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Indicators and Effects of Climate Change 1. Global warming Increase in average global temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans over the past 100 years.

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2 Indicators and Effects of Climate Change

3 1. Global warming Increase in average global temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans over the past 100 years

4 2. Ice sheets A) 65km 2 in Antarctic alone! B) rising sea levels

5 3.Effects Animals- disturbed habitat,loss of food Humans Loss of culture and way of life for Inuit peoples

6 4. Rising sea levels Causes Melting glaciers and icecaps Thermal expansion Effects populations displaced due to flooding of large coastal cities

7 5.Acidification Oceans Oceans absorb half the CO 2 from fossil fuel use. Dissolved CO 2 forms carbonic acid and so Ph goes down. Corals and other shelled organisms can’t build shells Fish and plankton reproduction decreases Commercial fishing affected

8 6.Health Temperature increase Outbreak of disease (hantavirus,lyme disease, malaryia,plague) Dust, mold,pollen increase therefore more asthma and allergic responses Rainfall increase Waterborne disease increase Microscopic organisms live in water supply Eg E. Coli

9 7. Heat distribution A) wind an precipitation patterns B) Most of Canada has experienced increased precipitation

10 8 Dessertification A) Loss of crops and subsequent food shortages B) by 2050, 75% of the world will experience water shortages

11 9 Hurricanes A) Hurricanes form over tropical oceans during the late summer and early fall As surface temperature of water rises so does the hurricanes intensity

12 10. Deforestation Deforestation results in an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

13 11. Wetlands Wetlands store and filter water and certain vascular plants absorb pollutants

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