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Getting to Know Citavi (Even Better!) Citavi 3 – Advanced Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting to Know Citavi (Even Better!) Citavi 3 – Advanced Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting to Know Citavi (Even Better!) Citavi 3 – Advanced Course

2 Our Roadmap Part One Working in a team Searching and importing Using a settings files Using import files from databases Importing PDF files Importing an existing bibliography Entering details Keywords Categories Documenting relationships Direct and indirect quotations, comments Document Management Automatic file naming Relative paths Creating PDFs from Web pages Filtering and Searching Quick select Searching in Citavi Part Two Citation Style Editor Types of Citation Styles Using style templates Basic principles Creating standard templates Using templates for special cases Creating new components

3 Let’s Get Started! 14

4 Working in a Team Possible Scenarios Research proposal Group publication Departmental repository Requirements Citavi version > 3.1 License key for Citavi Team Local network What to do Create a new project as a team project or convert a solo project to a team project Save the project on a network Inform team members Work together on the project

5 Importing Settings Files Your library provides these for you May contain login credentials for subscription databases Passwords can only be imported if you have a site license for Citavi! Contains settings specific to the institution.

6 Bibliographic Import Formats TY - JOUR SN - 0926-9630 AU - Jauhiainen, A. AU - Pulkkinen, R. T1 - Problem-based learning JF - Studies in health SP - 572 EP - 576 VL - 146 PY - 2009 KW - Education KW - Nursing ER - TY - JOUR SN - 0926-9630 AU - Jauhiainen, A. AU - Pulkkinen, R. T1 - Problem-based learning JF - Studies in health SP - 572 EP - 576 VL - 146 PY - 2009 KW - Education KW - Nursing ER - RIS %0 Journal Article %@ 0926-9630 %A Jauhiainen, A. %A Pulkkinen, R. %T Problem-based learning %J Studies in health %P 572-576 %V 146 %D 2009 %K Education %K Nursing %0 Journal Article %@ 0926-9630 %A Jauhiainen, A. %A Pulkkinen, R. %T Problem-based learning %J Studies in health %P 572-576 %V 146 %D 2009 %K Education %K Nursing EndNote Tagged @article{Jauhiainen_Pulkkinen: 2009, author = {Jauhiainen, A. and Pulkkinen, R.}, year = {2009}, title = {Problem-based learning and e-learning methods in clinical practice}, keywords = {Education; Nursing}, pages = {572--576}, volume = {146}, issn = {0926-9630}, journal = {Studies in health} } @article{Jauhiainen_Pulkkinen: 2009, author = {Jauhiainen, A. and Pulkkinen, R.}, year = {2009}, title = {Problem-based learning and e-learning methods in clinical practice}, keywords = {Education; Nursing}, pages = {572--576}, volume = {146}, issn = {0926-9630}, journal = {Studies in health} } BibTeX PMID- 19592907 PT - Journal Article IS - 0926-9630 (Print) AU - Jauhiainen A AU - Pulkkinen R TI - Problem-based learning JT - Studies in health PG - 572-6 VI - 146 DP - 2009 MH - Education MH - Nursing PMID- 19592907 PT - Journal Article IS - 0926-9630 (Print) AU - Jauhiainen A AU - Pulkkinen R TI - Problem-based learning JT - Studies in health PG - 572-6 VI - 146 DP - 2009 MH - Education MH - Nursing No Standard RIS, ENW, and Bib files can be imported by double- clicking the file or by dragging it into the list of references. Use import filters to import other files in structured formats.

7 Importing PDF files Goal: To add multiple articles in PDF format to Citavi. Problem: The PDf files do not contain any bibliographic metadata. Solution: Have Citavi search for the bibliographic information. How?: File > Import > PDF files Note: Citavi first searches for a DOI name on the first two pages of the PDF. If none can be found, Citavi will look in the document properties for bibliographic information.

8 Importing an Existing Bibliography Goal: To import a list of references into Citavi Problem: The list is unstructured Solution: Have Citavi search for the bibliographic information. How?: File > Import > Formatted bibliography Note: The databases you select for the search should be appropriate, both in terms of content and formal characteristics (i.e. you shouldn’t search for economics articles in an education database, or journal articles in a library catalog)

9 Using Keywords Effectively Goal: To group your sources Solution A: Add keywords to references Version 1: Import keywords from an online search. Pros: quick Cons: lots of padding Version 2: Manually assign keywords Pros: no padding Cons: time-consuming Version 3: Combo of 1 + 2: import from online search, clean up the keywords, and from then on only add keywords manually Hint: Click Lists > Keywords to merge keywords, rename them, and filter and delete unused keywords.

10 Working with Categories Goal: To group your sources Solution B: Categorize your references Version 1: Context tab > Categories Version 2: Click Show Categories (Alt+5) and drag references to a category. Hint: Grouping your references into categories can save time during the writing process. In the Publication Assistant you can display by category. Then you only see the references that are relevant for a particular chapter.

11 Cross-References Goal: To document connections between sources. Ex. did Author A discuss Author B in a positive or negative way. Solution: Create links between references: Context tab > Links Hint: It doesn’t always make sense to add each work discussed to your project as a separate reference. In such cases you may want to use the field Additional links. 25

12 Quotations, Comments, Summaries Goal: To summarize the most important passages in a text. Solution: Excerpt quotations: Add word-for-word quotations (such as definitions) as direct quotations; otherwise add an indirect quotation. When referring to an entire chapter, add a summary. If you want to add your own thoughts about a quotation, add them as a comment. Hint: When excerpting quotations with the Picker, it’s best to immediately edit the contents (for example, if you want to shorten a quotation). Take some time to come up with a good core statement – it will pay off later on when you start writing! 26

13 Managing Documents Goal: Attach the original document to the corresponding reference in Citavi Solution: Attach a document: Click Note: You can copy or move files to the Citavi Projects folder. Hint: Use relative paths (see next slide) and let Citavi rename all of your files at once. You can also add files by dragging them into the file area. 7

14 Relative Paths A path shows you how to get to a specific document, for example Document.pdf You can start from the drive. In this case you are using the absolute path: C:\Users\J.Doe\Documents\Citavi 3\Projects\Information Literacy\CitaviFiles\Document.pdf You can also start from any other point (for example the folder Information Literacy). In this case you are using the relative path: CitaviFiles\Document.pdf In order to use relative paths, the Citavi projects and the documents must be saved on the same drive. Hint: You can convert relative paths to absolute paths – and vice versa – at any time. C: \Users \J.Doe \Documents \Diss \Citavi 3 \Projects \Information Literacy Information Literacy.ctv3 \CitaviFiles Document.pdf

15 Your Turn Please work on one or more of the exercises numbered 1-5 Time: 20 minutes

16 Creating PDFs from Web pages Problem: Website contents may not be available forever (ex: Solution: Create a copy of the website: Open the website in the preview and save a copy as a PDF.

17 Filtering vs. Searching Goal: Print a grouped list of references Solution: Use Quick select Hint: You can combine individual filters: Keyword = E-Learning and Year of publication = last year and this year Note: Multiple filters can only be combined with AND or AND NOT. To filter using OR (E-Learning OR Blended Learning) use the Search feature.

18 Quick Search vs. Advanced Search Goal: Search for items in your project by multiple criterion Solution: Use the Search feature. Hint: Whenever you perform an advanced search, you see the search abbreviations and syntax used. If you perform a certain search often, you can take note of this notation and use it in the quick search. 3940

19 Questions?

20 Working with the Citation Style Editor After the break!

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