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Formation  Snow accumulation  More winter snowfall than summer melt  Glacier formation is similar to sedimentary rock formation.

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2 Formation  Snow accumulation  More winter snowfall than summer melt  Glacier formation is similar to sedimentary rock formation

3 Types of Glaciers  Valley glaciers or alpine glaciation  Ice sheets or continental glaciation

4 Glaciers of the world  85% of glacier ice in Antarctica  10% of glacier ice in Greenland  Alpine glaciers comprise only 5% of world’s glacier ice

5 Alpine Glaciers  Form in valleys  Gravity causes glacier movement  Glaciers flow from higher to lower elevation

6 Alpine Glacier Flow Velocity  Overall downward flow velocity ranges from a few millimeters to 15 meters per day  Glaciers in warmer climate flow more quickly  Central part moves faster than sides  Surface moves faster than base  Glacier movement  Basal sliding  Plastic flow  Brittle/Rigid Zone


8 Continental Glaciers  Cover a large part of a continent  Gravity causes glacier movement  Glaciers flow downward and outward from a central high point  Plastic flow more common than basal sliding







15 Arctic Sea Ice  Fresh water, like glaciers, but do not flow like glaciers

16 And resulting landscapes Glacial Erosion

17 Erosion  Glacier movement erodes the bedrock underneath the glacier and can drastically change the landscape  Plucking  Abrasion  Polishing  Striations

18 Erratics & Striations

19 Alpine landscape features


21 Continental landscape features  All the sediment that a glacier picks up is deposited as unsorted and unlayered rock debris called “till”  Most features are created during glacial retreat


23 Effects on North America Ice Ages

24 Glacial Ages  A period of long-term reduction in Earth’s temperature, resulting in the presence of continental and polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers  Glacial periods  Interglacials  The last glacial period ended 10,000 years ago

25 Glacial Extent of Last Glacial Period

26 Laurentide Ice Sheet  Stevens Point is located right beyond the recessional moraine—in outwash plain

27 Glacial Erosion in Wisconsin



30 Whitewater Wisconsin Map Activity Topographic Maps

31 Topographic maps


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