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 starter activity In groups write the countries (left & right) on separate Post-Its and stick them on the map Colombia Brazil Peru Chile Venezuela Ecuador.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity In groups write the countries (left & right) on separate Post-Its and stick them on the map Colombia Brazil Peru Chile Venezuela Ecuador."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity In groups write the countries (left & right) on separate Post-Its and stick them on the map Colombia Brazil Peru Chile Venezuela Ecuador


3 Who were the Incas? To find out about the culture & society of the Inca people and other civilisations in South America  Aims

4 The Incas When Spanish people first arrived in South America in the sixteenth century the area around Peru was occupied by a tribe known as the Incas. Their empire lasted for less than 100 years but is perhaps one of the most famous. When Spanish people first arrived in South America in the sixteenth century the area around Peru was occupied by a tribe known as the Incas. Their empire lasted for less than 100 years but is perhaps one of the most famous.

5 Inca Empire Head of this empire was a man named Pachacuti, and ruled with his son Topa Inca. One of his famous palaces is Machu Pichu.

6 Machu Pichu – the mountain retreat of the emperor

7 Inca knots – khipu – for recording accounts

8 Other civilisations - Chimu Archaeological evidence has shown that the Incas were heavily influenced by an earlier civilisation, the Chimu. This empire dated back to around the year 800. Archaeological evidence has shown that the Incas were heavily influenced by an earlier civilisation, the Chimu. This empire dated back to around the year 800.

9 Chimu mantle (cloak)

10 Gold mask

11 Knife thought to have been used for human sacrifices

12 City of Chan Chan The centre of Chimu culture was the ancient city of Chan Chan, which archaeologists have excavated. The whole city was made from beautifully decorated mud bricks. The centre of Chimu culture was the ancient city of Chan Chan, which archaeologists have excavated. The whole city was made from beautifully decorated mud bricks.




16 El Dorado When the Spanish explorers reached what is modern day Colombia they learned about the legend of ‘El Dorado’. An ancient ruler, covered in gold, would sail out onto this lake … <<< Click for trailer

17 Lake Guatavita

18 Fortune hunters came to the lake for hundreds of years looking for treasure. They found nothing until in 1969 a pottery vessel was found in a cave nearby. It contained this …

19 Solid gold model of a raft made by the Muisca people in the 7 th century

20 Chavin Chavin de Huantar was excavated in the 1920s and 30s. Archaeologists found a great temple, built around a huge carved stone head in the shape of a strange animal Chavin de Huantar was excavated in the 1920s and 30s. Archaeologists found a great temple, built around a huge carved stone head in the shape of a strange animal

21 Chavin temple head, dating from around 2000 BC

22 Chavin designs


24  Your task Watch this animated story, which explains the Inca myth about how the world was created and how the Inca people came to find their homeland. Watch this animated story, which explains the Inca myth about how the world was created and how the Inca people came to find their homeland. Click the mask >>>

25  Your task Read about the civilisation of the Incas. Answer these questions: Read about the civilisation of the Incas. Answer these questions: How long did the Inca civilisation last for and why did it end? How long did the Inca civilisation last for and why did it end? What was special about Inca society? Give 2 examples What was special about Inca society? Give 2 examples How did people communicate with each other? How did people communicate with each other?

26 Skills work Your teacher will give you some information about Inca civilisation. Use a highlighter pen and pick out the key words in the first paragraph labelled ‘history’. Now do the same for the other paragraphs. Your teacher will give you some information about Inca civilisation. Use a highlighter pen and pick out the key words in the first paragraph labelled ‘history’. Now do the same for the other paragraphs. Use your notes to create a spider diagram about the Incas using the headings ‘history’, ‘religion’, ‘society’ and ‘communication’ Use your notes to create a spider diagram about the Incas using the headings ‘history’, ‘religion’, ‘society’ and ‘communication’

27  Your task Your teacher will give you another ancient myth from South America. Get into five groups. Each group will be given one section of the myth to act out. Your teacher will give you another ancient myth from South America. Get into five groups. Each group will be given one section of the myth to act out. Present the different sections together. Present the different sections together. How similar or different is the Mayan myth of creation to the Inca one? How similar or different is the Mayan myth of creation to the Inca one?

28 Plenary Plenary What do you know about Inca civilisation? Think about history, religion, society & communication What do you know about Inca civilisation? Think about history, religion, society & communication Name 3 other civilisations of South America Name 3 other civilisations of South America Why did these civilisations die out? Why did these civilisations die out?

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