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Analytical Modeling of RF Noise in MOSFETs – A Review

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1 Analytical Modeling of RF Noise in MOSFETs – A Review
S. Asgaran and M. Jamal Deen Electrical and Computer Engineering, CRL 226 McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada

2 RF Performance of MOSFETs
DUTs are fabricated in 0.18mm CMOS technology and measured at VDS = 1V Maximum fT is around 50 GHz and the best NFmin is about 0.5 dB at 2 GHz

3 Noise in MOSFETs

4 Why Does Noise Matter distance
The battery life time and the distance between the wireless components will be limited by the noise floor of the front-end amplifier.

5 Outline Introduction Noise sources
RF MOSFET noise models: long and short channel – only explicit analytical models are discussed Induced gate noise Applications of models to design Conclusions

6 Introduction Why CMOS for RF? Low cost High integration
Integration with digital IC (SoC) Technology advancement higher frequencies J.C. Rudell, J-J. Ou, T.B. Cho, G. Chien, F. Brianti, J.A. Weldon, P.R. Gray, A 1.9-GHz wide-band IF double conversion CMOS receiver for cordless telephone applications IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 32, pp , Dec. 1997

7 Noise Sources in MOSFET
RD RS RG RSB RDB SiRDB SiRSB SiRDSB RDSB CBD CBS RDS SiD SiRD SiRS Ims Im CGD CGS CGB SiG SvRG G S B D 88% 0.25mm technology SiD ~ Lch-1 RSUB ~20% total Sin RG ~5% total Sin L=0.18 mm, f=3 GHz A.J. Scholten et al, Noise modeling for RF CMOS circuit simulation, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 50, pp , Mar In EKV model, MOSFET is divided into an intrinsic part and an extrinsic part consisting of the parasitics elements. The intrinsic part is modelled by a charge based model for dc, ac, NQS and noise behavior valid in all regions. Extrinsic model includes terminal access reistsnaces and parasitic capacitances. Accounts for signal coupling at RF from D to S an B through junction capacitances. Validated in .25 micron CMOS – Y-parameters, transit frequency, noise parameters and RF large signal characteristics. Substrate and gate resistance contribute 20% and 5% of total input referred noise NFmin good agreement up to 0.3 f/fT. Philips model – equation given Assumptions – channel carriers are in thermal equilibrium so that voltage noise spectral density is 4kt.dx/g(V) and noise sources in different channel segments are uncorrelated G(V) is evaluated using a continuous description of the surface potential of the MOSFET for all operating regions Discrepancies up to 20% at lower frequencies for short channel devices were found, but is not understood – possibly due to gate or bulk parasitics. Noise for longer channel devices dependent of frequency – possibly due to nonquasistatic effects C. Enz, An MOS transistor model for RF IC design valid in all regions of operation IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 50, pp , Jan SiD: Channel noise + flicker noise SiG: Induced gate noise SiR: Thermal noise of real resistances ~20% discrepancy for 0.18mm, low f SiD increases with f in 2mm FET No dependence on VDS in saturation

8 Noise Models- Long Channel Case
Klaassen-Prins: Integrating the noise current over the entire channel Van der ziel: Includes hot electron effects Te: a function of E(x) Tsividis: Simpler model

9 Noise Models - Short Channel
2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 Channel Length (mm) iD (Amp/Hz1/2) VGS=0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, 1.9V VDS=2.5V G S D Leff,VDS (II) Lsat,VDSat DL (I) P. Klein, An analytical thermal noise model of deep submicron MOSFET’s, IEEE Electron Dev. Letters, Vol. 20, pp , Aug vsat~107cm/s t~4.3ps SID ~ indep. of VDS Increased noise in short channel devices A divided channel is used Linear region (GCA) Velocity saturation region; thermal assumption questionable

10 Drain Current Noise (Amp2/Hz)
RF MOSFET Noise Models Triantis et al is questionable! gDS is not constant Te: in both parts of the channel thermal noise source in vel. sat. region: questionable! DrD is an ac resistance Old measurements (Abidi, ‘86) used SID ~ indep. of VDS (< 1.5x) 1 2 3 4 5 6 10-24 10-23 10-22 10-21 Region II noise Region I noise Total noise VGS (V) Drain Current Noise (Amp2/Hz) VDS=4V Measurement W=30mm; L=0.7mm D.P. Triantis, A.N. Birbas and D. Kondis, Thermal noise modeling for short-channnel MOSFET’s, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 43, no. 11, pp , Nov Note: Region II noise increases with VGS; device is less saturated Note: Calculations > measurements

11 Drain Current Noise (Amp2/Hz)
RF MOSFET Noise Models Park and Park Mobility degradation due to channel field absent Carrier temperature, Te, used to model hot carrier effects Noise of VS region: intrinsic diffusion noise SiD=g2DS×(SvI+SvII) - questionable! Measurements (Abidi, ‘86) Temp: d~5-20 for EC=2-4V/mm VGS (V) 1 2 3 4 5 10-24 10-23 10-22 10-21 Region II noise Triantis Region I noise Park & Park Total noise - Triantis Drain Current Noise (Amp2/Hz) VDS=4V Measurement = 1+DVT/DVSB – coefficient to consider effect of body bias on VT VC = voltage at pinch-of point a=1.25, vsat=9x106cm/s, xj=0.25mm; d=5, mo=650cm2/Vs; D=350cm2/s g=3.57 (3V) to 2.98(5V) with VGS and g=2.98 (4V) to 4.52(5V) with VDS C.H. Park and Y.J. Park, Modeling of thermal noise in short-channel MOSFETs at saturation, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 44, pp , 2000.

