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14:15 – 16:00 Session Three Lessons Emerging from Engagement in Fragile States Chair: Michel Wormser, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, MIGA.

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2 14:15 – 16:00 Session Three Lessons Emerging from Engagement in Fragile States Chair: Michel Wormser, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, MIGA Presenters: Georgina Baker, Director, Trade and Supply Chain, IFC Joel Hellman, Director, Fragility and Conflict, OPCS, WB Panel: Luis Riera Figueras, Principal Advisor,DG DEVCO, European Commission Patrick Achi, Minister of Economic Infrastructure, Côte d’Ivoire Serge Michailof, Researcher, Institute de Relation Internationale et Strategique (IRIS)

3 3 Working in FCS: Achieving More, Together Georgina Baker, Director, Trade and Supply Chain, IFC Joel Hellman Director, Fragility and Conflict, OPCS, WB Session 3 May 21, 2013 The World Bank Group

4 4 * Source: DEC Global poverty is concentrating in FCS

5 Working together for maximum impact 5  Working together, and guided by client needs, WBG made a significant impact in the vital power sector  World Bank, IFC, and IMF work on sector financial sustainability issues. IFC led design of new set of measures to allow Azito III financing to proceed.  IFC arranged financing for expansion (Azito III), incl. own $125 million  MIGA: risk guarantee to equity investor (for Azito III)  Azito to become one of the largest power plants in the region (430 MW), providing electricity to approx. 2 million people C ô te d’Ivoire example (Azito power plant)

6 More focus on FCS across World Bank Group 6  WBG President Jim Kim’s focus on FCS and reform agenda emphasize importance of “one WBG” in FCS  The World Bank has adopted new policies on operations, HR, financing, and on knowledge for greater flexibility and a stronger community of practice in FCS  IFC’s top management has approved a strategy for ramping up work in FCS (e.g., increasing investments by 50% FY14-16)  MIGA has tripled guarantees issued in FCS and recently launched its Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies Facility

7 WBG — changing the way we work in FCS 7  WBG ‘s joint approach has resulted in:  Piloting Joint Business Plans in select FCS: mainly for power, agribusiness  A uniform HR policy to increase staff presence in FCS  Knowledge-sharing events and activities  Regular interaction among FCS leadership within WB-IFC- MIGA, incl. IFC senior staff to be co-located w/WB’s Hub, MIGA CAFEF staff to be co-located in Johannesburg  WBG continues to explore ways to deliver results that are more than the sum of its parts

8  The WBG is moving to engage much more quickly in post conflict situations, e.g. Mali, Somalia, Eastern Congo, Yemen.  Early reliance on quick disbursing tools like budget support and CDD programs for post conflict recovery  Increasing emphasis on regional approach to address the cross-border drivers of conflict, e.g. Sahel, Great Lakes, Horn of Africa 8 A Phased Approach to FCS Engagement

9  The New Deal has opened up a new approach to partnerships  Government led Fragility Assessments, Compacts and State & Peace Building Indicators create a framework for donor coordination  WBG has been an active supporter of the New Deal  New frontiers for partnership with UN through joint Jim Yong Kim/Ban ki Moon mission  Strong coordination with other multi-laterals through “Four Institutions Dialogue”  The private sector is essential for growth, including 9/10 jobs 9 Working Better with Partners

10 Questions for discussion 10 To be truly transformational in FCS working together is key  Where are the opportunities for WBG to coordinate more with the donor community?  Where are the opportunities for members of the donor community to coordinate more fully among themselves?  What’s standing in the way of greater coordination, and what can be done to address this? Whose role is it to increase coordination?

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