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CS 4720 Anatomy of a Web Application CS 4720 – Web & Mobile Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 4720 Anatomy of a Web Application CS 4720 – Web & Mobile Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 4720 Anatomy of a Web Application CS 4720 – Web & Mobile Systems

2 CS 4720 Client/Server Architecture Okay, so that was the “blueprint,” what are the actual pieces to the puzzle? 2

3 CS 4720 LAMP 3 We start with LAMP –Linux –Apache –MySQL –PHP/Python WAMP and MAMP also exist

4 CS 4720 Apache Apache is one of the “simplest” and most prevalent web servers available In the very simplest case, Apache is a particular type of file server –You ask for a particular file (something.html) and it sends that file right back to you –Nothing fancy here 4

5 CS 4720 Apache How does network traffic work with Apache? Let’s go back to 201/2110 and the network discussions we had –(or perhaps the networking class you’ve had…) 5

6 CS 4720 Apache Group Discussion What is circuit vs. packet switching? What is in a packet? How does the handshake work in TCP? How does a packet get to the server from the client? What’s a port and how does that apply to this discussion? 6

7 CS 4720 Managing Apache 2.0 Quick Demo Time –Basic configuration of Apache –Setting up directories and permissions –How Netbadge ties into Apache What you need to know strictly as a web developer Even though you may never have to setup a web server, you should know the basics! 7

8 CS 4720 So… how does PHP work in here? Adding modules to Apache allows it to handle specific types of files differently By adding in the PHP module, Apache hands any file with a.php extension to the PHP interpreter first and then returns the “result” as the “file” the user requested JSP (Java Server Pages), Ruby, ASP.NET, Python, etc. all work similarly (But that’s another lecture) 8

9 CS 4720 L? M? Linux and MySQL Linux can be intimidating for some So can a database system LAMP installs are intended to be as easy/streamlined as possible But, if you want to run locally on your non- Linux laptop… 9

10 CS 4720 WAMP and MAMP WAMP - MAMP - 10

11 CS 4720 The Other Side of the Equation Okay, Apache is waiting on the server side So what’s going on on the client side? 11

12 CS 4720 The Other Side of the Equation The web browser is a very odd creature –Different versions –Different manufacturers –Different platforms / OSs –Different levels of compliance with standards –Different standards that they made up just to infuriate web developers –Different standards that they made up because they thought they owned the Internet 12

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