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Stereotypes In the media.

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1 stereotypes In the media

2 Essential question How are we affected personally by the stereotypes we see and hear in the Media, and how do these stereotypes affect our society in a more global manner?

3 objectives With this “eStation” you will explore the question of how we are affected personally by the stereotypes we see and hear in the Media, as well as how these stereo types affect our society in a more global manner. To accomplish this we will: Respond to Gender stereotype symbols Watch the YouTube video “Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes in Television and Print Advertising” and answer the questions Watch the ABC news report about the Mountain Dew commercial and answer the questions Read “We Wear The Mask” and respond *

4 STEREOTYPES ACTIVITY 1: For the image below make a “T” chart
STEREOTYPES ACTIVITY 1: For the image below make a “T” chart. One the left side list all the stereotypical symbols for girls that are represented in movies and television shows. Explain what each represents. Do the same on the right side for the stereotypical symbols for boys. At the end of each side, describe what harm, if any, you think these type of images bring to each gender. Did these stereotypes affect you as a child?

5 STEREOTYPES ACTIVITY 2: Use the URL address below to watch the YouTube video “Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes in Television and Print Advertising.” After watching the clip, answer the questions below on your paper. What is the significance of television advertising reinforcing stereotypes? Women are underrepresented in what areas in television advertisement? Men are underrepresented in what areas in television advertisement? What does this tell us? Why do you think sex and stereotypes sell? What can we do to change this?

6 STEREOTYPES ACTIVITY 3: Use the URL address below to watch the YouTube video of the ABC New report “Mountain Dew “Racist Commercial: Pepsi Pulls Goat Ad Dubbed, “Most Racist Commercial Ever.” After watching the clip, answer the questions below on your paper. Do you believe this ad is racist? Why or why not? How would you react if you looked like the actors in this clip? How would you react if you or a family member were victims of domestic violence? Can the ad be a negative stereotype of African-American males if the director, an African-American male, intended it to be humorous? Explain your answer. 3. Now, watch the clip below of a Jell-O commercial from 1958, After watching this clip, how does the Jell-O commercial differ in terms of stereotyping from the Mountain Dew commercial? Your answer should be two to three sentences in length.

7 STEREOTYPES ACTIVITY 4: Read the poem below at least twice and answer the questions on the next slide. We Wear The Mask By Paul Laurence Dunbar We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes— This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile And mouth with myriad subtleties, Why should the world be over-wise, In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while We wear the mask. We smile, but oh great Christ, our cries To thee from tortured souls arise. We sing, but oh the clay is vile Beneath our feet, and long the mile, But let the world dream otherwise, We wear the mask!

8 Who is wearing masks? Think in terms of this eStation and the issues it raises. What are the masks people feel they must wear. What might Dunbar be describing in this poem? Dunbar uses powerful images in this poem. Chose one and describe what you think it could be in our world today. You do not have to relate to Dunbar’s time, think in terms of today’s world. With all of the images that the Media produces, have you ever worn your own mask? Write about that now. What was your mask and what were the images that influenced you? What do you want to do differently? Finally, how can we as a class and a culture change how we approach the barrage of negative images from media sources? Staple all four activities from this eStation together. You will keep all of your work together until all stations are completed.

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