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San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic 2011

2 WHO?  12 second years  2 third years  5 Pharmacy students  6 attendings  AND 2 of YOU!!!  Dominican Medical Students

3 WHERE?  San Francisco de Macorís, DR  Third largest city in the DR  Las Caobas Hotel  Beach Resort  With DR Help


5 WHAT?  Five daily clinics held at churches and schools  Four urban settings  One rural setting  Interviewed approx. 500 patients per day  SOAP notes  Write prescriptions  Presented to attendings

6 WHAT ELSE?  Performed minor surgeries  All the physical exams you’re afraid of doing  The Wizard of Os  Wound care  Health counseling  Preventative medicine


8 WHY?  Because they need us  Because we need them

9 WHAT’S COOL ABOUT OUR TRIP?  Dominican Medical Students  Predominantly urban environment  Cases similar to U.S.  Learn an incredible amount  Work hard, play hard

10 WHAT COOL STUFF DID WE SEE?  La gripe  Giardia  Malaria  Sickle-cell disease  Parkinson’s  Spina bifida  Pterygium  And everything in between…

11 Typical Day?  Wake up around 6:30-7:00am  Leave for clinic at 7:45am  Start clinic by 9am  Lunch break around 1pm  Finish around 5pm  Relax while organizing pills until dinner at 7pm  PLAY TIME.

12 Here’s the Hard Sell…

13 Questions?

14 Clinic



17 Lunchtime

18 Clinic


20 Pharmacy

21 Our Pool

22 Dinner

23 Nightlife

24 Casino

25 Dancing on the Beach

26 Resort

27 …Paul

28 Beach

29 Dancing Pants - CHECK

30 Dinner


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