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Using Endnote Tiffany M. Bludau September 5, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Endnote Tiffany M. Bludau September 5, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Endnote Tiffany M. Bludau September 5, 2007

2 Overview Getting Endnote Endnote basics Adding references Using Endnote ▫Reference lists ▫Cite While You Write ▫Organization

3 Getting Endnote Endnote 7 and 10 for PC Endnote 7 and 10 for Mac Which version?  Sharing of Endnote libraries  Compatibility with MS Word  Operating system

4 Endnote basics File types - Libraries ▫Can create multiple libraries  Personal preference  My recommendations  Separate libraries for each class/topic area  One “Master” library  Only use one library per paper to keep things simple

5 Endnote basics Endnote works as a database Shortcuts ▫New reference – Control + N ▫Search – Control + F ▫Show all – Control + M ▫Sort references – References, Sort references ▫Find duplicates – References, Find duplicates

6 Adding references – PsycINFO Open Endnote Create new library or use existing library In PsycINFO, select relevant articles Go to “Folder” Select items to export; click on “Export” Click on “Direct Export to EndNote, ProCite, or Reference Manager” ▫Note: I usually uncheck “Remove items” box…just in case the export fails Click “Save” then follow directions in your browser. ▫Click “OK” with the “Open with” checked in Mozilla; then select library ▫Select library in Internet Explorer ▫May have to have library closed first – Vista

7 Adding references - Manually Within library, hit Control + N Default (Journal Article) ▫To change, Edit, Preferences, Reference Type Enter in author, title, journal, book, pages, etc. ▫Enter in as APA format to make things easier ▫Author – Sample, A B ▫Title - Using Endnote: Tips and tricks Preview below Note automatic formatting (i.e. conference presentations)

8 Adding references - Miscellaneous Custom fields ▫Classes – i.e. PSYC 703; PSYC 740 etc. ▫Research groups ▫Edit, Preferences, Reference types, Modify reference types Abstracts and notes ▫PsycINFO includes abstracts ▫Can also add your own notes

9 Quick reference lists To quickly share list of references or print out a list… ▫Select relevant references through a search or hit Control and click on relevant references ▫Use Control + K to select only text…not reference info ▫Then paste (Control + V)

10 Using Cite While You Write (CWYW) Inserts relevant author and year info ▫Correctly orders citations ▫Keeps track of occurrences of citations (when to use “et al” after first occurrence) ▫Removes reference from list if you remove occurrence Output styles ▫APA 5 th, AoM Review, AoM Journal, JASP, OBHDP, PSPB, and many others

11 Preparing CWYW ▫Endnote X does not work with earlier versions of MS Word (pre 2000) ▫Compatibility issues?  ▫MS Word 2003  May need to manually set-up ▫MS Word 2007  Shows up in “Add-ins” 

12 Before using CWYW Have your references in your library Add references as necessary Do not try to add to references section manually ▫Much easier to let Endnote do for you ▫By default is set to auto-correct

13 CWYW – Formatting bibliography Format bibliography ▫Click on appropriate “Format document” ▫Make sure correct output (usually APA 5 th ) is selected Layout  Change format, title, indentation Instant formatting Libraries used

14 CWYW – Editing Citations Changing author or year info ▫Right click on citation ▫“Edit citation” ▫Click on “Exclude Author” or “Exclude Year” Adding in text ▫Right click on citation ▫“Edit citation” ▫Type in EXACT text, including spaces

15 Other ways to use Endnote Helps to organize your personal library ▫Ask any person who has taken comps! ▫Can differentiate between your personal library (in print vs. electronic) or identify articles specific to your classes Link to PDF files Share files; quick and easy way to get relevant articles on specific topics

16 Good luck using Endnote! Feel free to e-mail with questions ▫

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