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+ Football Assignment BY: Reem Abdalla. + Where Does Football Originate From? Soccer can be found in many areas in history and in many areas on the globe.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Football Assignment BY: Reem Abdalla. + Where Does Football Originate From? Soccer can be found in many areas in history and in many areas on the globe."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Football Assignment BY: Reem Abdalla

2 + Where Does Football Originate From? Soccer can be found in many areas in history and in many areas on the globe Even before our era, the Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Ancient Greek, Persian, Viking and more played ball games. The Chinese played these games as far as 3000 years ago, except they were more of a type of military training, just like in Ancient Greece and Rome who used it to sharpen their warriors for battle. In south and Central America, a ball game called Tlatchi was very common and widely spread, almost like soccer today. But football, as we know it, really began to take form in England. In the year 1863, two football association, football and rugby football, split off in their own coarse, which really was the start. And so, the Football Association was founded in England, so soccer originated mainly from England.

3 + Who Made Up The First Set of Organized Rules? The first set of rules where first invented by several representatives from several colleges, all meeting at Trinity College in Cambridge (in England) in the year 1848. Henry de Winton and John Charles Thring organized this meeting after deciding that they had to devise a set of rules (known now as the Cambridge rules) because football was becoming so popular in school systems in England. Their rules are notable for allowing goal kicks, throw ins and forward passes and preventing running whilst holding the ball. Later on, in the year 1863, several football clubs gathered to decide a set of organized rules for football since it was growing in popularity and they felt the game needed some sort of organization. These representatives became the world’s first Football Association (FA) the very first soccer organization in the world. Two months after their formation, they presented us with the Laws of the Game, and our constitution today is still based on those rules, although it has gone through several major changes and countless minor changes.

4 + Why? Soccer was originally split from rugby, meaning much of the rules were similar. Changing the rules made soccer an individual sport, different, unique and new as well as less violent. Changing the rules also made soccer much more fair and fun to play as well as simple. It also made it safer, so as to suffer much less injuries when playing, mostly none.

5 + How Many Countries Play Football As Their National Sport? About 60 different countries claim that Football is their national sport including: England Italy Spain Argentina Columbia

6 + Why Is Football so Popular? Football is so popular for many reasons. One being that the equipment and things needed isn’t many and very simple to obtain, making it easier to play even if you are in poverty. All you need is a wide open space and a ball that can be kicked around, and all you need is 2 people minimum to play. This makes it a cheap game for everyone to play, meaning it is so popular with even people in poverty. Another reason would be that the rules are so simple and easy to understand as well as simple to remember. The rules also make it safe to play and hard to get a major injury, if any happen at all. Additionally, the rules and the game itself are so flexible, that there are many different styles and forms to suit the desires of the fans, this makes it a game for everyone to play and enjoy Another reason would be that football is a game of strategy, technique, strength, team work, abilities, spirit, leadership and fans. This means that many enjoy this game and have a talent since everyone has at least one of these traits that they can use in the game. Players with strength and different abilities and leadership skills make up the team and eventually form bonds with each other, making it fun because you get to meet new people and make new friends. The game is filled with so much spirit and there is always room for another fan to join, making it also fun to watch and cheer for your favorite team.

7 + Different Forms and Styles of Football Football is a game of tactics and techniques, without them, it may be hard for you to win a game with your team. Some examples of styles used in modern teams would be the Italian style of football with the Italian team. They are very cautious with their players who they are committing forward. They make forward runs at all angles, making them hard to predict and stop. Defenders like to slow down the tempo and shield. Another example of a playing style is the British style for the British team is very physical, quick and direct. Attacks are set up quickly by directly passing the ball, the players rarely touched the ball and are sent over the opposing team’s defense line.

8 + Bibliography

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