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Dr. K.L. BARIK Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics Burdwan Medical College Acyanotic heart Disease Downloaded from:

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1 Dr. K.L. BARIK Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics Burdwan Medical College Acyanotic heart Disease Downloaded from:


3 NADA’S CRITERIA MINOR systolic murmur less than gr III abnormal S2abnormal ECGabnormal X-rayabnormal BP MAJOR systolic murmur gr III or more diastolic murmurcyanosisccf one major OR two minor are essential

4 COMMON ACYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES. FIVE TYPES OF LESIONS ARE COMMON. 1)Venticular septal defect (VSD).2)Atrial septal defect (ASD).3)Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).4)Endocardial cushion defect (ECD).5)Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR).

5 VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT:  Most common CHD.  Accounts for 15% to 27% of all CHD.  Communication between the two ventricles. L-R shunt.  Septum consists of two parts: i. Small membranous. ii. Large muscular part – a) Inlet. b) Trabecular. c) Outlet (Infundibular).

6 CLASSIFICATION OF VSD ACCORDING TO ANATOMICAL SITE:  Perimembranous defects most common 70%: i) Perimembranous inlet. ii) Perimembranous trabecular. iii) Perimembranous outlet (TOF).  Outlet defect 5% to 7%. Part of its rim by aortic/pul. Annulus.- subarterial/subpul.  Inlet defect -5% to 8%.  Trabecular defect -5%- 20%: a)Marginal-multiple, small defects- Swiss cheese type. b) Central c) Apical defect.  Infundibular: Rt. Coronary cusp of aortic valve- herniates reduction of shunt –may cause AR.

7 CLASSIFICATION OF VSD ACCORDING TO THE SIZE OF THE DEFECTS:  Restrictive VSD (<0.5 cm 2 ) L to R persists.  Nonrestrictive VSDs (>1.0 cm 2 ) equalized quickly.  Very small VSDs: Commonest cause of functional syst. murmur-ejection systolic.  Small VSDs: Pansystolic, no diastolic mur  Moderate VSDs: Long syt. murmur, diastolic murmur, cardiomegaly.  Large VSDs: Shorter & softer murmur, diastolic murmur, accentuated P 2.

8 HEMODYNAMICS:  Shunting of oxygenated blood – L to R.  LV starts contraction before RV in systole  High pressure gradient- pan systolic murmur masking S 1. Usually syst. thrill.  Towards end of syst- LV pressure lower than aorta- produce A 2 but still LV pressure is >RV –murmur cont. - masking A 2.  Due to both vent. contract- blood shunted directly to PA- no RV volume overload.

9 HEMODYNAMICS (Contd…)  Large VSDs- direct transmission of LV pressure and blood to RV through large shunt –pressure & volume overload of RV  LA enlargement and diastolic murmur – functional mitral stenosis.  Delayed P 2 with wide & variable splitting  Shunt depend on defect size& pul.vas.res.(PVR).  Smaller shunt resist. offed. by size not PVR  Large VSD resistance offered by PVR not by size-called dependent shunt.

10 Ventricular Septal Defect III Ventricular septal defect iii


12 VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT - PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Normally pulmonary blood flow = systemic blood flow In VSD, pulmonary blood flow > systemic blood flow Normal heart QP:QS 1:1 Small VSD QP:QS 1.5:1, large VSD QP:QS >2:1

13 CLINICAL MENIFESTATIONS:  HISTORY: 1) Small VSD- asymptomatic with normal growth and development. 2)Moderate to large VSD-delayed growth & development/exercise intolerance/ repeated pulmonary infection and CCF. 3)Long- standing pulmonary hypertension. h/o cyanosis and decreased activity (Eisenmenger’s syndrome).

14 (C/F CONT….) 1)Infant with small VSD- well developed. 2)On 6 to 8 wk- with large VSD – poor wt. gain or signs of CCF. 3) Cyanosis & clubbing–(Eisenmenger’s syndrome) 4)Systolic thrill at LLSB. Precordial bulge large shunt VSD. 5)Pansyst./holosyt,/early syst.murmur. 6)Apical diastolic murmur. 7)Infundibular VSD –early diastolic murrm.ofAR. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION

15 VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT-SYMPTOMS  Small VSD – no symptoms, detection of heart murmur  Large VSD – heart failure  Breathing fast - tachypnea  Feeding difficulties  Excessive sweating  Inadequate growth

16 VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT-SIGNS  Small VSD – pansystolic murmur at mid left sternal border  Large VSD  Signs of heart failure –tachypnoea  Hyperdynamic precordium and LV apex  Systolic thrill along left sternal border  Pan systolic murmur at mid left sternal border  hepatomegaly

17 INVESTIGATIONS:  Electrocardiography: 1.Small VSD – Normal 2.Moderate VSD – LVH and LAH. 3.Large VSD – CVH with or LVH. 4.Pulmonary vas.obst. – Only RVH.  X-Ray Chest:- Cardiomegaly, Plethora, BVM Pul.obst,dis.- PA/hilarPA enlgd./ph.ichm.  ECHO: Number, size, location of shunts,PA pressure.  Complete blood count.

18 NATURAL HISTORY:  Spontaneous closure – 30%- 40% by 6m. Smaller membranous & muscular defect.  Almost 90% by 3yrs. Small mem.& muscl.  Inlet & Infundibular – do not close spnt.  CCF- with large VSD by 6 to 8 weeks.  VSD with R to L shunt by teenage years.  Infective endocarditis rarely occurs.

19 MANAGEMENT:  MEDICAL: 1. Rx of CCF – Digoxin & diuretics 2-4 m. 2. High calorie formula feeding. 3. Correction of anemia. 4. Good oral hygiene and antimicrobials for prophylaxis against SABE. 5. Medical closure – using Umbrella devices.

20 MANAGEMENT ( contd ):  SURGICAL: Indication- 1.CCF Rxed – growth failure- 6m. 2.Qp/Qs at least 2:1. (signifi. L- R shunt). 3.Older infant – incr. pul.vascular resist. Contraindication:- 1.Small VSD& no CCF by 6 months of age 2.VSD with Qp/Qs <1.5:1. 3.Pulmonary to syst. Vascular resis. ratio >.5. 4.Multiple small VSDs. 5.VSD with R to L shunt.

21 SURGICAL MANAGEMENT CONT.:  Direct closure of defects under cardiopulmonary bypass.  Complication: 1.RBBB. 2.Complete heart block. 3.Reopening of the shunt. 4.Infection.

22 Surgical correction has to be done before irreversible damage to pulmonary vasculature occurs.


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