll practitioners from across Canada and provides an environment where users can ask questions, find answers, and network with peers. The community is free, always available, and is an excellent resource for support on a variety of subjects.
Benefits to Registering for The Bridge
Allows payroll practitioners and HR professionals like you to connect, engage and share information in an easy-to-use, fully accessible online forum. Acts as an additional resource for support, frequently asked questions and information for ADP clients of all sizes using all products. Always on, for 24/7/365 access anywhere in Canada. Easy to use.
The Bridge Registration/Login Page
Course Closing
Summary Upon completion of this course you are now able to: Add new hires Demonstrate how to enter a variety of employee changes Complete the end to end process with Record of Employments using the different methods Navigate and demonstrate all aspects of the payment & adjustment pages Complete the Verify Input, Preview Payroll and Process Payroll requirements
Survey How satisfied are you that the training you completed prepared you to begin using your ADP solution? W0??_PPT_WFN51V01_0114
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