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A SOLID FOUNDATION: GOVERNANCE THE CORNERSTONE September 19, 2004 Deborah Gardner The Volunteer Centre of Toronto.

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Presentation on theme: "A SOLID FOUNDATION: GOVERNANCE THE CORNERSTONE September 19, 2004 Deborah Gardner The Volunteer Centre of Toronto."— Presentation transcript:

1 A SOLID FOUNDATION: GOVERNANCE THE CORNERSTONE September 19, 2004 Deborah Gardner The Volunteer Centre of Toronto

2 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Overview Good governance contributes to:  Organizational vitality and stability  Public credibility  Clear roles and responsibilities

3 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto The Basics The Board is the governance body The Board is ultimately responsible for the legal and ethical operation of the organization

4 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto The Basics Board Responsibilities Board Roles

5 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Responsibilities  Obligation to ensure that the organization’s resources are deployed in a way that protects and advances the diverse needs of the community

6 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Responsibilities Formulate board policy Ensure compliance with established board and organizational policies

7 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Responsibilities Oversee organizational ends Executive management Ensure quality service delivery Organizational finances

8 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Organizational Ends Mission and Vision Strategic directions Reflection of community needs and issues

9 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Executive Management Recruit and select Executive Director Identify and assess ED performance Determine compensation Delegation of authority

10 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Quality of Service Establish quality standards Identify key indicators Ensure evaluation process in place Identify risk management issues

11 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Finances Establish and monitor financial objectives Ensure appropriate controls in place Appoint independent auditor

12 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Board Roles Member roles Organizational communication Management support

13 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Member Roles Adherence to organizational by-laws Be transparent and accountable Be informed and regularly participate Respectful of organizational culture

14 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Informing the Role Consistent and clear job description Identification of skill interest and gaps Annual review of Board performance

15 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Communication Informed ambassador for organization Knowledgeable about sectoral issues Articulate (informal) spokesperson

16 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Management Support Support to the Executive Director Appropriate operational engagement Adherence to established governance

17 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Organizational Challenges Consistent implementation of governance Multi levels of operation and obligation Territorial tendencies of chapter model External expectations vs internal resources

18 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Board Challenges Identification of member requirements Recruitment of appropriate members Retention of members Skill development of members

19 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Organization Opportunities Strong placement in community Broad knowledge of learning issues Paradigm shift of knowledge base society Interest in life long learning model

20 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Board Opportunities A consistent organizational model Community engagement and support Innovation Leadership

21 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Quotes “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘what are you doing for others?’ ~ Martin Luther King Jr. “If you want to change the world, be that change.” ~ Ghandi

22 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Resources

23 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto Keep in touch The Volunteer Centre of Toronto 416.961.6888

24 September 19, 2004 Volunteer Centre of Toronto A final thought... “Never doubt that a thoughtful group of committed individuals can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

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