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Both Partners:  Healthy life style  No Smoking  Alcohol ▪ Female: Avoid alcohol altogether ▪ Male: maximum of 12 units per week.

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Presentation on theme: "Both Partners:  Healthy life style  No Smoking  Alcohol ▪ Female: Avoid alcohol altogether ▪ Male: maximum of 12 units per week."— Presentation transcript:


2 Both Partners:  Healthy life style  No Smoking  Alcohol ▪ Female: Avoid alcohol altogether ▪ Male: maximum of 12 units per week

3 Female Partner:  Good diet and normal body weight  Up to date cervical smear  Folic acid 400 mcgs daily  Rubella

4 Tight schedule  Please arrive promptly for appointments  Allow plenty of time for parking  Please ring the unit if late or unable to attend to give us time to reschedule appointments Be sure you know what to do next before leaving the Unit

5  Both partners must attend the nurse consultation session  Bring a passport sized photo of both partners and think of a password  HFEA Registration  Blood tests

6 The HFEA is the UK’s independent regulator of treatment using eggs and sperm, and of treatment and research involving human embryos. It sets standards for, and issues licences to centres. The HFEA holds a large amount of information about fertility treatments in the UK and the new HFE Act has allowed the HFEA to make information more accessible.

7  There are numerous consent forms which need to be completed before starting your treatment.  These are HFEA consents and clinical treatment consents

8  Consents are given to couples to read prior to nurse consultation  Please read and list questions and queries  Please bring pack to your nurse consultation appointment  Changing your consents


10  We have a legal responsibility to obtain information from any person requesting assisted conception treatment to ensure the welfare of any child or children born from treatment  Further information may be sought from your GP or other specialists



13  We can not disclose any identifying information without this consent (other than in a medical emergency)  Some information about you, your treatment cycles and the outcome of treatment (including details of any babies born as a result of treatment) is sent to the HFEA


















31  Hepatitis B, C, HIV and Syphilis Screening  Pre treatment Checklist  Consent to treatment involving egg collection and embryo transfer  ICSI

32  Donor Sperm  Freezing embryos  Fate of spare embryos  Administration of Medicines  Treatment services

33 NHS Private Payment If you are paying for your own treatment, payment must be made at the nurse consultation appointment  credit card or debit card

34 NHS patients  Homecare dispensary service Private patients  Homecare dispensary service Injections Need to consider  self/partner injection  GP/Practice nurse  Daily attendance to ACU/Gynae ward

35  9-10 visits over 6 weeks

36 LCRM working hours – 8.00am - 5.00pm Contact numbers Reception 0113 2063100 Nurses 0113 2063102 In an emergency... Out of hours weekdays (5pm until 8am) and weekends - a team member can be reached on a mobile phone via St James’s switchboard (0113 2433144) Please try to contact staff during working hours as at other times they are not in the hospital and do not have access to your notes or the appointment diaries.


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