12 RF MOSFET Noise Models Knoblinger et al Te: in both parts of channel
meff=v(x)/E(x) in both parts of the channel: wrong! G. Knoblinger, P. Klein & H. Tiebout, A new model for thermal channel noise of deep-submicron MOSFETs and its application in RF-CMOS design , IEEE J. Solid-State Cir., vol. 36, pp , May 2001. S D Leff,VDS (II) Lsat,VDSat DL (I) G d~1.0 and noise from region Ia (T=lattice temperature) gave better fit to data at VGS>1.5V

13 RF MOSFET Noise Models Scholten et al CLM not taken into account
Te is not needed! A.J. Scholten et al, Accurate thermal noise model for deep-submicron CMOS, IEDM Tech. Digest, pp , 1999.

14 RF MOSFET Noise Models Chen & Deen
Channel length modulation (CLM) is accounted for d=0 in experiments no Te needed No noise from VS region C.H. Chen and M.J. Deen, Channel noise modeling of deep submicron MOSFETs, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 49, pp , Aug

15 RF MOSFET Noise Models Scholten et al Modified Klaassen-Prins
Takes into account CLM No noise from VS region A closed-form solution as a function of surface potential - too complicated! Difficult to provide insight to designers Not accurate for short channels at high VGS A.J. Scholten et al, Noise modeling for RF CMOS circuit simulation, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 50, pp , Mar

16 RF MOSFET Noise Models Han et al.
Considers the channel field effect on mobility Starts from impedance field theory Uses Einstein equation in MOSFET channel : questionable! MOSFET channel is degenerate in strong inversion The result is based on thermal noise theory K. Han, H.Shin and K. Lee, Analytical Drain Thermal Noise Current Model Valid for Deep Submicron MOSFETs, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 51, pp , Feb

17 RF MOSFET Noise Models Dashed line is without this term
K. Han, H.Shin and K. Lee, Analytical Drain Thermal Noise Current Model Valid for Deep Submicron MOSFETs, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 51, pp , Feb

18 RF MOSFET Noise Models Analytical Model
G S D Leff,VDS (II) Lelec DL (I) Analytical Model Based on simple analytical drain current expression Includes the channel field effect Purely analytical (no integration, etc.) Suitable for circuit design

19 RF MOSFET Noise Models model Analytical model Analytical model
B. Wang, J.R. Hellums and C.G. Sodini, MOSFET thermal noise modeling for analog integrated circuits, IEEE JSSC vol. 29, pp , July 1994.

20 RF MOSFET Noise Models Noise and scaling
For very short channel devices

21 Induced Gate Noise Induced gate noise at x in channel where
Induced gate noise Dig(xo) is fully correlated with the channel thermal noise Did (xo) VDS becomes VDSsat in the saturation mode CGS Did(xo)

22 SIG and Correlation Noise
8×10-23 1×10-22 L=0.97 mm L=0.64 mm 6×10-23 L=0.97 mm L=0.42 mm 1×10-23 L=0.27 mm L=0.64 mm Correlation Noise (A2/Hz) SiG (A2/Hz) L=0.18 mm 4×10-23 1×10-24 L=0.42 mm 2×10-23 L=0.27 mm L=0.18 mm 1×10-25 1 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) MOSFET channel- RC network at high f Gate capacitance and channel R Channel noise coupled to the gate→ SIG, correlation noise Frequency dependent Negligible as the channel length shrinks M.J. Deen, C.H. Chen and Y. Cheng, MOSFET Modeling for Low Noise, RF Circuit Design, Proceedings of IEEE CICC, pp , May 2002

23 Choosing Device Size Channel length of devices reduced
NFmin gm,max Channel length of devices reduced Increased gm and peak value of gm occurs at lower VGS values The faster increase in gm results in Reduced NFmin and the lowest NFmin is shifted to lower VGS values

24 Choosing DC Bias Conditions
gm NFmin Higher VDS bias will increase gm at the higher VGS region Higher gm will decrease NFmin at higher VGS region Decreased NFmin at higher VGS makes lowest NFmin less sensitive to VGS

25 Concluding Remarks MOSFET channel noise analytical models discussed
Long channel case Short channel case Some ideas on how to use noise to design circuits Future applications demand low power MOSFET in moderate or weak inversion Noise models needed in these regions

26 Acknowledgements Professor C.H. Chen (McMaster University)
Dr. Y. Cheng (Conexant/Skyworks) Funding - Rockwell/Conexant/Skyworks, USA and Gennum, Canada Funding - NSERC of Canada Funding - Micronet Funding - Canada Research Chair Program

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